Category Archives: PORK RECIPES


When nothing else will do for dinner but soup, that’s exactly what I make. Soup. And the other evening I decided bean soup would be perfect. But ever the one to change things up a bit, I decided to play mad scientist and add a few ingredients that I had never before used in navy bean soup. But thought might be nice additions. So, a bit of tomato paste, paprika, a small amount of oregano, celery salt, and roughly chopped spinach became part of the mix. And truly, why not? Especially spinach. It’s so darn good for us and as I expected, its flavor became totally innocuous when surrounded by all the other hearty flavors participating in the fun. So, what was the result? Well, I’ll just say that the soup was a success. Great flavor, creamy consistency, and absolutely chock full of healthy ingredients.

And easy to prepare. Which of course is one of the main attributes of this, and many other soups. And who doesn’t love a dish where there is no sautéing of veggies or meat before other ingredients can be thrown in the pot? I for one have always appreciated this aspect of bean soups. But if you simply cannot imagine preparing a soup without gently sautéing the mirepoix and garlic before lovingly adding the remaining ingredients to your soup pot, knock yourself out!

So, that’s all there is to say about this soup. It’s delicious and very easy to prepare. And of course, as with many other soups, even better tasting the next day. And since it’s still winter, what could fit the season better than a big old bowl of savory soup for lunch or dinner? Nada my friends, nada.

And as always, peace and love to all.  

1½ c. small navy beans*, sorted and rinsed  

1 smoked ham hock   

1 onion, finely diced

2 carrots, diced

3 stalks celery, plus leaves, diced

¼ c. chopped fresh parsley  

3 garlic cloves, finely minced

1 T. tomato paste

1 tsp. dried oregano

1 tsp. paprika

1 tsp. celery salt

freshly ground black pepper 

4 c. chicken broth  

3 c. water

1 bay leaf

3-4 c. roughly chopped baby spinach

kosher salt, if needed 

Combine all ingredients (except the spinach) in a heavy covered pot. Cook until beans are very tender, about 2 hours. Remove ham hock, let cool, and separate the meat from the bone and fatty tissue. Chop or shred the meat and add it back to the pot. Remove bay leaf, adjust the seasoning, add the spinach and cook for a couple more minutes. Great served with a good, hearty bread or crusty baguette. (I recommend Fast and Easy Dinner Rolls. Recipe on this site.

*For this recipe, beans do not need to be pre-soaked.


Sometimes, there is just nothin’ will do except some BBQ’d ribs. But it is winter, and it is cold outside, and I really didn’t want Mr. C. to have to get the smoker going or fire up the barbeque. Even though both the smoker and the barbecue are under cover, it’s still not pleasant being outside.

So, I came up with this recipe and darn, the ribs were really delicious. The meat literally fell off the bones, and was juicy, tender, and ever so succulent. And this way to bake ribs had been super easy. No fuss, no muss, and just good eating.

So, if you too love ribs but aren’t excited about spending a lot of time in the making, give this recipe a try. The ribs are seriously yum.

Now if you do have time, I suggest you make your own BBQ sauce. Because, well, there is nothing on the market better than a really good homemade BBQ sauce. And because I am feeling charitable today, I’m going to provide you with my 2 favorite recipes. Please note, if you are trying to stay away from sugar, the second recipe BBQ Sauce with Monk Fruit Sweetener is sugar free.

Well, it’s kind of pretty outside right now. Lots of clouds, but the sun is setting so there is some pink in the sky too. Perhaps since it’s getting on to dinner time, I should think about making like a cook. I’m pretty sure Mr. C. would agree wholeheartedly. So, bye for now.

Peace and love to all.

1 (3 lb.) rack of pork loin back ribs* or spareribs

1 T. rib rub (see recipe below)

2 tsp. Montreal Steak Seasoning

1 tsp. granulated garlic

BBQ sauce

Place ribs meaty side up in a covered baking pan. (Or use aluminum foil.) (I use my Le Creuset Braiser.)

If the rack is too long for your pan, cut the rack in half. Evenly sprinkle the meat with the rib rub, Montreal Steak Seasoning, and granulated garlic.

Cover the pan and bake in a pre-heated 300-degree oven for 2 hours. After 2 hours, check to see if the meat is tender and falling off the bones. If not, bake for another half hour.

When the meat is tender, raise the temperature to 350-degrees, remove the lid or foil and baste with barbecue sauce and place in oven for 20 minutes.  

Remove from oven, cut the ribs between the bones, and serve with additional BBQ sauce.

*Pork loin back ribs are cut from the top part of the pig’s rib cage, just below the loin muscle. These ribs have meat both in between and on top of the rib bones, making them meatier than spareribs.


