OK, I know I should not be eating cookies, but I always build a batch (or two) before we leave on a trailer trip. And of course, this time was no exception. There was a difference, however. We didn’t go on our planned outing. Not because of health concerns, thank goodness, but because our destination was in Eastern Washington and the predicted weather while we would be camping in the desert was somewhere around 112-degrees. Yikes! That is just too hot to be sitting in our travel trailer waiting for the air conditioning or the motor on our refrigerator to experience a full-on meltdown. Not to mention that if that happened, I’d be right there with our appliances having my own tearful meltdown! (I do not do well in hot weather.) And hiking or even taking a nice leisurely walk would have been completely out of the question. Not to mention the conniption fit my dermatologist would have thrown had he found out that I had spent 12 hours a day in a lake, even with 50 SPF sunscreen slathered all over my body! (I simply can’t be in the sun more than 2 minutes anymore. I have become a sensitive flower in my golden years. Not by choice, believe me. But by necessity. Grrrr) Anyway, we cancelled our trip. Which of course left us with an abundance of these amazing cookies calling my name every time I got within 10 feet of our home cookie jar.
But I must say, if I have to be corrupted by cookies, I’d like it to be by the likes of these cookies. Because they are wonderful. Full of peanut butter and Peanut M&Ms. And who can resist Peanut M&Ms? Not me, that’s for darn sure!
So, next time you want to treat your friends or family to homemade cookies, I would advise giving this recipe a try. You will not be unhappy with the results. And to their credit, these delicious cookies contain a bit of rolled oat action. Even though you would be hard pressed to find anyone who could discern the presence of anything as healthy as rolled oats in the mix. But no one could possibly miss the abundance of Peanut M&Ms. They are forefront for all to appreciate.
As always, tackle your culinary endeavors with zest and zeal. Appreciate the fact that you not only have a kitchen, but the knowledge and skill to provide delicious and nutritious food for not only yourself, but also for your family and friends. Cooking takes time and effort, but the rewards far outweigh any alternative such as most prepared food found at your local grocery store or frequent visits to local restaurants. At least for me, going out to eat is great about once a week. More than that, and I find myself thinking about the quality of the food I can produce at home, compared to what we can find in most of our local dining establishments. And even as I am eating out, I often torture myself by wondering why I didn’t just stay home and cook dinner in the first place. (And yes, I am an enigma.) But then I must acknowledge that I probably like to cook more than a lot of folks. So, I’ll get off my high horse now and just stick to once again telling you how great these cookies are and how much you would enjoy biting into one. (Or two, if you’re like me.)
Peace and love to all.
½ c. rolled or quick oats (see note below)
½ c. (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
½ c. brown sugar, packed
¼ c. granulated sugar
¾ c. creamy peanut butter (not natural)
1 lg. egg
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1¼ c. unbleached all-purpose flour
½ tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. kosher salt
2 c. Peanut M&Ms (I use the 10.57 oz. Fun Size for this recipe)
In the bowl of your stand mixer, cream the butter, brown sugar, and granulated sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the peanut butter and mix until well combined. Add the egg and vanilla and mix until well combined.
In a separate bowl, whisk the flour, baking soda, salt, and oats together. Add to the wet mixture just until incorporated. Do not overmix. Gently mix in most of the Peanut M&Ms.
Form the dough into about 2-inch diameter balls. (I use my #30 teal blue-handled ice cream scoop to form the balls.) Place on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet and gently press the balls down slightly. (They won’t spread very much while baking, so they can be placed fairly close together. About 1½ inches apart works fine.) If there are any of the cookies that appear to need an additional Peanut M&M or two, gently poke the remaining M&Ms into the dough balls. (We want all our cookies to look pretty, now don’t we!) Place the cookie sheet in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes before baking in a pre-heated 350-degree oven for 13-16 minutes. (Cookies will be a bit soft and look undone. But don’t fret. They will firm up nicely as they cool.)
Remove from oven and allow to cool a couple minutes on the cookie sheet before transferring to a wire cooling rack to cool completely. Store in an airtight container at room temperature. Makes about 35 cookies.
Note: If using regular rolled oats, place in a food processor. Pulse a few times to break the oats down a bit. Set aside. Or use quick oats. (Quick oats don’t have to be messed with at all.)