And yes, I know, you love to see all my beautiful pictures of dishes I’ve created right here in my very own kitchen. But even for me, with all my sterling photographic abilities, it’s damned hard to photograph a clear dressing on lettuce leaves. So, I didn’t even bother to try. (That’s a joke folks, because we all know that I am the leading contender for the “worst food photographer in America”. For the 7th year in a row, I might add!) But seriously, if by this time in your life you don’t know what Italian dressing looks like, you need more help then I could provide anyway. The type of professional culinary help you might require is way beyond my pay grade! So, just get over wanting to see a picture of this fantastic and easy to prepare dressing. Just make some for yourself and be done with it!

And no, I’m not feeling feisty today. The reality is that I am in a joyous mood. It’s sunny and beautiful here in the Pacific NW. And I’m sitting at my desk looking out on snow covered peaks in the Cascade Mountains, and a very calm and reflective Port Susan Bay. Our trees and shrubs are budding out, and the sky is a gorgeous blue with only wispy clouds here and there over the mountains to relieve the monotony of too clear a horizon.

So, I’m not going to take up any more of your precious time. I’m just going to recommend you give this salad dressing a try. It truly is one of the best dressings I have ever tasted. And so blinkin’ easy to build. So, a big thank-you to Christina from site for this marvelous recipe.

As always, treasure each day, laugh at your own mistakes, forgive yourself as easily as you forgive others, and don’t let anyone or anything detract you from being the best possible person you can be. Our country is still experiencing internal strife. I personally don’t understand how some people seem to want to embrace hate rather than love. But then, I haven’t walked in their shoes either. And I have to remember that I am lucky. That I had parents and dear friends who helped me assemble the tools I would need to maneuver through all that life has to offer. Good and bad. May you too keep your “tool belt” at the ready. And use those tools to not only help yourself, but everyone near and dear.

Peace and love to all.   

¾ c. extra virgin olive oil

¼ c. red wine vinegar

1 tsp. granulated garlic  

1 tsp. dried oregano, crushed

1 tsp. dried basil

½ tsp. granulated onion  

1/8 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes

¾ tsp. kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

1 tsp. fresh lemon juice

Add all the ingredients to a jar, place the lid on the jar, and shake it all about!

Just before adding the dressing to the other salad ingredients, give the dressing a good shake to eliminate separation.

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