2 T. paprika

2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper

2 T. kosher salt

2 tsp. granulated garlic

1 tsp. cayenne

1 tsp. ancho chili powder (found in most upscale grocery stores in bulk)

2 tsp. dried oregano

2 tsp. dried thyme

Combine all ingredients in an airtight container. Store at room temperature.


¼ c. unsalted butter

¼ c. minced onion

3 cloves garlic, minced

¼ c. brown sugar

2 tsp. whole grain mustard

1 c. ketchup

1/3 c. Worcestershire sauce

¼ c. fresh lemon juice

¼ tsp. hot sauce, or to taste

¼ tsp. cayenne

2 T. bourbon

Melt butter in a medium sized covered saucepan. Sauté onion until translucent; add garlic and cook until garlic releases its aroma, about 1 minute. Add remaining ingredients, bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover pan, and simmer gently for 30 to 60 minutes, stirring occasionally. Basically, cook the sauce until you reach desired thickness. (Sauce will thicken as it simmers. If the sauce is still too thin after 60 minutes, remove the lid. But be warned – simmer at a low temperature or you will have BBQ sauce all over you and your kitchen!) Serve sauce warm or at room temperature.


2 T. extra virgin olive oil

½ c. finely chopped onion

3 garlic cloves, finely minced

1 (6 oz.) can tomato paste

¾ c. water

1 T. monk fruit sweetener (I use the “golden” variety)

1 T. apple cider vinegar, or more to taste 

3 T. Worcestershire Sauce

¼ tsp. hot sauce, or to taste (I use Frank’s RedHot)

1 tsp. smoked paprika

½ tsp. seasoned salt  

freshly ground black pepper

tiny pinch cayenne pepper

tiny pinch ground cloves

Heat the olive oil in a small, covered saucepan. Sauté the onion until translucent. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute. Add the remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 30 minutes. Taste and adjust seasoning.



Please note: I would have posted this recipe yesterday, but my site was still causing me some problems. And frankly, I’m too lazy to re-write this preface. But since I’m sure you would want to know, Mr. C. never made it home after his afternoon rehearsal in Seattle because of a 4-hour traffic delay in Everett. So, he went straight to rehearsal in Mt. Vernon, missing dinner of course, but enjoyed a big old bowl of avgolemono when he got home around 10:00 pm. And yes, the poor guy was totally pooped after his ordeal. But very glad to be home where he was greeted by Miles, Max, and his adoring wife. (Miles and Max are our cats.)

The older I get, the less time I want to spend in the kitchen. I know that sounds just plain wrong coming from someone who has always enjoyed cooking and sharing her recipes. But I’m not as young as I used to be. Well, none of us are, but you know what I mean. But, and here’s the real killer, I still love to eat and share great food with Mr. C. and others. And I still look forward to posting recipes. So, that leaves me trying new recipes that have fewer ingredients and take just a reasonable amount of time to prepare.

So, the other evening I had a package of prosciutto that really needed to be eaten and a couple of lemons that had seen better days. And over the years I have made plenty of quick and easy pasta recipes, because frankly, pasta of any kind is just about my favorite food. Well, that and any bread product you care to mention.

So, using what I had on hand, I formulated this recipe. And it made for one heck of a good entree. We both absolutely loved this pasta dish. And it was simple and fast to prepare. Yeah! I served the pasta with a simple green salad, which was the perfect accompaniment.

So, if you too love a tasty pasta dish, but do not want to spend a great deal of time in its preparation, this is the recipe for you. And it is a recipe that could easily be adapted. You could use small cubes of pancetta instead of prosciutto, regular onion in lieu of shallots, whole milk in place of heavy cream, and whatever style of pasta you prefer. The only thing I will haunt you about is if you use some kind of bottled lemon juice in place of the real thing. Unacceptable. On oh so many levels.

Well, it’s dismal outside today. But it’s warm and cozy inside our home. Our cat Miles is nestled into the kitty bed on Andy’s desk. His brother is napping on our bed. Mr. C. is down in Seattle taking a piano lesson, then rehearsing with our dear friend Vivianna for one of her upcoming recitals for her PhD in music. This evening Andy has a rehearsal in Mt. Vernon. He is one very busy guy. But I love that he is getting to play music as much as he does. And I go with him to as many of his gigs as I can. I just love being married to such a talented musician. And a fabulous person to boot!

So, with his very tight schedule in mind, I am going to make one of his favorite soups for dinner. Avgolemono. Which in case you don’t know is a Greek lemon rice soup. And you can bet your bottom dollar I will be using fresh lemon juice. Because Mr. C. deserves the best! As do each of you.

