So, while in Brookings, Oregon for my son Sven’s wedding, a few of us had dinner the first night at the Black Trumpet Bistro. Daughter Paula ordered the Cobb salad. And after the first bite, she proclaimed the dressing to be the best balsamic dressing she had ever tasted. She offered me a bite, which of course I gladly accepted. And by golly, she was right. The dressing was amazing. So, the next thing out of her mouth was, “mom, would you please work up a recipe for this dressing”? Well, she’s my daughter, so, how could I refuse! (Plus, of course, I wanted more of that dressing in my life too!) So, what I came up with was my spin on Katy’s recipe from her aforkstale.com. site. Basically, the same ingredients but the proportions a bit different. Plus, I used granulated garlic rather than a clove of garlic because I wanted a softer garlic presence. And kosher salt rather than just “salt”. And extra virgin olive oil, because, well, I always use extra virgin olive oil! I don’t even bother with any other kind. But back to this dressing.
All you really need to know is that 1) The dressing is Paula approved. 2) The dressing is Mr. C. approved. 3) The dressing obviously has my seal of approval, or it wouldn’t be on this site to begin with! 4) The dressing is terribly easy to prepare. 5) The dressing will last several days in your refrigerator. 6) If you can name a better tasting purchased balsamic dressing that doesn’t contain any preservatives, too much salt, or unpronounceable ingredients, I will send you a crisp dollar bill! The ball’s in your court!
As always, keep building your own salad dressings. And I know, it’s just so darned easy to buy salad dressing. But think of the money you’ll save by concocting your own. And how much more room you’ll have in your refrigerator by not filling the shelves with 8 to 10 almost empty bottles of dressing that are never going to get eaten. (I’ve tried not to look when I’m in other people’s kitchens and they open their fridge door. But I’m human, and invariably what catches my eye are the salad dressing bottles with a half-inch of dressing glued to the bottom.) (BTW, I’m not proud of this particular brand of voyeurism, but never-the-less I am cursed with this affliction, and I don’t count on any miraculous recovery happening anytime in the near future!) Of course, I welcome any prayers for my rehabilitation. But frankly, I don’t think your lovely thoughts would make a flying fig bit of difference. I’m pretty set in my ways by now. But if you still feel compelled to offer up prayers, I think the poor Afghanistan citizens and Americans trying to leave Afghanistan could use your help.
Peace and love to all.
6 T. extra virgin olive oil
2 T. balsamic glaze or vinegar (I use Ponti Glassa Gastronomica)
2 T. mayonnaise
1 T. honey
1½ tsp. Dijon mustard
¼ tsp. kosher salt, or more to taste
freshly ground black pepper
¼ tsp. granulated garlic
In a covered jar, shake all the ingredients together. Store in refrigerator. Shake well before serving.
Perfect tossed with a combination of greens such as romaine, arugula, and baby spinach. For garnishes, any one or combination of the following would be delicious: crumbled bacon, Honey Roasted Walnuts (see recipe below), crumbled bleu or feta cheese, thin slices of apple or pear, dried cranberries, roasted beets, thin slices of red onion. (To name a few. )
Honey Roasted Walnuts
4 c. walnut halves
2 T. granulated sugar
1½ tsp. kosher salt
1½ tsp. brown sugar, packed
1½ tsp. water
1 T. honey
1 T. canola oil
Preheat the oven to 375-degrees. Spread the walnuts out on a rimmed baking pan. Toast in the oven for about 8 minutes or until they begin to smell toasted.
Meanwhile, stir the sugar and salt together in a large bowl; set aside.
When the nuts are toasted, remove them from the oven and make the glaze.
In a large frying pan over high heat, combine the brown sugar, water, honey, and oil. Stir until the mixture is boiling. Reduce heat and immediately stir in the warm, toasted nuts and cook, stirring just until the glaze is stuck to the nuts and the pan is almost dry, about 2 minutes.
Remove from heat and toss the hot, glazed nuts in the sugar and salt mixture. Gently stir the nuts until every single one is evenly coated. Return them to the baking sheet and spread them out in a single layer. Pop them back in the oven for one minute to set the glaze and the sugar coating.
Remove from oven and allow the nuts to cool completely on the pan before you move them around. (Tossing or packaging them before they are completely cool could cause the coating to come off.) When the nuts are completely cooled, store in an airtight container.