Do not be tempted to halve this recipe. Trust me on this. This red chili sauce from the site is better than anything you can get in a Mexican restaurant. And it’s easy to prepare. I’m serious! Between this sauce and my red sauce for cheese enchiladas (find the recipe under Cheese Enchiladas with Red Chili Sauce) you are in for two very easy ways to prepare gourmet Mexican food at home. But do not be deceived. Wonderful Mexican food takes time to prepare.

It’s not like flinging a beautifully marbled steak on your grill. (No offence to beautifully marbled steaks everywhere.) Because there is serious time involved in getting a restaurant quality Mexican meal on the table. Is it worth the effort? You bet your sweet bippy! Anytime you make any kind of dish from scratch using mostly fresh or what I call “scratch cooking staples” like flour, you are eliminating a great many chemicals used in keeping prepackaged, processed foods fresh. Now, to be clear, I am not advocating that you begin making your own Worcestershire sauce, Dijon mustard, or the like. I’m just saying that the more you eliminate processed foods from your diet, the better-off you are nutritionally.

And of course, I’m not telling you I make everything from scratch. I use meat and veggie bases (like Better Than Bouillon) regularly. And big surprise! I don’t make homemade mayonnaise or ketchup. And there is always a can of cream of mushroom soup and a box of “Jiffy” corn muffin mix in my pantry for those times when even making a simple sauce or building cornbread from scratch requires more strength than I have at the time. We all have those moments. We are after all – human.

But I will always push for as many ways to stay away from packaged or processed foods as possible. And this recipe for red chili sauce is a perfect example.

Well, that’s it for now. But before I leave you to run for your kitchen to make this sauce, I need to tell you about the book I just finished. The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese. Wow! As I stated in one of my previous posts, Verghese had me after only 4 pages. But I was unprepared for this story of love, death, leprosy, and the historic reality that took place over three-quarters of a century (1900 to 1977) on India’s Malabar Coast. Because I absolutely fell in love with some of the characters, and was therefore devastated by how hard their lives were. And when each of these beloved characters died, it felt like I had lost a dear friend. That, my friends, is what happens when a book is written by a truly great author. And to my mind, Verghese fits that category perfectly.  

And even if parts of this book were very hard for me to read, I recommend you read it. I learned more about India and how true compassion can manifest itself from this book, than any other book I have ever read. And don’t we all need a lesson on compassion as we read about what is currently happening to our country.

If what I read and learn daily about how our democracy is being deliberately destroyed was simply a work of fiction, I would think this could never happen. But it is happening. All I can hope and pray, is that regardless of political preference, our elected representatives in congress get their collective act together to save our country from just a few rich men who want democracy destroyed. Think I’m exaggerating, do your homework. And I don’t mean simply listening to Fox News!

I mean reading what experts are predicting. Scientists, doctors, experienced politicians, historians, etc. Our constitution is under attack. And if you think it won’t affect you personally, you are sorely mistaken. For example: Your foreign built clothes washer dies. It requires a new part. Good luck. The United States is not importing from this country any longer or if they are still supplying parts, there is a huge tariff associated with the part you need. Who do you think will be charged with the difference? That $100 part that is needed to make your washer work again is now in the $750 range. You want a new Subaru this summer? Would you like to make a bet that you will be able to drive that car off the lot for about the same price as last summer? Think again.

So, what can we all do? We can write, text, email, etc. our elected officials demanding that first and foremost they protect and preserve democracy. They all, republican or democrat took the same oath of office. And in case you don’t remember what they swore to uphold, let me refresh your memory.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

This means, not just some of the time or when it might not serve them well personally. It means EVERY DECISION THEY MAKE SHOULD HAVE THE BEST INTERESTES OF OUR NATION AND THEIR CONSTIUENTS IN MIND BEFORE ANYTHING OR ANYONE ELSE!  They are not allowed to just turn their heads and ignore what is happening to our country. We as citizens have every right to demand that our elected officials do the job they were hired to do. And respect the oath they made freely before taking or continuing the office for which they were elected. And that they work for the good of all citizens, regardless of color, religious preference, etc. and definitely NOT FOR SOME DESPOT WANT-A-BE OR HIS RICH BUDDIES!  

Peace and love to all.              

8 dried California chili pods (you can find them in any grocery store) 

4 c. pork, beef, or chicken stock

2 T. veggie oil

2 T. unbleached all-purpose flour

2 tsp. dried oregano

2 tsp. ground cumin

2 tsp. chili powder

2 tsp. granulated onion

½ tsp. salt

freshly ground black pepper

4 cloves garlic, finely minced

Using disposable gloves, remove the stem and seeds from the dried chiles while rinsing them under cold water. 

Place chiles in a saucepan with broth. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, for 20 minutes. Remove from heat.

Drain the broth into a container. Discard the chili skins.

In the same saucepan you used to cook the chiles, heat the veggie oil. Whisk in the flour and cook for 1 minute. Then whisk in the oregano, cumin, chili powder, granulated onion, salt, black pepper, and garlic. Gradually whisk in the chili liquid. 

Cook, stirring occasionally until the sauce is slightly thickened.