Peace and love to all.  

1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil

1 (3-oz.) pkg. prosciutto, chopped into small pieces

2 T. unsalted butter

3 T. finely chopped shallots

¾ c. chicken broth

¾ c. heavy cream

zest from ½ lemon

1 T. fresh lemon juice

¼ tsp. kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

1 c. frozen peas

10 oz. penne rigate, cooked al dente (save some of the water)

grated Parmigiano-Reggiano, for serving

Heat the olive oil in a small skillet. Add the prosciutto and brown for 4-5 minutes or until crisp. Remove from heat and set aside.

Melt the butter in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add the shallots and sauté until soft, about 4 minutes.

Add the broth and simmer over medium high heat until mixture is somewhat reduced, about 2 minutes.

Add the cream, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Simmer until sauce thickens slightly, about 3 minutes.

Add the frozen peas and then simmer just until the peas are heated through. (You really do not need to cook them. They just need to be warm.) Add the al dente pasta and browned prosciutto. Toss pasta with sauce until coated. If sauce is too thick, add a bit of pasta water. Taste and adjust seasoning.

Serve immediately. Pass the Parmigiano-Reggiano.


I never quite know what to do with leftover ham. OK, I can always build soup, or use it in a quiche, or just fry it up for breakfast. But sometimes I am in the mood for pasta. (Sometimes! Now that’s an understatement if I ever made one! Because I am ALWAYS in the mood for pasta!) Anyway, the other evening I had a pasta craving, but was totally aware that in our refrigerator, a hunk of ham was languishing and really needed to be eaten. And not just any ham, but a small chunk of Black Forest ham. My favorite.

So, with a little angel on one shoulder lecturing me to not be wasteful, and a red, demon-like character with small horns protruding from his head, an arrowhead pointed tail, and a pitchfork in his hand yammering in my other ear that I should ignore my conscience, I went online for inspiration. And I found this recipe on the site. And that’s what this dish turned out to be. Damned Delicious! And, ever so easy and quick to prepare. So, many thanks to Chungah for this great recipe.

Not only did I use up the ham, I got my pasta fix too. A win/win situation. And, I now have a perfect way to serve leftover ham. Because as we all know – the holidays are on their way. And I don’t know about you, but after working several days setting a menu, doing the grocery shopping, preparing the dishes, serving the food, and then doing the cleanup after hosting an event, I’m one pooped gal. And not for just that one day. I’m bushed for a couple days thereafter. But somehow, we still need to eat during my recuperative period. And frankly, this dish is so easy to make that I’m already planning to use the leftover ham from either Christmas dinner or another meal I plan to serve sometime around that time for just this dish.

So, if you too plan to serve ham during the holidays, don’t forget this recipe. Because the KISS principal is always in vogue. Keep It Simple Sister (or Sir). And truly, I don’t have any doubts that you will find this recipe a snap to prepare. And that everyone in your family will enjoy eating this dish. The flavor is fairly mild, so even the youngest at table should have no problem gobbling it down.  

Peace and love to all.

2 T. unsalted butter

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 T. unbleached all-purpose flour

1 c. chicken broth

½ tsp. dried thyme

¼ tsp. dried basil

pinch seasoned salt

freshly ground black pepper

¼ c. half and half

¼ c. freshly grated Parmesan

½ c. frozen petite peas

1 c. diced ham

4 oz. spaghetti broken in thirds, cooked al dente (save some of the cooking water)

Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute. Whisk in the flour until it and the garlic are both a light golden brown, about 2 minutes.

Gradually whisk in the chicken broth, dried thyme, dried basil, seasoned salt, and pepper. Cook, whisking constantly, until well blended, about 1-2 minutes.

Stir in the half and half and Parmesan and cook until slightly thickened, about 1-2 minutes. If the mixture is too thick, add some of the pasta cooking water until desired thickness is obtained. Taste and adjust seasoning.

Stir in the peas and cook for 1 minute. Then add the ham and al dente spaghetti. Toss to combine. Serve immediately.



Before we left home for our September trailer trip, I found this recipe on the site and decided I would serve pork tenderloin prepared this way for one of the dinners we would be serving to Andy’s sister Katie and her husband Rick. We share dinner making when we travel together, so both Katie or I get a night off from meal planning and preparation. (Works great. You should try it if you too RV with others.) Anyway, I made sure I had all the ingredients I would need with me in the trailer. When it came time for the great pork tenderloin adventure, I prepared the marinade and allowed my pork tenderloins to enjoy a cold dip safely tucked away in our trailer refrigerator. Then at the appropriate time Mr. C. fired up the grill, and complete with instant internal temperature thermometer in hand, proceeded to make short work of grilling the tenderloin to perfection. Well, almost to perfection.

