In my never-ending quest to make my life less complicated, I have had to make many concessions over the years. One such concession is to not fight battles over which I have absolutely no control. For example – turning Mr. C. into a potato lover. And God knows I’ve tried my darndest to win him over. Because I happen to love potatoes and could happily eat them a couple times a week. And yes, I know. Potatoes are a starchy carbohydrate with little protein to call their own. And according to Harvard, the carbs in potatoes are the kind that the body digests rapidly and have a high glycemic load (or glycemic index). That is, they cause blood sugar and insulin to surge and then dip. But in their defense, they are fat free. And they contain fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese.
So, what have I learned regarding serving potatoes over the course of 3 decades with Mr. C? Well, I’ve learned to curb my desire for potatoes to about twice a month. And even then, when I serve them, they must be buried in flavor, or gravy, or sour cream, bacon, cheddar cheese, and freshly chopped chives. And before you ask, French fries don’t count. French fries are simply a subset that happen to have hardly any relationship to the actual vegetable itself. They are merely a way of getting ranch dressing into your mouth when eating fried fish or hamburgers.
So, what’s a potato lovin’ gal like me to do? Well, this recipe for a baked and low-fat version of a French fry, is an easy way to ensure that we are both going to enjoy our dinner. Because these babies are loaded with flavor. And very easy to prepare. No hacking or slashing. Just some dried herbs and veggies, a bit of olive oil, a few minutes in a hot oven, and dinner is served.
As always, think of new and exciting ways to get your family to eat their veggies. And yes, even with all the bad press, botanically speaking, potatoes are still a vegetable. And as much as I kid about Mr. C., he is a still the most wonderful sport when it comes to trying out all the different dishes I come up with. He never complains, in fact, he generally applauds my efforts. Even when a dish falls into the “ghastly” category, he never throws it in the garbage and calls for pizza delivery. Even though he has Pappa Murphy’s number on speed dial. And who could ask for more loyalty and love than that? So, on that happy note, give these easy and delicious “fries” a try. Your family will be glad you did. Your cardiologist too.
Peace and love to all.
1 tsp. dried parsley
½ tsp. kosher salt
½ tsp. granulated onion
½ tsp. granulated garlic
¼ tsp. dried oregano
¼ tsp. dried thyme
¼ tsp. dried basil
¼ tsp. paprika
freshly ground black pepper
2-3 peeled or unpeeled Yukon Gold potatoes cut lengthwise into ½ inch-thick sticks.
1 T. extra virgin olive oil
Pre-heat the oven to 450-degrees.
Grind the dried parsley, salt, granulated onion, granulated garlic, oregano, thyme, basil, paprika, and black pepper together. (I use my small mortar and pestle.)
Spray rimmed baking sheet with nonstick spray.
Rinse the cut potatoes under cold water, then thoroughly dry them with a tea towel or paper towels.
Toss potatoes with olive oil and spice mix. Transfer to prepared sheet, spreading in a single layer. Place in top third of oven.
Bake in pre-heated oven turning after 20 minutes. Continue to bake for an additional 20-minutes, or until the potatoes are tender on the inside and brown on the outside.
Remove from oven and serve immediately. (No ranch dressing required.)