Use for tamales, enchiladas, burritos, or any Mexican dish that would profit from a bit of red sauce.

Please note: Even if this sauce is made with chilies, it is not spicy hot. It offers mild to medium heat. And the flavor is marvelous!


Sorry again no picture. But it was Christmas day, and I was one busy lady.

OK, those of you who don’t love bacon, raise your hand. And those folks who don’t adore cheese, raise your hand. And finally, those of you for whom cauliflower is the devil’s spawn, raise your hand. I would be willing to bet there are far more of you (including my husband), who would prefer to unclog your kitchen drain than eat this white, strongly flavored, cruciferous vegetable.  

But it so happens that I am one of the people who love all things cauliflower. But like I stated earlier, Mr. C. is “cauliflower phobic”. In fact, he’d do just about anything to never be in the same room with a head of cauliflower ever again. Until this recipe came along.

Because even the most ardent of cauliflower naysayers simply cannot resist the cheesy bacon creaminess that surrounds a perfectly crisp, tender bite of this dreaded vegetable.

I made this casserole to serve on Christmas day, and the casserole dish was practically wiped clean. And there were tons of other offerings from which to choose. But very few can resist bacon and cheese sauce. And why should they? Especially on Christmas!

Because if there was ever a day to celebrate life and not give a flying fig what you put in your mouth, it would have to be Christmas. Well, Thanksgiving works too.

But frankly, I am not going to wait until Christmas to make this dish again. I love cauliflower and Mr. C. had no problem eating every tiny bit of the cauliflower he put on his plate.

So, if you too are a cauliflower lover, but those you associate with are less than devoted, give this recipe a try. And I know, you shouldn’t have to cater to those with plebian tastes. But in the real world, not some “made for TV drama where everyone loves everything placed in front of them”, you too should use every trick in your bag of tricks to get your family TO EAT THEIR VEGGIES!

Believe me, I know what you’re up against. But hang in there. Never over-cook veggies. Roast veggies as often as possible. And when all else fails, slather them with a sauce made with bacon and cheese. It’s not the best nutritional alternative, but it works! That and “secret sauce” (recipe below) which was how I managed to get veggies into my children’s and now my husband’s mouth without the use of whips and chains.

And always remember, I am on your side. I know how hard it is to please a crowd. Not everyone will like what you fix. I don’t even like everything I fix. So, why should they?! But keep trying new recipes. It is so much more fun to make dining an adventure. And no, every dish will not be perfect. Perfection is an unachievable goal. Let it go. Just have fun in your kitchen.

So, on that realistic note, I wish you a wonderful New Year, a year filled with new and exciting dishes to prepare, and time to enjoy eating with family and friends. We need each other. We need time together to enjoy food, to respect our differences, and to embrace the joy of just being alive.

So, as always, peace and love to all.        

1 lg. head cauliflower, cut into small chunks

4 oz. cream cheese, room temp.

½ c. sour cream

pinch kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

¼ c. minced green onions

¼ c. freshly grated Parmesan cheese

6 slices diced bacon, cooked crisp (divided)

1 c. grated sharp cheddar cheese, divided


Steam the cauliflower until crisp tender.

Meanwhile, stir the cream cheese, sour cream, salt, pepper, green onions, Parmesan cheese, half of the cheddar cheese, and ¾ of the crumbled bacon together in a large enough bowl to accommodate the sauce and the cooked cauliflower.

When the cauliflower is cooked to crisp tender, add it to the bowl and gently mix until all surfaces of the cauliflower are covered with the cream cheese mixture.  

Scoop into a lightly buttered casserole or baking dish. Even out the surface, then top with the remaining cheddar cheese and the reserved bacon.

Sprinkle on a bit of paprika and bake in a pre-heated 350-degree oven for 30 minutes, or until hot and bubbly. Serve hot.


1 part mayonnaise

1 part soy sauce

Mix the mayo and soy sauce together and serve with your veggie of choice. (Particularly good with crisp tender broccoli.)  


Well, I just finished making both my Brandied Cranberries (recipe on site) and this new cranberry sauce. And frankly, I could keep dipping a spoon into either of these sauces (quality control) and be one happy camper. (Patti, walk away from the kitchen!) Because they are both DELICIOUS ways to turn raw cranberries into an amazing accompaniment to turkey, smeared on a turkey sandwich, or with baked chicken, pork tenderloin, or get adventurous. Add some cranberry sauce to plain yogurt and heap it over granola for a decadent breakfast treat. Or as a topping for baked brie. The possibilities are endless. And cranberry sauce is ever so easy to make. And perfect for your upcoming Thanksgiving dinner.  

So, if you are looking for a way to use that big bag of fresh cranberries you just brought home from the grocery store, with no real idea in mind how to use them, may I suggest either of these recipes.

And I know, there’s booze in both of my recipes. But I’m here to tell you, liquor really goes nicely with cranberries. It’s kind of like bourbon and caramel. There are just certain ingredients that appear to be a match made in heaven. And if you try this recipe, I’m sure you will agree.

Anyway, this is the second recipe I am posting today. So, I’m going to make this preface short and sweet. Just like this recipe which requires a short time in the kitchen to produce and could in every way be considered “sweet”.

