This is a takeoff of one of the first recipes I posted when I started this blog back in January of 2013. In fact, I posted Sweet and Sour Chicken Wings on January 11, 2013. And the reason I posted that recipe so early on, was because it has remained to this day, one of my very favorite ways to enjoy chicken.
Now having confessed that this is a favorite chicken recipe, you need to also know that I rarely fix this recipe. Because, well, before you read any further, look at the list of ingredients.
Not that this recipe contains a long list of specialty ingredients or anything like that. Nothing could be further from the fact of the matter. It’s just the few ingredients themselves that cause me not to make this dish more frequently. Because I should not eat butter, soy sauce, and brown sugar in this quantity on a regular basis. And white rice? Definitely a no-no! Anyone with half a brain knows that! However, occasionally I throw caution to the wind. And last night’s dinner was just one such time. And I enjoyed EVERY SINFULL MOUTHFUL. OMG, if someone told me this recipe had been sent to mankind by a loving deity, I would buy right into their theory without even a backward glance.
And since we are the subject of loving deities, the night before last as we were driving home from a delightful evening of music and food at the Hosts and Regulars JazzVox December get-together, Andy put on one of my favorite CDs. (Well actually he used Spotify, but you know what I mean.) It was a CD by the Austin Lounge Lizards. And the song that brought me a bit of relief from my worry about our present world situation, was recorded on their 2006 album “The Drugs I need”. It’s entitled “We’ve Been Through Some Crappy Times Before”.
So, for your reading pleasure, I give you the lyrics that lifted my spirits, eased my worries, and made me laugh out loud. (Along with the other songs on the album of course!)
You say the last election didn’t turn out like you planned.
You’re feeling blue and clueless, you just don’t understand.
You’re sad, sulky, sullen, moping and morose.
You’re woefully weak and weary, semi-comatose.
You stare at your computer screen devoid of any joy and hope.
You’re so depressed, you can’t get dressed, your noose is up a rope.
Just remind yourself, when you can’t stand it any more:
That we’ve been through some crappy times before
We’ve been though some crappy times before.
Slavery, unbridled knavery and the civil war.
Don’t stop caring, stop despairing, get up off the floor.
Because we’ve been through some crappy times before.
Intolerable intolerance has swept across the land.
The gospel thumping homophobes have got the upper hand.
They are peeping though the windows and they are creeping through the door.
But we’ve been through some crappy times before.
We’ve been through some crappy times before.
McCarthyism, Prohibition, and the World Wars.
We’re up a the creek, the boat is leaking, still we will reach the shore.
But we’ve been through some crappy times before.
We hear reassurances that everything is fine.
It’s been a while since we were a canary in this mine.
When you think it’s really bad, it gets a little worse.
But keep on looking forward, though we’re going in reverse.
We shout out that the emperor is not wearing any clothes.
He lies so much that you could hang your laundry from his nose.
The fox is in the hen house and the wolf is at the door.
But we’ve been thought some crappy times before.
We have been thought crappy times before.
Indiscretion, floods, Depression, Vietnam and more.
The sun has set but don’t forget another day is in store.
Because we’ve been thought some crappy times before.
Yes, we’ve been though some crappy times before.
Well, I hope that brought you too a little relief from any worries you might have about the state of the world. (And to think the song was written when politicians were still semi-civil to each other! And we all still believed they were on our side!) We must all remember that the human race has a long history of seemingly unsurvivable situations. And yet, somehow, we have managed to persevere. And one of the best ways I know to stay sane is through laughter.
So, if you too enjoy a bit of humor, may I recommend the Austin Lounge Lizards. They are not only fine musicians but have an irreverent bent that I find not only funny, but very refreshing. Kind of like The Capitol Steps, Victor Borge, Flanders and Swann, and Tom Lehrer. All of whom are greatly adored by Mr. C. and me. But back to the real reason for this post.
If you ever want to serve your family or friends the very definition of a guilty pleasure, serve them this dish or the original – Sweet and Sour Chicken Wings. And to make this dish even more appetizing to every tired cook in America, it’s bloody easy to make! But I promise you that you will never forgive me for introducing you to either of these dishes. Because I am positive you too will become addicted. But I’m strong. I can take the pressure. But if you must, feel free to take me out of your will.
And as always peace and love to all.
½ c. (1 stick) unsalted butter
½ c. soy sauce
1 c. brown sugar
¾ c. orange juice
1 T. dry mustard
1-1½ lb. boneless, skinless chicken thighs or breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces
Melt the butter in a wide frying pan or electric fry pan. Stir in the soy sauce, brown sugar, orange juice, and dry mustard. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and let burble for about 10 minutes.
Add the chicken pieces and simmer uncovered for 30-40 minutes or until the sauce is thick. (Towards the end of the cooking time, it is very easy to burn the chicken. So, keep a close eye on the sauce. You want it thick but not burnt.)
Serve over white rice. (OK, brown rice is fine, but white rice is better.) Sunomono (an easy Japanese cucumber salad) (recipe on site) is a wonderful accompaniment.