OK, so the sourdough breadsticks I made a couple of days ago were alright, but they simply were not up to my demanding standards. So I’ve developed another recipe and plan to give it a try in a few days. But the olive oil dipping sauce I made to go with the breadsticks was outrageously delicious! In fact, it was so good, that when I tasted it (for quality control purposes only, I assure you), I had to speak sternly to myself not to polish off the whole bowl before I could serve it to our guests. (Socially distancing, of course!)  

Now you should know, that really good bread dipped in an olive oil based dipping sauce is absolutely revered in our household. We love Italy for many reasons. And among those reasons, their crusty and chewy bread and olive oil dipping sauces are right up there at the top of the list. But I have to say, this dipping sauce beats most of the sauces we knocked down in Italy, hands down! I know – that’s saying a lot! But I’m going to stand fast on this statement! Because, and I know this is going to sound terribly conceited, this dipping sauce is one of the best I have ever tasted. And baby, I have tasted some winners over the years.

In my humble opinion, this sauce takes the blue ribbon, the cake (in a good way), and if there were a Nobel Prize for culinary excellence, I truly believe this olive oil masterpiece would win at least an honorable mention. So yes, I really like this dipping sauce and expect you will too!

Now I know perfecting an olive oil dipping sauce is nothing compared to finding a cure for cancer, solving racial inequities seemingly endemic to every culture, helping radical American gun lovers understand that the writers of the second amendment surely would not have endorsed the use of assault weapons had they been in existence at the time the amendment was set into law, or being able to effectively explain the first sentence of the 14th amendment (all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the state wherein they reside) to certain politicians currently residing in Washington DC. But it’s a good start towards culinary enlightenment. (And yes, I am VERY TIRED OF AND TOTALLY DISCUSTED WITH much of what is happening in our country today. In my opinion, IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE!)  

Now if you simply can’t wait for me to publish a recipe for sourdough breadsticks, you can always bake up a batch of my Soft and Chewy Breadsticks. Not made with sourdough starter, but absolutely delicious. And dunked in this dipping sauce – heaven!

As always, stay informed, stay connected, and stay the hell away from people who refuse to wear masks in public! Namaste

½ c. extra virgin olive oil

1 garlic clove, finely minced

2-3 tsp. drained capers, mushed*

1 T. finely grated Parmesan cheese

pinch crushed red pepper flakes

½ tsp. Italian seasoning

¼ tsp. dried oregano, crushed

¼ tsp. kosher salt, or more to taste

freshly ground black pepper

pinch granulated onion

pinch dehydrated parsley

Whisk or shake all together. Store in the refrigerator. Serve at room temperature with crusty Italian bread or breadsticks. Also, terrific drizzled over Caprese Salad (fresh mozzarrela cheese, fresh basil leaves, and thick sliced tomatoes).

*reduced to a soft, wet, pulpy mass.


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