Peace and love to all. And again – HAPPY THANKSGIVING.  

12-16 oz. fresh cranberries

1 tsp. orange zest, or more to taste (but go gently)

½ c. water (or part orange juice)*

3 T. Grand Marnier** or any orange liqueur

¾ c. brown sugar, packed

1 cinnamon stick or ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon

Wash the cranberries and pick out any that appear soft.

Place the cranberries, orange zest, water/orange juice, Grand Marnier, brown sugar, and cinnamon in a medium-sized saucepan. Stir to combine.

Simmer the mixture over a medium-high heat for about 5 minutes or so, until the cranberries start to pop and the sauce starts to thicken. Stir occasionally.

Reduce the heat and continue simmering until the sauce has thickened to your liking. (About 10-12 minutes total).

Remove cinnamon stick, if using, and let the cranberry sauce cool. The sauce will continue to thicken as it cools. Store in the fridge in an airtight container.

Serve warm or at room temperature.

*After I have zested an orange, I squeeze out as much juice as possible into a half-cup measuring container. Then I make up the difference by adding water if necessary.

**A French, orange-flavored liqueur that combines cognac with bitter orange.


Fresh halibut is one of my favorite fishes to cook. (And of course, eat!) It is flaky and tender, and when cooked properly, it is just heavenly. The secret to wonderful halibut is simply to not overcook it. (I know. Easier said than done.) But like with other items that require a precise internal temperature to be perfectly cooked, I rely on my instant read internal temperature thermometer. And I also believe that halibut is a fish that requires a bit of help to lift it from rather bland to exciting. So, cooked with ingredients like in the four other halibut recipes on this site, or served with a tasty tartar sauce or aioli, halibut can be lifted from ho hum to magnificent. And halibut is pretty darn good for us. (Not perfect because it does contain low to moderate levels of mercury. But then, halibut is expensive, so at least in our household, halibut is not served very often.)

Anyway, I served the halibut Mr. C. had procured at our local Haggen’s grocery store using this recipe. And I served it with my new recipe for aioli. And they were both pretty darn delicious. So, if you too are a halibut lover, I suggest you give these recipes a try.

Well, last week was pretty busy, but this week promises to be a bit more relaxed. And that’s just fine with me. I can handle hustle and bustle in spurts, but the older I get the more I appreciate days when there is nothing on the calendar. I can just kick back, spend a bit of time researching new recipes, cooking, reading, or generally being apathetic. And I must admit, for the sake of my sanity, a bit of apathy is required right now. And definitely a bit of time away from reading the paper. There is only so much gun violence and idiocy that I can read about and still remain able to think and reason clearly. So, I have chosen to walk away from newspapers for a while. I will continue to read Heather Cox Richardson – Letters from an American, because she is the voice of reason in a cacophony of misinformation, repugnant politics, and unbridled greed. So, I haven’t unplugged completely. I’m simply on hiatus. La La La!  

And on that happy note, as always, peace and love to all.   

4 6 oz. halibut fillets

1 tsp. granulated garlic

½ tsp. dried parsley

½ tsp. kosher salt 

freshly ground black pepper

1 T. extra virgin olive oil 

Pat the halibut fillets dry with a paper towel. Season the skinless side of each fillet with granulated garlic, parsley, salt, and pepper.

Heat the olive oil in a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Place the halibut on the hot oil skin side up, and cook without touching until golden, about 4 minutes. Carefully flip the halibut and continue cooking until you reach your desired doneness, 2-3 more minutes. (135-degrees is perfect for flaky, tender halibut)

Serve flesh side up. Pass the aioli. (recipe below)


¾ c. mayonnaise

2 garlic cloves, finely minced

1 tsp. Dijon mustard

2 tsp. fresh lemon juice, or more to taste

¼ tsp. granulated onion

¼ tsp. seasoned salt

freshly ground black pepper

2 T. roughly chopped capers

Combine all ingredients and refrigerate. The aioli is best if made several hours before serving.


As I have written several times in my posts, I am getting lazier and lazier. And the other day I was in no mood to cook dinner. I’m currently recovering from cataract surgery, and it hasn’t gone as easily as predicted. Oh, not to worry. My eyes will eventually be just fine. They are just taking their own sweet time to stop being swollen. My eye doctor isn’t really concerned. (Of course he isn’t! They’re not his eyes!) But I trust him, and he is keeping a close eye (so to speak) on my progress.

But in the meantime, my “condition” is enough to keep me less than energetic when it comes to spending time in the kitchen. Or any other room besides my bedroom, for that matter. But I am getting better and I’m positive my energy will return after I stop feeling sorry for myself. But while I get my equilibrium back, I’m not terribly interested in trying new and amazing ways to tantalize our taste buds.

But dinner still must happen. So, with that in mind, I came up with the recipes you find below.

All three are easy to prepare, relatively inexpensive to make, and highly flavorful. And honestly, I have been making a variation of every one of these dishes for decades now. So, it was very easy for me to prepare this dinner combination.