The meat was slightly overcooked, but it was not Mr. C’s or the thermometer’s fault. I had instructed the man behind the grill to cook the pork to 145-degrees. Which BTW, if you do a random search regarding the right internal temperature to insure medium-rare pork you will find that 145-degrees is the most common temperature quoted. That is until you come across Alex Delany’s December 18,2017 article entitled “This is the Secret to juicy pork chops, tenderloin, and more” in Bon Appétit. An excerpt from Mr. Delany’s article states “Pork should be cooked medium to medium-rare. Like steak. Like salmon. Like all the best stuff. Now, we pull pork from the heat at 135° and let the temperature rise to 145° as it rests, landing it right in the sweet spot: perfectly pink and USDA approved. (Yeah, the USDA changed its standards too.)”

So, from now on, I will be cooking pork to 135-degrees and then tenting it for about 7-10 minutes (depending on the thickness of the meat) before serving. (The tenting process helps keep the meat warm while it continues to cook and gives the juices enough time to re-absorb.)

But even being moderately overcooked, the pork was still delicious. The marinade had been extremely easy to put together and had given the pork a subtle savory flavor that was enjoyed by all.

So, if you too enjoy pork tenderloin but don’t want to spend a lot of time getting it ready for the grill, this is the recipe for you. Simple ingredients, readily available, and reasonably inexpensive. A magic combination if there ever was one!

Mr. C. has a gig which I will be attending tonight at the Rockfish Grill in Anacortes. That means I don’t have to cook dinner. And as much as I enjoy rattling pots and pans in the kitchen, I also delight in a night off occasionally. So, I’m going to allow someone else to cook for me tonight. And clean off the table and do the dishes. While all the while listening to great jazz. Life just doesn’t get much better, I’m telling you true. And if you cook your pork this way, life isn’t going to get much better for you either.

And as always, peace and love to all.   

An unpaid political announcement: Please don’t forget to vote. And please vote like your kids, grandkids, great grandchildren, nieces, and nephews’ future quality of life depends upon the outcome of the election. Because unfortunately, that just happens to be the case. At least, that’s the way it appears to me. So, please vote for peace, love, and understanding. Not hate, misinformation, and conspiracy theories.

¼ c. extra virgin olive oil

juice of ½ lemon

2 tsp. Dijon mustard

2 tsp. honey

2 garlic cloves, finely minced

1 tsp. Italian seasoning  

½ tsp. kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper 

2 sm. pork tenderloin, all fat and silver skin removed, then patted dry 

Whisk the olive oil, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, honey, garlic, Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper together in a small bowl.

Pour 3/4ths of the mixture into a large Ziploc bag along with the tenderloins. Smoosh everything together until the meat is coated with marinade. Press out excess air, seal the bag, and chill for 1-2 hours. Or longer if you have the time.

Preheat grill to medium and oil the grates.

Using tongs, transfer pork to the grill. (Discard the marinade in the bag.) Brush the top side of each tenderloin with some of the remaining marinade. Close the grill lid and cook turning every few minutes to ensure even cooking. Brush the meat with more marinade every time you turn it.

The meat is ready to come off the grill when the internal temperature reaches 135-degrees.

Remove from grill and transfer to a cutting board. Loosely tent the meat with aluminum foil and allow it to rest for 10 minutes before slicing.


I always know when fall has officially arrived because bell peppers go on sale. And because I am who I am, I simply can’t pass by these big beauties without taking a couple four home with me. And although I like stuffed red, yellow, and orange peppers, my favorite is still stuffed green bell peppers. Blame my parents if blame must be assigned. Because they always stuffed green peppers. Of course, there were no red, orange, or yellow bell peppers to be had when I was a kid. Or at least in my childhood grocery shopping memory, there were not an array of colored bell peppers from which to choose. If you wanted a bell pepper, it was green. Period!

But from the first time I can remember stuffed peppers, I liked them. But then, I preferred green onions to ice cream when I was barely walking. (Or so I was told!) So, as the saying goes, there is no accounting for taste.

But as an adult, I still adore stuffed peppers. And often times, what I stuff them with is what I happen to have on hand. In this case, I can attribute this recipe to us bringing home all the non-perishables from our trailer before we take it in for winterization. I had exactly ¼ cup of a rice mixture left in one of our trailer storage containers. (Why I didn’t use that last ¼ cup in the trailer when last I made rice, I will never fathom. But then, there are lots of things about myself that I have yet to understand. So, why should a simple thing like a quarter cup of unused rice be any different? But I digress…….)

