Category Archives: DESSERT RECIPES


Hurray, it’s fresh rhubarb season again! And we happen to be dedicated fans of this very delicious vegetable. Yup, rhubarb is a veggie and a very undemanding perennial veggie to boot. Apparently, rhubarb originated in Asia and although the stalks resemble celery, they are wildly different from celery. Celery is part of the parsnip family and the leaves are not only edible but cherished for their intense flavor. (I actually pick celery based on the bunch that contains the most leaves. If possible, I use the leaves in every soup I build that calls for celery.) While rhubarb belongs to the buckwheat family. And you should only eat the stems of the rhubarb plant. Both the stalks and the leaves contain oxalic acids which are toxic. However, the stalks contain much less of the toxin and therefore are considered safe to eat. But, it is recommended that you harvest rhubarb stalks before the 24th of June. Apparently, after that, the stalks also contain too much oxalic acid to be considered safe to eat. (This has never been a problem for me. I harvest my rhubarb way before that time, because I can’t wait to make it into a dessert – like, for example, this rhubarb coffee cake.)

I have been making a rhubarb coffee cake very similar to this one since the late 90’s. (Before that I had never been fond of coffee cakes. Usually too bland for my taste.) But, as my baking skills have improved, I reviewed my old recipe and decided to change things up a bit to make the cake even tastier. So, this is what I came up with.

I served this cake to members of the jazz group Seabreeze, who had not met indoors since the beginning of the covid crisis. They had met three times out-of-doors, but for one reason or another, had not been allowed to complete a full rehearsal. But since all the members and Mr. C. and I are fully vaccinated, the group met in our living room yesterday. Although Mr. C. practices classical pieces most days, it was wonderful hearing jazz performed in our home again. I just sat and listened. And of course, I had to serve them a treat. They are all such wonderful and talented guys, that it was actually my treat to fix something special for them. And they loved the cake. As did I.

So, if you are lucky enough to have some rhubarb on hand, consider building this moist and delicious coffee cake. And no, you don’t have to serve it dolloped with whipped cream. But I’m telling you true, it doesn’t detract from the pleasure either.

As always, enjoy your time in the kitchen. Take pleasure in whatever you fix that makes your family or your guests happy. And even the times when you try a new recipe and it doesn’t come out as delicious as you expected, keep going. Not every recipe is going to result in perfection. But you can learn from those recipes. And at least for me, learning is half the fun.

Peace and love to all.  

For the cake:

½ c. (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temp.

1 c. granulated sugar

½ c. brown sugar, packed

2 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla extract

2 c. unbleached all-purpose flour, fluffed

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

1 tsp. baking soda

½ tsp. kosher salt

1 c. buttermilk

4 slightly rounded c. diced fresh rhubarb

½ c. chopped walnuts

In a large bowl, beat the butter and sugar together until well blended. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in vanilla.

Whisk the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, and salt together in a small bowl. Add to the creamed mixture alternately with buttermilk just until thoroughly combined. Stir in rhubarb and chopped walnuts. Pour into a lightly buttered 13×9-inch baking dish. (Glass preferred.) (Don’t bother to wash the mixing bowl. You can use it to assemble the topping.) While the cake enjoys it’s first 25 minutes in the oven, prepare the topping.

Bake in a pre-heated 350-degree oven for 25 minutes before adding the topping. After 25 minutes, remove from oven, reduce the heat to 325-degrees, evenly sprinkle on the topping, return to oven, and continue baking for another 23-25 minutes or until the topping is a nice light brown and a pick inserted into the cake comes out clean. Do not over-bake. Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack.

Serve room temperature or slightly warmed in the microwave. Cointreau Whipped Cream is perfect with this coffee cake. See recipe below.


1 c. unbleached all-purpose flour

½ c. brown sugar, packed

1 T. baking powder

¼ tsp. kosher salt

6 T. (¾ stick) unsalted butter, room temp.

¼ c. finely chopped walnuts

In a small bowl, combine the flour, brown sugar, baking powder, and salt. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. (I use my fingers for this not-so-delicate operation.) Mix in the finely chopped walnuts. Set aside until needed.

Cointreau Whipped Cream

2 c. (1 pint) heavy cream

¼ c. powdered sugar

½ tsp. vanilla paste or extract

2-3 tsp. Cointreau (or other orange flavored liqueur)

Whip the cream to stiff peaks. Whip in the powdered sugar, vanilla, and Cointreau. Dollop on pieces of cake just before serving.  




And yes, I am a copy-cat. But the Levain Bakery knockoff cookies I have made so far are all the best in class as far as I’m concerned. (And isn’t it really just all about me?) Of course, it is! (Believe me, excluding various recipes for adult beverages which Mr. C. happens to like that I wouldn’t drink even if I could replace some of the jerks in Washington DC with intelligent, well informed, capable people of my choice, I would never consider posting recipes for dishes I don’t like myself and hope to enjoy again in the future!) So, yes absolutely – it’s really just all about me! And these cookies are the best chocolate peanut butter cookies I have ever tasted!

Anyway, just trust me. These cookies are amazing, and very easy to build. Of course, you must love chocolate and peanut butter. And in combination. But then if you didn’t like this terrific duo, you wouldn’t be reading this recipe to begin with. So, never mind. The only thing left to say is – make these ASAP.

