OK, you all, just because Christmas 2024 is in our rear-view mirror doesn’t mean Old Man Winter isn’t up to his usual shenanigans. For the last few days, it has been just beautiful here on the western side of the Cascade Mountains. Cold, but clear skies and amazing vistas. But if the weather service is to be believed, we are in for a bit of snow this weekend. And for us, with our steep driveway, it means either risking life and limbs attempting to leave home, or staying home by our fake but warming fireplace, reading books until our eyes start to cross, while sipping a little something warm to cheer us up.

And even though most of you were not even a gleam in your father’s eyes in the years following World War II, and therefore not old enough to remember “Russian Tea”, it was very popular. The basic formula for instant hot black tea with citrus flavorings became a showcase for the convenience foods of the Space Age: Tang, powdered lemonade, and instant tea. 

So, for whatever reason, I decided to find a recipe and make some to gift unsuspecting friends as part of their Christmas package. And of course, saving some of the mix for us to enjoy also. Well, I don’t like hot tea. Never have. But this mixture of tea, citrus flavoring, and warm spices I love. A cup of this just plain warms the cockles of my heart. It simply makes me happy and filled with contentment.

Of course I can’t drink this lovely concoction every day. And neither should you. Too much sugar, caffeine, and unpronounceable ingredients. But as a treat while you watch snowflakes accumulate and inhibit your ability to leave the confines of your home, it can make a homestay acceptable. And what more could you ask of a non-alcoholic beverage?

So, if you want to try a retro hot drink, give this recipe a try. And while you’re at it, have a cookie too. Between all that sugar, you will probably get everything on your to-do list done, and in record time!

Peace and love to all.         

1 container Tang (26.2 oz.)

1 c. unsweetened instant tea  

1¾ c. instant lemonade (such as Country Time)

2 tsp. ground cinnamon

2 tsp. ground clove

Mix all the ingredients in an airtight container.

To make the hot tea, fill a mug with hot water (about 195-degrees) and stir in 2-3 teaspoons of the tea mix. Sip carefully. It’s a hot liquid after all.  

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