Anyway, the rice along with a half-pound of bulk Italian sausage that was languishing in our freezer, and a lone home-grown tomato that desperately needed to be eaten, all contributed to this thrown together recipe. But somehow, it worked. Also, you will notice from the picture that I used 2 red bell peppers. That’s what I had on hand. And they tasted fine. But, next time, I will make this recipe with green bell peppers. I simply like the bite from green bell peppers better. But it’s all a matter of taste, so don’t let me dictate which bell peppers you should use. Use whichever you prefer. Just make the darn things. They are easy to prepare, quite economical, and taste divine. And bake potatoes to go along with the peppers. Add a simple salad or steamed veggie and dinner is on the table. Very little fuss required. And fairly healthy too. And isn’t that we are all after these days.

So, for today, my work here is done. I’ve given you a recipe for a simple, healthy entrée. The ball is now in your court.

Peace and love to all.  

¼ c. rice (I used a rice mixture)

½ c. chicken broth

2 green bell peppers (or red, orange, or yellow if you must)

2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil

½ lb. bulk Italian sausage

¼ yellow onion, chopped

2 garlic cloves, finely minced

½ c. diced tomato, fresh or canned

½ tsp. kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

½ tsp. fennel seeds

¼ tsp. dried oregano

pinch crushed red pepper flakes

1 c. grated cheese (Mozzarella, Jack, cheddar, etc.), divided   

Place the rice and broth in a covered saucepan. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, leave covered, and simmer for 15 minutes or until the rice is tender but still has some bite. (Most of the broth will be absorbed at this point.) Remove from heat and let sit uncovered until needed.

Cut the bell peppers in half lengthwise. Discard the ribs and seeds. Place in a lightly greased shallow baking pan, preferably one with a lid. (If you don’t have a pan with a lid, you can cover the pan with aluminum foil after you have placed the peppers into the pan.)

Heat the olive oil in a large fry pan. And the sausage and crumble as it cooks until it’s nicely browned. Add the onion and cook until the onion is starting to soften. Add the garlic. Cook for one minute. 

Add the diced tomato. Cook until no liquid remains.

Add the salt, black pepper, fennel seeds, oregano, crushed red pepper flakes, and cooked rice. Stir to blend all the ingredients.

Remove from heat and stir in half of the cheese. Taste and adjust seasonings. Stuff the half peppers with sausage mixture, dividing equally and gently packing the mixture down.

Bake covered in a preheated 375-degree oven for 60 minutes or until the peppers are tender. Remove from oven, remove lid, and add the remaining cheese on top of the peppers. Return the pan uncovered to the oven. Bake for a few minutes until the cheese is melted. Serve hot out of the oven.



While we were on our recent trailer trip, I fixed Grilled Herb and Garlic Marinated Pork Tenderloin. (Recipe soon to be posted.) But, because I am lazy, I brought the frozen two pack along on the trip. If I had been a better person, I would have divided the package when I got home from the grocery store before placing it in our home freezer. And then I wouldn’t have had leftovers to worry about while traveling. But what’s done is done. And life goes on.

So, faced with a leftover package of cooked pork tenderloin that is better traveled than a lot of folks, I decided to make stew with it. And I am very glad I did. Because the stew turned out to be pretty darn tasty. And it helped me use up some of the yellow beans we had been given from our dear neighbors Vicki and Mark. (Vicki has the greenest thumb I know.) Anyway, the ingredient list for this recipe might look a bit forbidding, but don’t be afraid, the stew really does come together fairly quickly.

So, that’s it for today. Mr. C. has a gig tonight, so I am off the hook for dinner. Not that I mind cooking dinner you realize. But having someone else do the cooking and prep clean up once in a while, doesn’t break my heart either.

On a different note, if you are a travel buff, you might enjoy reading my latest trip report entitled September 2022 Travel Trailer Trip – Glacier National Park.

Hope you enjoy the report as well as this recipe.

And as always, peace and love to all.

½ c. boiling water

¼ c. broken dried mushrooms (I use dried porcini mushrooms)

2 T. extra virgin olive oil

1 sm. onion, chopped

2 carrots, diced

2 celery stalks, diced

2 garlic cloves, minced

¾ tsp. dried rosemary

1 tsp. dried thyme

¾ tsp. kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

2 bay leaves

½ c. dry white wine

2-4 c. diced leftover pork tenderloin 

4 c. chicken broth

1 T. tomato paste

2 c. peeled and diced sweet or regular potato (the pieces should be fairly small)

2 c. fresh green or yellow beans (or combination), cut into 1-inch pieces

2 T. unsalted butter, room temp., opt.

2 T. all-purpose flour, opt.

Stir the boiling water and dried mushroom pieces together in a small bowl. Set aside.