After dinner, and I realized how yummy every part of our dinner had been, I decided I better pass the recipes along to you. Even if at most you would call them elementary efforts.  

None the less, below you will find three recipes that, as described above, would never be considered haute cuisine, but are perfect for a cold, fall repast. And I think everyone in your family would find this comfort food meal very tasty.

Well, that’s it for today. We are off to enjoy Village Theater’s production of Camelot this evening in Everett. This has turned out to be a week of cultural events. Last Sunday – ACT theaters Sunday matinee production of Mrs. Loman is Leaving. (Fantastic BTW). Tonight – Camelot. And this Sunday, we will be attending a ballet at McCaw Hall in Seattle. And no, we don’t always have weeks like this. But when they do happen, it’s like being on holiday.

In between caring for my eyes and attending cultural events, I have also managed to get in a bit of reading. I just finished reading Castle Skull by author John Dickson Carr. What a romp! The story is set in a castle on the Rhine River that happens to look like a skull from afar. Three inexplicable murders lead world-famous sleuth Bencolin into a strange case of twisted revenge. And to make things really fun, the characters include a fascinating list of suspects: a mad duchess, an actor with a Hamlet complex, a virtuoso who likes to play his violin in the dark, a glamorous young lady who paints in the modern manner, a dynamic Belgian financier and his beautiful, weak-willed wife, and a newspaperman whose job is to report on Europe’s haunted castles. Would I classify this work of fiction as a tour de force? Heck no! Is it a fun read? Absolutely!

And for maybe the last time before the 5th of November, please vote. If you have already voted – our nation thanks you. If you haven’t voted yet, get off your duff and do your civic duty.

But regardless, as always, peace and love to all.


1 lb. lean ground beef

1 T. + ¼ tsp. Montreal Steak Seasoning, divided

1 T. extra virgin olive oil

1 T. unsalted butter

1 onion, finely chopped

1 T. flour

1 c. water

1 tsp. beef base (I use Better Than Bouillon Beef Base)

2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

¼ tsp. granulated garlic

¼ tsp. seasoned salt

freshly ground black pepper

⅓ c. sour cream

Combine the ground beef and 1 tablespoon of Montreal Seasoning in a mixing bowl. Divide into 4 balls and then form into four patties.

Heat the olive oil and butter together in a small frying pan. Add the ground beef patties and cook just until done. Remove from pan and set aside.

Using the same pan, cook the onion until soft and beginning to caramelize. Stir in the flour and cook for a couple of minutes.

Slowly add the water until smooth and no flour lumps remain. Then stir in the beef base, Worcestershire sauce, granulated garlic, seasoned salt, and pepper. Let simmer for a couple of minutes before stirring in the sour cream.

Place the cooked ground beef patties back in the pan and cook until they are once again warm.

The patties and gravy are just wonderful served with Easy Mixed-Rice Pilaf and Oven Baked Acorn Squash. (See recipes below.)


The rice blend I used. (I like it a lot!)

2¼ c. water

2 tsp. beef base

2 tsp. dehydrated onion pieces

¼ tsp. granulated garlic

¼ tsp. seasoned salt

freshly ground black pepper

1 T. unsalted butter

1 c. mixed rice (not instant) (I used a blend of aromatic purple, red, and brown rice because that’s what I had on hand)

Combine all ingredients in a heavy, covered pan. Bring to a boil, stir, reduce heat, cover pan, and simmer for about 45 minutes. Stir occasionally.

Great served anytime you need a savory rice side dish.


1 acorn squash, cut in two along the stem and all seeds removed


2 T. unsalted butter

2-4 T. brown sugar

kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

Place the squash, cut side down, in a baking pan. Pour in enough water to bring the water to about ½-inch deep.

Bake the squash for 60-75 minutes in a pre-heated 400-degree oven.

Remove from oven when the squash is very soft. Turn off the oven.

Turn each half over and add a tablespoon of butter and 1-2 tablespoons of brown sugar to each. Then lightly sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place back in the cooling oven for about 5 minutes. (This allows the butter and brown sugar to melt together.)


I think these are pork chops. But the fried chicken cutlets looked a lot like this. (Hey, I’m old! So please, cut me some slack!)

Basil Cream Sauce. (I think.) Or it could be the sausage gravy. Whatever! (Same applies, I’m old and the trip was a couple of months ago.)

I always begin a trailer trip with a variety of already prepared food that I can stick in our trailer freezer and bring out whenever I want. I try to vary the recipe selection, but the following items always accompany our journeys – a quick bread or two, cookies (usually two kinds), chili, a couple of soups, and meat loaf. But the items I have found the most helpful, because they often take time to prepare, are homemade sauces and gravy. I have been bringing marinara sauce along now for years. But on this last trip I also brought sausage gravy (for biscuits and gravy), and this basil cream sauce.

I was a bit hesitant to freeze these cream sauces, but both warmed up perfectly.

In addition to the food I prepare, I always bring packages of breakfast meat (bacon, Sausage, and ham), ground beef, pork chops or pork tenderloin, chicken breasts, steak, Italian dinner sausages, frozen peas, fresh ravioli, and ice cream. (Always must have ice cream on board!)

