It’s summer. It’s family and friends over for a picnic weather. So, along with great food, you have a large assortment of beer, wine, flavored water, pop, and mixed drink makings available for your family and friends to help themselves. But what about your guests who don’t drink alcohol or who want to switch to a non-alcoholic beverage or are underage? I feel it’s considerate to provide these guests with a beverage that looks and tastes fancy and interesting too. So, I’ve got a couple of non-alcoholic drink options for you! (And sorry about no pictures. They will be added eventually.)  

Non-alcoholic Sangria Punch. Looks beautiful. Full of fruit and flavor. No added sugar. And can and should be partially made ahead. And who doesn’t like that especially if you are hosting a crowd.

Strawberry Lemonade. Easy to make. Very refreshing. No added sugar. Mostly prepared ahead and finished off just before serving.

Well, that’s it for today so I’m going to make this post short and sweet. (But without any added sugar.)

So, if you too love to entertain and want to serve a beverage that everyone will enjoy, these two recipes are just enough different to be an exciting change of pace for your guests. The punch is just amazingly delicious. And the lemonade is tart and totally refreshing.

So, if I haven’t wished you a happy summer already, I am doing so now. Stay cool. And remember that your kitchen is not the enemy!

I know it’s not easy to think about cooking when it’s too bloody hot to even want to go anywhere near “that” room. So, what I advise is to “cook” early in the day if you are retired or at home at that time. And remember, main dishes do not have to be hot. Cold cuts (as my mother used to call sliced salami, cooked meats, and cheeses), sandwich bread, and various condiments and sliced tomatoes, lettuce, and onion make for a great hot weather lunch or dinner. Add some chips and a green salad and life is good. Remember, sandwiches are our friend when it’s too hot to cook. Big old salads with chopped meat, cheese, and veggies are also great hot weather mains.

So, again – HAPPY SUMMER

And as always, peace and love to all.


1 lemon (sliced, with peel)

1 lime (sliced, with peel)

1 orange (sliced, with peel)

1 cored apple (sliced, with peel)

1 pint whole black berries

1 pint strawberries, sliced

3 c. mixed berry juice

¾ c. apple juice

¾ c. orange juice

1½ T. fresh lemon juice, or more to taste

1 qt. lemon/lime or unflavored sparkling water

Place the cut fruit in a clear pitcher. Add the mixed berry, apple, orange, and lemon juices. Gently mix. Drop blackberries and strawberries on top. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight.   

Just before serving, add the sparkling water. Gently mix and serve. Don’t put ice in the pitcher. It will dilute the punch too much.  Instead, have an ice bucket available for people to add their own ice.  

Other fruit can also be used. Peaches, nectarines, pears, pineapple, etc.  


1 can (usually 12 oz.) frozen lemonade (regular or pink)

1 c. water

1 pint strawberries, divided

1-2 fresh lemons, thinly sliced

8-10 mint leaves, opt.

1 qt. lemon/lime or unflavored sparkling water

Place the frozen lemonade and 1 cup water in a large pitch. Mash up half of the strawberries and add them to the pitcher, along with lemon slices and mint leaves. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight.

Just before serving, slice the remaining strawberries and add them along with the sparkling water to the pitcher. Gently mix and serve. Don’t put ice in the pitcher. It will dilute the lemonade too much.  Instead, have an ice bucket available for people to add their own ice.