Heat the olive oil in a large, covered pot or Dutch oven. Add the onion, carrots, and celery. Cook until the onion starts to soften. Add the garlic and cook for one minute.  

Stir in the dried rosemary, thyme, salt, pepper, and bay leaves. Add the white wine and cook until all the liquid has evaporated.

Then add the diced cooked pork, chicken broth, and tomato paste. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer covered for 1 hour or until pork is tender.

Add the sweet potato, beans, and rehydrated dried mushrooms. (Liquid and all.)  Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer covered for 20 minutes or until the sweet potato pieces are tender. Taste and adjust seasoning. (You will probably need a bit more salt.)

If the stew is not thick enough, mush the butter and flour together (Beurre Manié) and add to the pot. Stir well. Then simmer for an additional 10 minutes uncovered.

This stew is great with Whole Wheat and Cornmeal Buttermilk Biscuits with Sharp Cheddar Cheese and Black Pepper. Recipe to be published soon.


When we decided yesterday morning to grill pork chops for dinner, I immediately looked for a brine recipe especially designed for chops that were going to be cooked on a grill. Made sense at the time and now that we dined on perfect chops last evening, it makes even more sense. Because these were the best pork chops to ever come off our grill.

Now I know a lot had to due with the chops themselves. Because unbeknownst to me, I had lucked out the day I went to our local QFC for meat. Not only was I fortunate to pick out chops from a Berkshire pig (read all about these darlings below), but they were on sale that day. So, ultra-thick, bone in chops that were usually $12.99 a pound, were reduced to $5.99 a pound. So, instead of spending $23.38, I only had to fork over $10.78 for 1.80 pounds of pure deliciousness. So, bottom line, the quality of the pork chops had a lot to do with what came off our grill. But the brine put the entire dining experience over the top.

I found this simple recipe on the site, and I will never use another brine recipe for grilled pork chops again. The flavor was subtle, but very tasty. And the brine had been a snap to put together. No fancy ingredients. Just basic items I always have on hand.

So, if you too love a great pork chop, thick chops from a Berkshire pig and this brine recipe are a winning combination.

Well, it’s hot today. So, we are staying in our nice, air-conditioned home and letting the world drift by as it is wont to do. Nothing would be gained from either one of us suffering from a heat stroke or allowing ourselves to be terribly burned by working in the sun. So, being a bit idle is the wiser choice for us today. That being said, it’s probably time for me to start prepping for dinner. Mr. C. has a rehearsal tonight, so dinner has to be on the table by 5:30. And since I am preparing 2 new recipes for tonight’s repast, it will take me a little longer than say, slamming a slice of bologna between to pieces of bread, to get myself organized and dinner on the table in a timely manner.

So, wish me luck with my two new culinary experiments. If they work, you will be seeing them in print within the next couple of days.

As always, peace and love to all. And do try to find Berkshire pork. I promise it will be well worth your effort and expense.  

And sorry about no picture. I will add one next time I make these chops.

1 c. cold water

3 T. apple cider vinegar 

¼ c. brown sugar 

¼ c. coarse sea salt (preferably not iodized)

coarsely ground black pepper 

3 garlic cloves, thickly sliced 

1-2 fresh thyme sprigs or ½ tsp. dry thyme

2 very thick (over an inch) pork chops (from a Berkshire pig*, if possible)

In a large bowl, whisk together the cold water, vinegar, brown sugar, coarse sea salt, pepper, garlic, and thyme. Place the pork chops in a gallon size freezer bag and pour in the brine. Place bag in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes or up to 12 hours. (I brined mine for 6 hours and that was about perfect.)

When you’re ready to grill the chops, take them out of the brine (don’t rinse them!) and pat them dry. Discard the brine. BBQ until the internal temperature of each chop reaches 145-degrees.

Remove from grill and let rest for about 4 minutes before serving.

Hint from Mr. C: turn the chops every 2 minutes and remove them from the grill when you take their temperature. He cooked our chops for a total of 7 minutes on about a 425-degree heat.

*Berkshire pork looks and tastes like no other pork meat. Unlike commodity pork or “The Other White Meat”, Berkshire pork is visibly different. It has a darker, richer color with an abundance of intramuscular marbling, comparing it favorably to prime beef. The flavor is distinctive with an unparalleled tenderness for pork. It is thought by many to be the Kobe beef of pork.

I found the pork chops we enjoyed last evening at the meat counter in the Stanwood QFC. The pork chops were labeled “Berkshire free range prime pork rib chops bone in”. And they were cut almost 1½ inches thick. Perfect for the grill.

