Now, I know what you all are thinking. Everyone knows that rosemary and garlic are very complimentary to the flavor of lamb. Yah, yah, yah – I get that. But, having known about this myself for years, and having prepared many a marinade for lamb using these lovely ingredients, I had never before, until the other evening, made a marinade as easy to prepare or that had afforded such delicious results.
The chops had just the right amount of background rosemary and garlic essence, which in no way masked the beautiful flavor of the meat itself. And I found that just two hours of “marinating” the chops at room temperature was the perfect amount of time.
I guess I should mention that technically the lamb is really slathered rather than marinated. But Grilled Rosemary and Garlic “Slathered” Lamb Chops as a name for this dish didn’t really sound very appetizing. So, I acquiesced to a more normal name, but only for marketing purposes. (Like I have any sponsors to answer to or even if I did, would give a flying fig what I called a dish!) Anyway, “marinated” it became and “marinated” it will remain.
And really, the only things you need to know about this recipe, regardless of what it is called, is that the results are delicious. And like I already stated, the marinade is terribly easy to prepare, and the chops, when not over cooked, are delicious.
Now for those of you who like your meat well done, please find another recipe. I say that with only your time and money as the upper most consideration. Because, if you like well-done meat, why bother buying lamb chops in the first place. They’re expensive and if you’re going to murder the meat anyway – go buy a cheap cut of beef, cook it until it resembles the hide of the animal it came from, and drown it in A-1 sauce. Dinners on the table!
OK, I got a little carried away there, but seriously, any cut of lamb is best when on the rare side of medium-rare. And you truly are wasting your money if you cook lamb, or any other really expensive cut of meat, to death. You are much better off making a lovely pot roast with a chuck roast, for example. Money saved and the outcome for a delicious meal, much higher.
So, as always, have fun in your kitchen. Prepare meals that not only you will enjoy, but everyone at table will find pleasing. And remember, food doesn’t have to be fancy to be delicious. Some of my favorites, like meatloaf, chili, beef stew, and spaghetti and meat balls are hardly what I would consider “fancy foods”. But there is nothing I like better. And if you feel like chili in August, build a batch. There is no Emily Post to tell you that chili should only be served in the winter. There are, of course, seasonal ingredients. But to my thinking, there is no such thing as a seasonal food. Whatever sounds good to you, you are much more likely to build. And your family and friends will always come along for the ride. So, chili in summer and chop salad in winter – make it happen!
Peace and love to all.
2 cloves garlic, minced
1½ tsp. finely chopped fresh rosemary
½ tsp. kosher salt
freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp. lemon zest
2 T. extra virgin olive oil
4 lamb chops, thick cut
Combine the garlic, rosemary, salt, pepper, lemon zest, and olive oil in a medium sized covered container. Add the lamb chops and turn them in the marinade so that all of the surface of the meat has been introduced to the marinade. Cover and place on your counter for a couple of hours, or if marinating longer, say overnight, place in the fridge. Bring to room temperature before grilling.
Grill the lamb chops on medium heat for 6-9 minutes, or until the internal temperature reads no more than 125-degrees. (For medium rare.)
Remove from grill, tent with aluminum foil, and let rest for 5 minutes before serving.