And of course, we visit grocery stores along the way. But if I have most of the dishes that take a lot of time to prepare made ahead, or cuts of quality meat that may not be available in a grocery store the size of our guest bath, I can rest easier on the road.

But enough about my food insecurities, and back to this recipe.

I found this recipe on the site. I made some slight changes, but mainly to accommodate preparing the sauce and frying the chicken at different times. And I must say, served with 4-cheese ravioli and frozen petite peas, we enjoyed a delightful meal. (A “gourmet-on-the-go meal” if I do say so myself!)

So, I hope you enjoy this simple chicken dish as much as we do. (And no, you don’t have to own a trailer or be on a trailer trip to make this dish!)

But if you are a fellow travel trailer owner, don’t hesitate to build sauces ahead of time and take them along with you on your next adventure. Homemade sauces are just so much better than most sauces that beckon to you from the shelves of your local grocery store.

Well, it’s early afternoon, and since I don’t need to plan or cook dinner (Mr. C. has a gig in a restaurant this evening), I’m going to help Lucas Davenport find a deranged killer. OK, I’m not really going to be of any assistance, but I’m going along for the ride anyway. My current read is by John Sandford entitled Rules of Prey. And even though I know in the end the killer is going to be found and punished, I’m still excited to find out he gets his! (If only in real life, bad people would get their comeuppance too. But unfortunately, no one has appointed me judge and jury! But if they had, I would make certain that a certain felon would never be able to cause so many people distress or continue to wreak havoc on our planet.) (Just sayin”!)

Peace and love to all.

Fried Chicken

1 lg.  boneless, skinless chicken breast, sliced into ½-inch thick cutlets and patted dry

2 T. whole milk

½ c. dried Italian breadcrumbs

3 T. unsalted butter

Place the milk in a shallow bowl, and the breadcrumbs in a separate shallow bowl. Dip each chicken cutlet thoroughly in milk, then coat with breadcrumbs.

In a large skillet, melt the butter over medium-low heat. Cook the coated chicken cutlets until golden-brown on each side and the internal temperature reaches 165-degrees.

Remove from pan and set aside.   

Basil Cream Sauce

3 T. unsalted butter

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 T. flour

½ c. chicken broth

½ c. heavy whipping cream or part whole milk

½ c. finely grated Parmesan cheese

¼ c. chopped fresh basil

freshly ground black pepper

Melt the butter in a frying pan. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute over medium heat. Add the flour and cook for a couple of minutes. Add the chicken broth. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Stir in cream. Bring to a light boil and cook for about 5 minutes.

Remove from heat and stir in the Parmesan cheese, chopped basil, and pepper.

Serve over the fried chicken.   


Salmon Croquettes

Cajun Sauce

I love having leftover salmon in my fridge. First of all, it means the salmon is already cooked. And of course I could just serve it as prepared, but what fun is that? Why not make it into something new and exciting? So, that’s exactly what I did the other evening.

But first I went online for inspiration. And I found this recipe (with a couple changes) on the site. Then I made a simple sauce to serve with croquettes, because what doesn’t taste better when dipped in a sauce? Right? Then what to serve with the salmon cakes? Well, in for a dime, in for a dollar (as the old saying goes), why not polenta and sugar snap peas? OK, now we’re talking. I had a plan.

And I’m telling you the truth, the combination of dishes was perfect. A bit of savory, a bit of heat, a bit of spicy, and a bit of crunch from the snap peas. All in all, a fine meal if I do say so myself!

And best of all, the dishes were easy to fix. Yes, a bit of time was required, but then what doesn’t take time to fix? Anyway, I managed, and I’d bet dollars to donuts you could too.

So, if you ever find yourself with leftover salmon, give this recipe a try. And if you have never tasted or cooked polenta, what in the wild world of sports are you waiting for? Polenta is food from the Gods! It goes with bloody everything!

OK, I’m done now. Just make these croquettes and be happy.

And as always, peace and love to all.   

3 eggs, divided

½ -1 tsp. hot sauce (I use Frank’s RedHot)

½ finely diced onion

1 garlic clove, finely minced

¼ tsp. seasoned salt

¼ tsp. white pepper

1 tsp. Cajun seasoning (see my recipe below)  

1 green onion, diced

1 c. plain breadcrumbs, divided, or more as needed

2 c. flaked cooked salmon 

¼ c. veggie oil

2 T. unsalted butter

Beat 2 of the eggs in a large mixing bowl. Then mix in the hot sauce, onion, garlic, seasoned salt, white pepper, Cajun seasoning, and green onion until well combined.

Add ¼ cup of the breadcrumbs and the flaked salmon. Mix until well combined.

Place in the fridge for a good half hour to let everything firm up a bit.

Using a large ice cream scoop, form the mixture into balls and place on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Then gently flatten them a bit.  

Whisk the remaining egg in a flat container (I use an 8-inch round cake pan). Place the remaining ¾ cup breadcrumbs in another flat container. 

Lightly dip the croquettes into the egg mixture until completely coated. Then pat them in breadcrumbs. Set back on the same parchment paper lined baking sheet. Refrigerate until ready to fry.