I would definitely recommend you give Berkshire pork a try.     



OK, I know I have other quiche recipes on this site, but can you really ever have too many great quiche recipes on hand? Especially recipes for quiches that are a bit healthier than some and also stinkin’ easy to prepare. I think not! Plus, contain ingredients most of us always have on hand. Because, if you are like me, sometimes I don’t have Swiss or Jarlsberg cheese in my refrigerator. But I almost always have mozzarella cheese. (You just never know when a pizza craving might hit you in the middle of the night! For that alone mozzarella cheese must always be available.)

And even though I already feature a non-rollout whole-wheat crust in my recipe for Ham, Caramelized Onion, and Swiss Cheese Quiche, the crust isn’t made with 100% whole-wheat flour. And that’s what I was looking to produce when I first thought about a new and healthier quiche recipe.

And believe me, I looked at a lot of whole-wheat pastry recipes before choosing this one to try. Some included all-purpose flour in addition to whole-wheat flour, some had added sugar, some were all olive oil or all veggie oil, others called for cold water, or melted butter, you name it. So, I finally said to heck with the recipes I could find and came up with my own version. However, I did take inspiration from the site. I changed Kevin’s crust recipe somewhat, but his was still the closest I could find to what I had in mind. I just didn’t want to use any sugar, and I wanted to use at least some olive oil. So, I decided to use half olive oil and half veggie oil. And I have to say, this recipe made for one tasty and incredibly easy crust to prepare.

As far as the filling is concerned, it’s pretty standard except for the mozzarella cheese. I was half afraid the filling would be boring because mozzarella cheese has a blander flavor than both Swiss and Jarlsberg cheese, but that was absolutely not the case. It was perfect. A bit salty, but I reduced the salt from ½ teaspoon in my original recipe, to the “pinch” of salt you will find in the perfected recipe below.

So, all in all, I would whole heartedly recommend you make this quiche in the near future.

Well, that’s it for today. It’s predicted to be very hot today and for the next 3-4 days. So, I have already watered all the pots and water needy plants in our yard this morning. The heat pump is working away to keep our house cool, and I have left-over quiche to serve for dinner tonight. All I have to do today is make a big old green salad to accompany the quiche. I should be able to manage that, if of course I pace myself. Which believe me, I have become very accustomed to doing.

I never thought I would reach a time when my diminishing energy would be an acceptable reality. Maybe I’m finally growing up! Because, why should I still have boundless energy when my friends and relatives who are the same age as I am, are also slowing down. What kind of conceit would I have to possess that would make me think I was a human anomaly? Inconceivable conceit, that’s what! So, I am learning to be content with my many blessings. A fabulous husband, wonderful family, true friends, a lovely home, a few medical conditions that cause concern, but none that are life threatening. So, am I going to let my waning energy get me down? Hell no! I’m going to accept it as my reward for living a full and rich life!  Now, if you will excuse me, I’m going to take a much-deserved nap!

Peace and love to all.


1½ c. stone-ground whole-wheat flour

½ tsp. kosher salt

¼ c. extra virgin olive oil

¼ c. veggie oil

3 T. milk   

Place the flour and salt in a 9-inch pie pan and mix until evenly blended.

In a measuring cup, whisk the oils and milk together until creamy.

Pour all at once over the flour mixture. Mix with a fork until the flour mixture is completely moistened.

Pat the dough with your fingers, first up the sides of the pie pan and then across the bottom. Form the dough around the rim as flat and even as possible. Prick the crust with a table fork (sides and bottom) and bake for 12 minutes in a pre-heated 425-degree oven. While the crust pre-bakes prepare the filling.

After 12 minutes, remove pie pan from oven. Reduce heat to 350-degrees. Set crust aside.  


6 lg. eggs

1 c. half & half (or half whipping cream and half low-fat milk)

½ tsp. Dijon mustard

pinch kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

9 strips thick meaty bacon, chopped and cooked until crisp

2 c. grated mozzarella cheese, divided

¼ c. chopped fresh chives or thinly sliced green onions

1½ c. thinly sliced baby spinach

ground nutmeg

Whisk the eggs, half & half, Dijon mustard, salt, and pepper together. Layer the cooked bacon, 1 cup of the mozzarella cheese, chives, and spinach in the partially baked pie crust.   

Carefully pour egg mixture over the layers. Sprinkle remaining 1 cup of mozzarella cheese over the egg mixture. Lightly sprinkle with ground nutmeg. Place strips of aluminum foil over the edge of the pie crust. (The edges are probably already brown from the pre-baking. You don’t want them any darker.)

