OK, you all, just because Christmas 2024 is in our rear-view mirror doesn’t mean Old Man Winter isn’t up to his usual shenanigans. For the last few days, it has been just beautiful here on the western side of the Cascade Mountains. Cold, but clear skies and amazing vistas. But if the weather service is to be believed, we are in for a bit of snow this weekend. And for us, with our steep driveway, it means either risking life and limbs attempting to leave home, or staying home by our fake but warming fireplace, reading books until our eyes start to cross, while sipping a little something warm to cheer us up.

And even though most of you were not even a gleam in your father’s eyes in the years following World War II, and therefore not old enough to remember “Russian Tea”, it was very popular. The basic formula for instant hot black tea with citrus flavorings became a showcase for the convenience foods of the Space Age: Tang, powdered lemonade, and instant tea. 

So, for whatever reason, I decided to find a recipe and make some to gift unsuspecting friends as part of their Christmas package. And of course, saving some of the mix for us to enjoy also. Well, I don’t like hot tea. Never have. But this mixture of tea, citrus flavoring, and warm spices I love. A cup of this just plain warms the cockles of my heart. It simply makes me happy and filled with contentment.

Of course I can’t drink this lovely concoction every day. And neither should you. Too much sugar, caffeine, and unpronounceable ingredients. But as a treat while you watch snowflakes accumulate and inhibit your ability to leave the confines of your home, it can make a homestay acceptable. And what more could you ask of a non-alcoholic beverage?

So, if you want to try a retro hot drink, give this recipe a try. And while you’re at it, have a cookie too. Between all that sugar, you will probably get everything on your to-do list done, and in record time!

Peace and love to all.         

1 container Tang (26.2 oz.)

1 c. unsweetened instant tea  

1¾ c. instant lemonade (such as Country Time)

2 tsp. ground cinnamon

2 tsp. ground clove

Mix all the ingredients in an airtight container.

To make the hot tea, fill a mug with hot water (about 195-degrees) and stir in 2-3 teaspoons of the tea mix. Sip carefully. It’s a hot liquid after all.  


It’s winter. And for some, winter means hot chocolate. And for those of you who don’t want to spend the effort to start from scratch every time a cup of cocoa is desired, I offer up this simple hot chocolate mix recipe.

Now, if you are planning to serve hot chocolate to several people over the age of 21, and desire a more sophisticated and adult version of this classic winter beverage, then stop reading and bring up my Mexican Hot Cocoa recipe. But if you are after a simple to prepare mix that any one in your family over the age of 12 can use to prepare a lovely cup of hot chocolate, then read on my friend.

And yes, I know you can buy cocoa mixes. But all those unpronounceable ingredients and the cost – forget it! Prepare a batch of this in early December or at your earliest convenience, tell your family it is there for the making, and walk away content in the fact that you have done your duty as kitchen Goddess/God in residence – aka mom/dad/spouse!

And if I didn’t already mention this, according to my dear husband, this recipe makes for a really good cup of hot chocolate.

So get thee to the kitchen and whip up a batch of this mix. It’s simple, delectable, and ever so user friendly.    

Hot Chocolate Mix:

1 c. cocoa powder (I use Ghirardelli Majestic Premium Cocoa Powder from Cash & Carry)

1 c. powdered sugar

1 c. instant nonfat dry milk

1 tsp. vanilla powder (available through Amazon)

1 tsp. cinnamon

pinch nutmeg  

pinch cayenne pepper, or more to taste

Whisk together the cocoa powder, powdered sugar, powdered milk, vanilla powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cayenne. Store in an airtight container.

Hot Chocolate Drink: (makes 1 serving)

2-3 T. hot chocolate mix

1 c. boiling water

whipped cream, opt. (We use the canned stuff)

ground cinnamon, cinnamon stick, or chocolate sprinkles, opt.

Scoop cocoa mix into a mug. Stir or whisk in the boiling water. Top with whipped cream. Sprinkle lightly with cinnamon or garnish with a cinnamon stick.



You know, there are just times when you have to make the supreme sacrifice and learn how to prepare something that you yourself have no desire to consume, or in this case imbibe. And because I am not inherently a martyr, (that was my mother’s specialty), I don’t often “put myself out” enough to play around with a recipe I just know I am not going to like. But some people really love hot cocoa and one of them happens to live with me! (Actually it turns out that most people like hot cocoa. I am definitely in the minority on this one.) So I suppose at this point you think you have figured out the end of this story. That I have had some amazing revelation and I am now transformed into a cocoa lover because truly, has there ever been a better taste combination than chocolate and orange?  Wrong!  I still don’t like hot cocoa even if it does contain chocolate and orange. However, my husband and everyone else I have ever served this to think it is just delicious. So if you enjoy a cup of cocoa on a cold winter day, give this recipe a try. As for myself, I’ll have another cup of coffee, thank you!

  • 1/3 c. unsweetened cocoa powder
  • ¼ c. sugar
  • pinch salt
  • 1/3 c. boiling water
  • 1 tsp. orange zest
  • ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon, plus more for sprinkling
  • 4 c. whole milk
  • ½ tsp. vanilla
  • 1 c. heavy cream
  • 2 T. powdered sugar
  • 1 T. Cointreau or other orange flavored liqueur

Combine cocoa powder, sugar, salt, and boiling water in a medium sized saucepan. Bring to a gentle boil, reduce heat and simmer for 2 minutes, stirring the entire time. (Will scorch if not stirred.) Stir in orange zest, cinnamon, and milk. Bring to just under a boil, remove from heat, and stir in vanilla. Whip cream to stiff peaks. Add powdered sugar and Cointreau. Ladle cocoa into 4 cups and dollop with whipped cream. Sprinkle with cinnamon.