Welcome to Chez Carr Cuisine – a site dedicated to great recipes, entertaining tips, and educational tutorials such as “Soup Making 101”. And travel reports, and periodically, book reviews. Also unpaid, personal, and very biased thoughts on all kinds of subjects! (See more on this below.)
I feel it is only fair to begin my relationship with you by being perfectly honest. I am not a trained chef, nutritionist, or mixologist. I am, however, a darned good home cook. And from years of writing recipes, I understand how to present a preparation guideline that is easy to follow and logical. I usually add a recipe every couple of days unless I am on holiday. So, if you don’t find any new posts for a week or four several times a year, you can assume correctly that I am somewhere overseas enjoying the local cuisine. Or camping in our trailer along the Oregon coast, or visiting friends and family from here to Colorado, or… Just don’t give up on me if I disappear a few times a year. I will always return and often with wonderful new recipes to share with you.
In addition to cooking, I love to entertain. So, along with recipes that I promise are tried and true (they have all passed the rigid standards of my husband Mr. C.), I will pass along entertaining ideas which hopefully you will find fun and informative.
Before I go any further, I should share some personal information about myself. I am 80 years old, married to a wonderful man, have 4 grown children (amazing), love to cook (duh), am dedicated to jazz (we have hosted 109 JazzVox* concerts in our home since 2008), am an avid reader, delight in my yard, love to travel, and try to attend cultural events as frequently as possible. Oh, and I love to write! I also used to love creating mosaic art until my hands were no longer up to the task. (Grrrr) But I’m still having fun, and that’s all that counts! And since you were wondering, 80 is a nice age to be. People cut you slack for forgetting names and words at the end of a, of a, oh now I remember – sentence! And younger people open doors for you. (For which I always, personally thank them profusely.) And I’ve lived most of my life with civility. Through most of my life, people were kind, more thoughtful, and there definitely wasn’t so much greed on open display. So, do I hate being old. Hell no! I’m glad I’m old!
Pictures of some of my work below.
My husband and I, along with our very spoiled cats – Max and Miles, live in the glorious Northwestern part of the beautiful state of Washington, on an island in the Salish Sea. (Camano Island) I totally love my life and consider my kitchen to be the center of the universe.
People often refer to me as a chef. As stated above, I am not a chef. Chefs wear fancy hats, have attended cooking school and have worked under other well-trained masters of the culinary arts. The only thing I have ever worked under is pressure! Granted, most of the pressure has been self-inflicted since I possess this annoying tendency to be a perfectionist. (Actually, if truth be known, I suffer from a flaming case of Martha S. syndrome. Why make only 3 types of cookies and candy at Christmas, when 10 would be so much more festive?)
Another thing you should know about me and Chez Carr Cuisine. Not all of the recipes I post are my original inspiration. (You’re shocked, right?) I actually take no greater pleasure than featuring other people’s fabulous recipes. My ultimate goal is to share the wonderful world of fine cuisine with as many people as possible. Life is simply too short to eat mediocre food. It is also entirely too short to wade through endless commercials upon entering a site. So, my site is an “advertisement free zone”. No having to wade through plugs for antacid pills, questionnaires, or reminders of what you were recently researching on the internet. (I actually find that rather creepy!) And you will only find one or possibly 2 pictures attached to a recipe. I don’t know about you but having to look at 13 pictures of the same thing in a post drives me bonkers. I simply refuse to do that to you!
So, instead, I intend to keep my site easy to maneuver, charming in its simplicity (ah shucks), good for a laugh now and then, a resource for wonderful recipes (both nouveau and bygone) and advertisement free.
As stated above, I often make comments about subjects that are near and dear to me. And although my readers might not find a cooking blog the proper place to read my very opinionated thoughts on a given subject that has no relation to food, never-the-less I am going to continue writing about how I feel. Because this is more than just a food blog. It’s almost a diary of my life. And I want to count my readers as friends. And as such, you might as well know the good, the bad, and the sometimes ugly about me. So, in full disclosure, the main thing you should know about me, is that I have strong feelings about what I deem unjust or unfair. And for me anyone who feels superior to another individual for any reason and acts on those feelings, is going to incur my wrath. Or anyone or any group that shows no regard for the future of our planet or for anyone other than themselves and their cronies is absolutely going to draw my ire. Even though my indignation will only be manifested through my use of words on this blog, I simply cannot let my feeling go unsaid.
I sincerely hope you enjoy or continue to enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it.
Peace and Love to all and Bon Appétit!

*JazzVox – Just what it sounds like – fantastic jazz vocalists and accompaniment within the intimate and comfortable environment of someone’s home. Plus, great food! Google jazzvox.com for more information.
