Oh, how I wish I could take credit for this recipe, but my parents taught me not to tell lies. And believe it or not, I actually paid attention to some of their dictums. Mind you, not all their wise “suggestions” stuck. But telling untruths, unless they are little white lies meant to spare someone a hurtful truth, are something I have tried very hard to keep in my “how to be a good person” bucket. So, in full disclosure, I found this recipe on whatsgabycooking.com. And this vinaigrette is FREAKING AMAZING. Absolutely the best basil vinaigrette I have ever tasted. Perhaps even the best salad dressing of any kind I have ever tasted! (It really is that good!)
It all started because I was making Peposo (an Italian braised beef and black pepper dish) for dinner. (Very rich.) (Recipe to be posted later.) So, I needed a simple salad to go with my entrée. And I had a bunch of fresh basil that needed to be used. Well, as they say – the rest is history! I went online. Gaby’s recipe looked perfect. I actually almost followed the recipe to the letter. (I used less crushed red pepper flakes than Gaby suggested.) And now I am sharing this marvelous recipe with you. And believe me when I say – THIS IS YOUR LICKY DAY! And Gaby, thank you so much for sharing your culinary talent with all of us. We are all in your debt.
Well, that’s it for today. I’ve been busy. Making traveling plans. Attending musical events. Seeing friends. Reading good books. All the fun things that make my life so wonderful. May you too have joy in your life. We only go around once, so make every single solitary day count.
And as always, peace and love to all.
2 T. roughly chopped shallot
2 c. tightly packed fresh basil leaves, stems removed
2 lg. garlic cloves, roughly chopped
pinch crushed red pepper flakes, opt.
½ c. extra virgin olive oil
2 T. red wine vinegar
1 tsp. kosher salt, or more to taste
freshly ground black pepper
Combine all the ingredients in a small food processor or blender. Whirl for at least 1 minute or until very smooth. Taste and add salt as needed.
Serve over any of your favorite greens. Or my favorite (so far) – chopped romaine and sliced tomatoes.
And try not to eat all the dressing while you are taste testing it. Good luck with that!