Heat a medium sized cast iron skillet or non-stick frying pan over medium heat, then add the oil and butter. Let the oil and butter heat until it reaches about 350-degrees.

Gently place the croquettes in pan using a slotted spatula. Fry for about two minutes per side or until golden brown.  

Transfer to a plate lined with paper towels and serve hot with Cajun Mayo Sauce, Creamy Polenta, and Stir-Fried Sugar Snap Peas. (See recipes below.)


¾ c. mayonnaise

1-3 tsp. Cajun seasoning

½ – 1 tsp. hot sauce (I use Frank’s RedHot)

Mix all together and refrigerate until ready to use.


2½ c. chicken broth

1½ c. water

1 tsp. kosher salt

tiny pinch white pepper or freshly ground black pepper

1 c. yellow polenta (not instant) 

2 T. unsalted butter

4 oz. (½ pkg.) cream cheese

Bring the chicken stock, water, salt, and pepper to a boil in a heavy, covered 2 or 3-quart pan. Slowly whisk the polenta into the boiling liquid to prevent any lumps from forming.

Reduce the heat to a very low simmer. Continue to whisk the polenta until it just starts to thicken. Then cover the pan and let the polenta cook for about 25 minutes. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon so that the polenta doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan. The polenta should be soft and tender when done. If not, let it cook a little longer. Then stir in the butter and cream cheese. Serve immediately.


1 T. extra virgin olive oil

2 c. fresh sugar snap peas

¼ tsp. seasoned salt, or more to taste

freshly ground black pepper  

Rinse and dry the snap peas and (optionally) remove the tips and any strings that come off with them.

Heat the oil in a skillet over medium-high heat.

Once hot, add the snap peas and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly until the peas are bright green in color and barely fork tender (we prefer them to still have a little crunch).

Remove from the heat and stir in seasoned salt and pepper. Serve hot.


2 T. paprika

1 T. granulated onion

1 T. granulated garlic

1 T. dried oregano (Mexican oregano preferred) (If the dried oregano leaves are   large, break them down a bit in a mortar and pestle or spice grinder)

1 T. dried thyme

1 T. freshly ground black pepper

1 T. kosher salt

1 tsp. cayenne

Combine all the ingredients and store in an air-tight container.


Peppercorn Sauce

Mr. C. has this wonderful habit of bringing lovely cuts of meat into our home. Since Covid, he mostly buys our groceries, and believe me, he is much less frugal than I am. So, when he brings home a steak, it’s a good one. And last night, I decided to cook one of his recent purchases.

And because I know how much he loves peppercorn sauce; I decided to try out the recipe I found on (One of my favorite cooking sites BTW). Of course, I made a couple small changes because, yes, I know, I never can leave well enough alone! And I used this new recipe, because I wanted to change things up a bit from my other recipe on this site entitled Pepper Steaks with Bourbon Sauce which he also loves.   

And since Mr. C. had unfailingly adhered to my last grocery shopping list, I had 4 small Yukon Gold potatoes to put to good use. But then, I had to find a new recipe for these beautiful potatoes too. Which I did. And of course I had to mess with this recipe too. So, thank you and apologies to another one of my favorite cooking sites –

Now, having confessed my sins, I can proceed with unabashedly telling you why you should give both recipes a try. Both the steak with sauce and the roasted potatoes were absolutely delicious. Not just good. Totally fabulous. As Mr. C. commented, “this sauce is as good, if not better, than I have ever had in a restaurant”. Plus, he liked the potatoes. And that is saying something because Mr. C. is not a potato lover.

Well, I have nothing more to say on the subject. And I have a few chapters left in my book to finish before we go off to Oak Harbor for one of Mr. C’s gigs.

The book I am currently reading, for the second time, (which should tell you something), is by John Sandford – entitled Dead Watch. Great story about dirty politics and greed. Sound familiar? This after just reading Heather Cox Richardson’s latest post. But at least in this book, the good guys win. Oh, that real life mimicked fiction. Especially in the upcoming November election.

Before my current book, I read 4 books by Harlan Coben, including Gone for Good and Tell No One. Any of Mr. Coban’s books are worth reading. In my humble opinion.

I also almost made it through Donna Tartt’s (winner of the Pulitzer Prize) book entitled The Goldfinch. But after 595 pages of poverty, drugs, horrid behavior, characters I came to detest, and lifestyles that I could not in any way relate to, I said, I’m done! There is enough retched behavior documented daily in the news. I don’t need to read the fictional equivalent.

Anyway, that is the beauty of books. If you don’t like what you are reading, you can simply close the pages and walk away.

Unfortunately, that is not the case in the real world.

If you don’t like what is happening in the real world, you often need to take some sort of action. Even if that action is as simple as voting. Which I sincerely encourage everyone to do in the upcoming November election.

And as always, peace and love to all.  


2 thick (at least 1-inch thick) tenderloin, filet-mignon, or ribeye steaks (about 16- 20 oz. of meat)

kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

1 T. veggie oil

¼ c. cognac or brandy

½ c. water

1 tsp. beef base (I use Better Than Bouillon Beef Base)

½ c. half & half

1-2 tsp. coarsely ground black pepper

Take the steaks out of the fridge 20 minutes before sprinkling both sides generously with salt and black pepper. Set aside for an hour.