Patti! LOVE your website and I’ve happily subscribed. You are so talented from one good cook to another, I will be using this as a trusted resource! Alicia in Bellingham
Your blog is brilliant, Patti, and I plan to visit often —
it’s making me hungry just browsing.
Keep up the great work, which is an inspiration.
Well-done, indeed.
Yes, I’ve been spoiled for life. I’m a certified cookie snob, because of that jar & the lady who kept it full.
Cant even pretend to like a bad cookie. They’re not worth the trouble of lifting the lid;)
Hi Carole,
Sorry I didn’t get back to you in a timely manner, but I get soooooo many “spam” comments I rarely even bother to look at any comments. So in reply, I have yet to make the pasta myself but the following is the recipe Paul and Angela used that evening.
1 c. crushed tomatoes in thick tomato puree
1/2 c. freshly grated Pecorino Romano (1 1/2 ounces)
1/2 c. shredded imported Italian fontina (1 1/2 ounces)
1/4 c. crumbled Italian Gorgonzola (1 1/2 ounces)
2 T. ricotta cheese
1/4 lb. fresh mozzarella, sliced
6 fresh basil leaves, chopped
2 c. heavy cream
1 lb. imported penne rigate pasta, cooked al dente
4 T. (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
Combine the tomatoes, cheeses, basil, and heavy cream in a large mixing bowl. Add the cooked pasta and spoon into a buttered casserole pan. Dot with butter and bake in a pre-heated 500 degree oven for about 15 minutes or until bubbly and brown on top. Allow to sit for about 5 minutes before serving.
And again, sorry for the delay. I promise to get better at reading comments
Hi Patti- I REALLY enjoyed meeting you at the fabulous house concert where the talented and lovely Karrin Allyson played (the Frankels lovely home!) If you remember talking to a curly haired fan, that was me : > I keep thinking about the delicious roast pork, and savory mushrooms and yummy pasta, meatballs and salad and dreamy creamy cake and more! Everything was memorably delish!!! You were so welcoming and gregarious and I loved your food!!
I’m wondering if you have that penne recipe you served posted on your site? I’d like to make that one! Thanks again! You’re a gem!!
Carole from the “Offbeats” Vocal Jazz Ensemble
I was so excited to hear that you have a “blog”! Just scrolled through and can’t wait to try some recipes. Who knows, maybe I will get over my fear of entertaining and plan a dinner party;) Congratulations! Love you, miss you!!
Hi Patti:
It was good to see you at the Rawson’s last week. I just finished reading through your Blog and love it. Congratulations! It is beautifully written, fun and the recipes are wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing the info.
Beautiful! I think you’ve captured the spirit of what we experienced when we visited one of your music gatherings, Patti – the food was exquisite and, yes, perhaps just a little Martha-ish :). Very excited to see where you go with this – best of luck!!
Great start, can’t wait to try new things. Your cooking is such an inspiration. The wonderful parties and the great food and wine and such musical talent. Chez Carr is a magical place. We just love you 2.
I am thrilled beyond words that you’ve started this site (and so is my appreciative tummy!) I’ve got you bookmarked in my favorites and am looking forward to the culinary and other linguistic genius that is sure to flow forth in the coming months. Congrats!
Yumm!!! Don’t know which one to start with first. Love finding new foodies. Thanks for sharing.
I love to cook but I am mostly interested in your mosaic. I started doing mosaic last year and I’m loving.
Patti, kindred spirit, fellow Cancerian and extraordinary creator of amazing dishes, I could not be happier for you and I will share this blog with everyone I know, and even some people I barely know. Who doesn’t like food & a good sense of humor, anyway??? I still feel honored to be among the first of the Jazz Vox-ettes at your exquisite home, and every bite I’ve ever tasted from your hands has been delectable!
I hope to see you soon, perhaps this spring, when I will be passing through on my way to Canada 😉
My very best to your newest adventure– xoxox Amandah
SO HAPPY for you, Patti to have this as a way to express your joy for the many things you kick booty at doing… and for the many people who will reap the benefits of your wisdom and taste. Love you! XOXO
Patty –
I love your blog! Out has all the charm off your lovely cookbook, and is as easy to share with friends as a click.! Good luck in your new venture.
Patti, my very first experience in Washington was crashing the party at your house and enjoying the excellent food and good company. I use your cookbooks frequently and can’t wait to try new recipes and follow your blog. Can’t wait to come crash another party!
this looks like fun. you are now in my FAVORITES…..
I am SO following your blog! Your cooking has been an inspiration and your recipes such that even I can follow them …and reliably reproduce the delicious results. My family and I thank you.
Love your recipes!! Thank you for sharing. Congratulations on your website!!!
Congratulations Patti! You have done a fine job and I will enjoy reading your blog regularly. Your personality comes through beautifully. Yummy recipes!
I love your food!! Enough said!!