Bake at 350-degrees for 40-45 mins, or until cooked all the way through. To check if the quiche is set (done), stick a toothpick into the center of the quiche. If it comes out clean, the quiche is ready to come out of the oven.

Remove from oven. Let stand for 5-10 minutes before serving.


Of course, I know it’s technically summer. And finally, and I do mean FINALLY it appears that summer has landed here in the beautiful northwestern part of the great state of Washington. The fact of which I am quite sure my outdoor potted plants will readily attest. (They were really thirsty when I watered them yesterday morning. To the extent that a couple were drooping from lack of turgor pressure.)

Your botany lesson (reminder) for today:  Turgor pressure – the pressure exerted by fluid in a cell that presses the cell membrane against the cell wall. Turgor is what makes living plant tissue rigid. Loss of turgor, resulting from the loss of water from plant cells, causes flowers and leaves to wilt. (Actually, turgor pressure is one of the only things I remember from the college freshman botany class I took in 1962. That and the difference between herbaceous and woody plants. And only then because my lab partner and I gave each other the nicknames “Herby” and “Woody”. But I digress….

Anyway, I served this terrific soup last evening for dinner. Even though the temperature had been in the mid-eighties. Because, basically, I enjoy a good soup year-round. And this, dear friends, is a very good soup. And let me tell you right here and now, that compared with making lasagna from scratch, this dish is a snap to prepare.

I can’t tell you how many times over the years, I have finished making lasagna and swearing never to do it again. And then several months later, forgetting the time involved, end up vowing to not make the same mistake again. Basically, I have been repeating this process for decades now. And yes, you would think the girl could learn. But apparently not! (At least now, I have a reasonable alternative that tastes divine and only takes about a fourth of the time to assemble.)

Now don’t get me wrong. I still love lasagna in all it’s iterations. And because I do love this quint essential Italian dish, I plan to develop other soups that include the basic ingredients from my favorite lasagna recipes. (Roasted Mushroom Lasagna with Béchamel Sauce immediately comes to mind.)

So, a big thank you to Lauren from the site for the bones of this recipe. I changed her recipe dramatically, but the basic premise is all Laurens.

Well, that’s it for today. You’ve had your botany lesson for today and been provided with a simple recipe for a great soup that I know your entire family will enjoy. Hopefully your day will be wonderful, productive, and bring you pleasure.

If you are like most people, life can get in the way of taking care of yourself. This is something I have only come to realize as I’ve gotten older. Before it was rush, rush, rush to make everyone’s life around me perfect. Nothing is perfect, no matter how hard we as cooks and care givers try to make it so. But when we take good care of ourselves, we have a basis for taking good care of others. Taking care of ourselves should always be a top priority. (Well, that and having fun in our kitchens.)  

Peace and love to all.

1 c. cottage cheese (run through your food processor to make it smooth)

1 c. grated mozzarella cheese

¾ c. freshly grated Parmesan cheese

½ c. roughly chopped fresh basil

1 lb. lean ground beef

1 lb. bulk Italian sausage

1 lg. yellow onion, chopped

5 garlic cloves, finely minced

1 (28-oz.) can tomatoes (preferably Italian)

2 T. tomato paste

6 c. water

1 T. beef base (I use Better Than Bouillon Beef base)  

½ tsp. kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

2 bay leaves

¼ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes

1 tsp. Italian seasoning 

2 tsp. dried oregano leaves

1 tsp. dried basil

1 tsp. fennel seed

1-2 Parmesan rinds, opt.

4-6 lasagna noodles, broken into small bite sized pieces

3 c. roughly chopped baby spinach leaves 

In a small bowl, stir the processed cottage cheese, mozzarella, Parmesan, and basil together. Set aside.

In a large heavy covered pot over medium-high heat, cook ground beef and sausage until browned. Remove meat from the pot and drain as much grease off as possible. Set meat aside.

In the same pot, add the diced onion and sauté for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the minced garlic and cook for another minute.

Stir in the canned tomatoes (plus juice), tomato paste, water, beef base, salt, pepper, bay leaves, crushed red pepper flakes, Italian seasoning, oregano, dried basil, fennel seed, and Parmesan rinds.

Bring to boil, then reduce heat, cover and simmer gently for about 40 minutes. Stir occasionally. After about 40 minutes, remove the bay leaves and Parmesan rind(s), taste and adjust seasoning before increasing heat and adding the broken lasagna noodles. Cook, stirring occasionally, until noodles are al dente.  

Add the spinach and cooked meat. Cook for about 2 minutes, or until the spinach is wilted and the meat is hot.

Ladle the hot soup into bowls and dollop a scoop of the cheese mixture on top.