When we were in Central Europe recently, we were offered muesli almost every morning as one of the many offerings provided with our breakfast buffet. Not granola, it was definitely muesli. And always with our choice of yogurt. Which of course reminded me that my family has been calling muesli and granola “Breakfast in Siberia” since 1978. (My former husband and I took our three youngest kids to Europe for 5 weeks. And while we were staying with relatives in Sweden, the combination of muesli topped with yogurt was always lovingly referred to by that particular moniker.)
Now you may wonder what the difference is between granola and muesli. The main difference is that while both are made of various combinations of grains, nuts, seeds, and dried fruits, muesli is usually unbaked. While granola is baked and is sweeter and contains more oil which binds the ingredients together into crunchy clumps.
Now you know me. I almost always have to break the rules somewhere along the line when it comes to food. And of course, this recipe is no exception. But in my defense, it simply made sense to bake some of the ingredients for the sake of texture and flavor. So this muesli spends a bit of quality time in the oven. But there are no clumps, so there is still that distinction.
And yes I have recipes on this site for granola too. I love my granola recipes and still make each one of them to this day. But I so enjoy variety. And if breakfast isn’t the meal where a bit of variety is really appreciated, I don’t know a marshmallow from a boiled potato!
So make this recipe next time you want a healthy diversion from Cocoa Puffs. Or you are tired of paying an inordinate amount of money at the grocery store for a package of muesli that is 95% oats and 5% nuts, fruit, or seeds. I promise you that with your first bite you will know what you have been missing by not making your own breakfast cereal. Happy breakfast to you all!
scant 1 tsp. kosher salt
¾ tsp. cinnamon
2 T. vegetable oil
3 T. real maple syrup
2 tsp. vanilla extract
5 c. old-fashioned oats
1½ c. mixed nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts)
1½ c. coconut
½ c. chia seeds
1½ c. mixed dry fruit
In a large mixing bowl whisk together the salt, cinnamon, veggie oil, maple syrup, and vanilla. Stir in the oats, nuts, and coconut. Mix well.
Pour the mixture onto a rimmed baking sheet. Bake in a pre-heated 350 degree oven until the oats and coconut flakes are lightly golden and fragrant, about 15 minutes. Stir half way through the baking time. Don’t wash the bowl. Add the chia seeds and nuts to it.
When the oat mixture is just out of the oven, pour it over the chia seeds and fruit. Mix well. Allow to cool completely before storing in an airtight container. Serve with milk or yogurt.