Hint: while the steaks are resting, get all the ingredients for the sauce ready.

When ready to cook, heat the oil in a small, heavy skillet over high heat until the oil is very hot. (I use my small cast iron skillet.)

Add the steaks and cook the first side for about 2 minutes until it is dark brown, then flip and cook the other side for 2 minutes, more or less depending on how you like your steaks cooked. (130-degrees internal temp. for medium rare.)

Transfer to a plate, cover loosely with foil, and let rest while you make the sauce.

Add cognac into the same skillet and let it simmer rapidly, scraping the bottom of the pan, until the cognac has mostly reduced. Add the water and beef base, bring to a simmer and let it simmer rapidly for 2 to 3 minutes or until it reduces by half.

Turn the heat down to medium. Add the half & half and coarsely ground black pepper. Stir, and let simmer for about 2 minutes or until it thickens. Taste and adjust salt and pepper if needed.

Cut the steak into thick, diagonal pieces and spoon the sauce over each serving.

This lovely savory entrée is perfect when served with Oven Roasted Potatoes. (see recipe below)


1 lb. unpeeled yellow or gold potatoes, cut into 1-inch pieces

1 T. extra virgin olive oil

freshly ground black pepper

¼ tsp. seasoned salt

¼ tsp. paprika

½ tsp. granulated garlic

1 tsp. Italian seasoning

Soak the potatoes in cold water for about 30 minutes. (This removes some of the starch and makes for fluffier potatoes.) Drain and dry the potato pieces with paper towels.

Whisk the olive oil, pepper, seasoned salt, paprika, granulated garlic, and Italian seasoning together in a mixing bowl.

Toss the dried potato pieces in the oil mixture.

Transfer to a small, rimmed baking sheet and bake the potato pieces in a pre-heated 425-degree oven for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown and tender.

Serve hot out of the oven.


Mr. C. has been crazy busy with rehearsals and gigs this entire summer. And especially during the month of August. So, the other day we looked at each other with the same thought in mind. “Is it really too much to ask for a little boring from time to time?” And I know. We bring all this super busy life on ourselves.

But yesterday, we were actually going to be home for dinner after days and days of seemingly always being away from home for our evening meal. Hallelujah. And Mr. C. expressed a desire to be part of the thrilling experience of cooking dinner. And I remembered that my dear husband loves to grill.

Never having been much of a griller myself (as I’m sure my two cooking buddies Jim H. and Paul F. would attest to unanimously), I just don’t often think about grilling opportunities for Mr. C. But there was this lovely rack of lamb in our freezer that had been calling to me for weeks. And although I have several great baked rack of lamb recipes on this site, I decided this time I was going to find a recipe that called for the lamb to be grilled. So, online I proceeded and found this recipe on the site.

And oh boy was this recipe a great find. I made a few minimal changes, but then, that’s just how I roll. But the basic recipe is all on Justin.  

What really first drew my attention to this particular recipe was the Mint Chimichurri Sauce.

I had just posted a recipe (Cherry Tomatoes in an Argentine Chimichurri Sauce),and frankly, I was still on a “chimichurri high” when I found this amazing recipe. And it was just enough different from my other rack of lamb recipes, that I just had to give it a try. Yeah me!!!

So, if you too are a lamb lover as apposed to a landlubber (a person unfamiliar with the sea or sailing), I suggest you give this recipe a try. You will not be sorry.

Well, that’s it for now. We actually have some blue skies today, which we have not experienced for the last few days. But it’s quite windy and when I went out to water, it was darn right cold. I could actually feel fall in the air.

I AM NOT READY FOR IT TO BE FALL! (That sound you hear is me stomping my feet like any typical 4-year-old!) But really. We just have not had enough summer this year. And I’m not happy about the whole darn thing! (And yes, that’s still me stomping my feet!) But I must go with the flow. (But that doesn’t mean I have to like it!)  

So, my wish for you is that the rest of your summer be warm, but not too warm, sunny, but not too sunny, rainy, if you need the rain, and free of wildfires, wildfire smoke, tornadoes, eruptions, landslides, and any other egregious condition brought on by Mother Nature.  

And of course, as always, full to the brim with an abundance of peace and love.

For the Grilled Rack of Lamb:

1 garlic clove, chopped

1 tsp. chopped fresh thyme

1 tsp. chopped fresh rosemary

1 T. extra virgin olive oil

1 rack of lamb, extra fat removed

kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

coarse sea salt

Combine the garlic, thyme, rosemary, and olive oil in a small bowl. Rub mixture over the lamb and let it sit covered in your refrigerator for about 1 hour. Then remove from fridge and allow it to come to room temperature.

Pre-heat your grill to medium-hot for about 15 minutes.

Before grilling the lamb, season the lamb al over lightly with kosher salt and freshly ground pepper.

Sear the rack of lamb, bone side down, with the lid closed for about 5 minutes. Turn and grill the meaty side for another 5 minutes with the lid down. Then move the rack to indirect heat to finish cooking until the internal temperature reaches 120 to 125-degrees for medium-rare, or 130 to 135-degrees for medium.

Remove from grill and rest the lamb for 7-10 minutes on a cutting board tented with aluminum foil, then slice between the rib bones.

Sprinkle coarse sea salt on each piece of lamb before serving with the mint chimichurri sauce.   

For the Mint Chimichurri Sauce:

¼ c. packed fresh mint

¼ c. packed fresh Italian parsley

1 garlic clove 

¼ c. extra virgin olive oil

1 T. red wine vinegar, or more to taste

tiny pinch crushed red pepper flakes, or to taste

¼ tsp. kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

2 T. finely diced white onion

Place the mint, parsley, garlic, olive oil, red wine vinegar, crushed red pepper flakes, salt, and black pepper in a blender or food processor.

Pulse until the ingredients are well chopped, but not puréed.  

Transfer the sauce to a small bowl and stir in the diced red onion.

Taste and adjust seasoning. Cover and store in the refrigerator until needed.


OK, I am always trying to find more and easier ways to serve fresh veggies. I love to cook, but salads have always been my least favorite dish to prepare. Especially green or raw veggie salads. I don’t know why, because I love fresh veggie salads. I think it’s because I have made so darn many of them that it’s just become a boring chore. So, when I find some new way to dress a veggie, I actually look forward to the new adventure. And when the salad is as easy to make and delicious as this recipe produces, I can’t wait to share it with you. And the best part, all the ingredients are refrigerator or pantry staples. (Or should be!)

This lovely recipe, with admittedly a few minor changes from me, comes from the site. Great site BTW. And even though I have two recipes on this site already featuring chimichurri sauce – Grilled Argentine (Like) Marinated Flank Steak with Chimichurri Sauce and Argentine Picadillo Empanadas with Chimichurri Sauce, I never thought of using chimichurri as a salad dressing. But believe me, I will be using it on other salads, and on various grilled meats, over breakfast scrambles, and even in place of garlic butter on toasted baguette slices. The uses for this delicious sauce are endless. (And it’s bloody easy to make! Hurray!)

And not to worry. The sauce is not spicy hot. In fact, it’s perfectly seasoned.

So, grab some fresh parsley out of your fridge, peel a garlic clove, and throw all the ingredients in a food processor, and call it good. No, call it GREAT!

And in case you don’t own a small food processor, let me recommend the Waring Commercial Pro Prep Chopper-Grinder. They aren’t cheap ($171.97 on Amazon), but I have had mine for many years, and I absolutely find it to be the best tool in my kitchen. Well, right up there with my KitchenAid stand mixer, that is! And lest you forgot, I do not make money by recommending any product on my site. I just tell it like it is for me. And yes, I am as passionate about both my small food processor and my KitchenAid mixer as any other tool lovin’ fool! Because good tools are very important, no matter if its building homes, painting pictures, or enjoying the entire kitchen experience.

Well, that’s it for today. Mr. C. has another outdoor gig this evening. Last Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday evenings he also had outdoor gigs. And yes, there were predictions of possible rain, thunderstorms, and heavy wind for each of those performances too. But the bands made it through, even though the chances of “raindrops keep falling on my head” was there. And just to keep everyone on pins and needles, that same chance of precipitation is looming its ugly head for this evening’s event. (Ah Western Washington. How do I love thee, let me count the ways!) (At least it’s not 116-dgrees. For which I am truly thankful!) And so far, the extreme weather predictions have happened. They have just held off until the bands stopped playing. (The weather gods must love jazz and upscale classic rock as much as I do!) But even if it had rained on these events, we would always be able to come home to a dry and safe place to get out of the storms.

May you too always have a place where you can escape the cold, hot, wet, unhealthy air quality, etc., that so many people on planet earth do not have the luxury of experiencing. We who have a safe haven are truly the lucky ones.

But we can all help. We can vote in the upcoming presidential election for decency, humanity, empathy, and a positive future for the United States. If you have doubts about our future, one way to learn more, from a historian’s perspective, is to follow Heather Cox Richardson.

And especially now, with so much at stake for our country, please learn about the candidates before just voting the party line. That approach might have made sense in the past, but it truly isn’t acting responsibly in today’s crazy political arena.

As always, peace and love to all.  

¼ c. packed fresh Italian parsley leaves (I use Italian parsley exclusively)

1 sm. clove garlic, cut in half

2 T. extra virgin olive oil

1 tsp. red wine vinegar, or more to taste

1 tsp. dried oregano

¼ tsp. ground cumin

¼ tsp. kosher salt, or more to taste

freshly ground black pepper

4-6 crushed red pepper flakes

1 pint cherry or grape tomatoes (2 cups), cut in half

Place the parsley, garlic, olive oil, red wine vinegar, oregano, cumin, salt, black pepper, and crushed red pepper flakes in a small food processor. Process until the parsley and garlic are broken down a bit. (Chimichurri sauce is meant to be rustic.) Taste and adjust seasoning.

Pour the chimichurri sauce over the tomatoes and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Remove from fridge about 30 minutes before serving. (I find tomatoes have more flavor when served at room temperature.)