I made a batch for the trailer trip we just completed, and they were a smashing success. The smashing primarily happening because, for the trip, I stored them in a gallon freezer bag. Not my best idea. So, I certainly would not recommend that you store them the same way. A nice sturdy box like airtight container would have been such a better choice. In the bag they became a bit crumbled while riding in the microwave. (One of the areas in our trailer used for storage until such time as the original purpose is required.) But Mr. C. assures me the crumbs were wonderful on ice cream. (I wasn’t offered a taste, so I only have his word on the subject. Ahem. But I trust his judgement, so I’ll take his word for it. This time!)

Anyway – make these cookies, you will be glad you did.

As always, take joy in whatever you are doing. We have such a short time on earth, and then, well who knows? If there is a heaven, and I sincerely hope there is, I plan to bake and eat cookies every day. (I’ve heard you can’t gain weight in heaven.) So, I figure I had better have a few great recipes, like this one, memorized for all eternity. Because my plan is to make and eat these babies on a regular basis. (My idea of heaven!)

Peace and love to all.    

1 c. (2 sticks) cold unsalted butter, cut into small cubes

1 c. brown sugar

½ c. granulated sugar

2 lg. eggs 

1 tsp. vanilla

½ c. good dark cocoa powder

1 c. cake flour, fluffed 

1½ c. unbleached all-purpose flour, fluffed

1 tsp. cornstarch

¾ tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. coarse sea salt

1½ c. peanut butter chips (I use a 10-oz. pkg. Reese’s Peanut Butter Chips)

Place the butter, brown sugar, and granulated sugar in the bowl of your stand mixer. Using the paddle attachment, beat the butter and sugars on medium low speed until smooth and completely blended, about 4 minutes. Add the eggs and vanilla. Beat just until the eggs are incorporated with the butter/sugar mixture.

In a small mixing bowl, whisk the cocoa powder, cake flour, all-purpose flour, cornstarch, baking soda, and salt together. Add to the wet ingredients and mix only until combined. Add the peanut butter chips, and again, mix only until combined. Chill the dough for 10 minutes.

Divide the dough into 16 equal parts, about 3-ounces each, or as equally portioned as possible. I cheat. I slightly round the dough in my #16 (¼ cup) ice cream scoop. (My scoop has a green handle.)

Drop dough onto parchment paper or silicone mat lined baking pans about 3 inches apart. (I use three half sheet (roughly 18 x 13-inch) baking pans. Six cookies on sheets 1 & 2. Four cookies on sheet number 3.) Refrigerate for about an hour. (To make life easier on myself, and because I don’t have room in my refrigerator for 3 sheet pans, I plop the balls of dough close together on one of the parchment paper lined pans. Then I refrigerate the whole mess. When I’m ready to bake the little darlings, I take 6 from the fridge and place on another of the parchment paper lined baking sheets. The others dough balls I just leave in the fridge until I am ready to bake them off.)  

Press down ever so gently on the top of each cookie before baking in a pre-heated 400-degree oven for 9-11 minutes or until the top looks set. The inside will still feel quite soft or under-baked. That’s exactly what you want.

Remove from oven and let the cookies rest for at least 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

Store in an airtight container at room temperature.



Now, the first thing you should know about these cookies, is that they are not for the faint of heart. These incredible cookies, compliments of the site, are for true lovers of gingerbread and ginger cookies. They are simply the best soft ginger cookies I have ever tasted. And because they are crinkle cookies, they are beautiful as well as delicious. And doesn’t everyone appreciate a beautiful cookie? Of course, we do!

But I must emphasize that these are strongly flavored cookies. The word wimpy could never be applied to them. They are gingery with a capital G. And the texture too is perfect. But because of their pronounced ginger flavor, I doubt they would be the preference of say, a 5-year-old. So, don’t share them with a 5-year-old! Simple solution. Keep them for yourself! (That’s OK to do, you know!) Give the child an animal cracker. (That is, if they even make them any longer.) If not, find some other innocuous cookie to pawn off on the kid. And no, I never did that with my own children, but I think it’s OK if you do! I always made cookies that everyone in the family would enjoy. But I’ve since learned that doing something just for myself is OK. The earth will not stop spinning, summer will still follow spring, and no one really gives a rip anyway! But, whatever you do, make a batch of these cookies. They are really, really tasty.

As always, have fun baking. Have fun cooking. And if you’re like me, try to enjoy preparing salads rather than thinking of them as endurance contests. Because veggie salads are our friend. And don’t forget to make your own salad dressings. First of all, fresh dressings are delicious. And if you build your own dressing you know exactly what you are eating rather than depending on the kindness of strangers not to include unpronounceable ingredients like Phosphoric Guanylate, Disodium Inosinate, Sorbic Acid, and Calcium Disodium Edta! (Whatever they are!) Manufacturers simply have no choice but to add various stabilizers, preservatives, and even synthetic flavorings. It’s what they do! But that doesn’t mean you have to buy their products. You can fight the system and build you own dressings. I call it – using common sense!

Peace and love to all.

3 c. unbleached all-purpose flour, fluffed

¾ c. brown sugar, packed

¾ tsp. baking soda

1 T. ground cinnamon

1 T. ground ginger

½ tsp. ground cloves

½ tsp. kosher salt

12 T. (1½ sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature, cut into ½-inch cubes

¾ c. molasses (not blackstrap)

2 T. milk

granulated sugar

powdered sugar

In the bowl of your stand mixer, stir the flour, brown sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and salt together until combined. Add the butter pieces and beat until the mixture is sandy and resembles fine meal.

Reduce the speed to low and, with the mixer running, gradually add the molasses and milk. Mix until the dough is evenly moistened and thoroughly combined. Don’t over mix.

Using an ice cream scoop (I use my #40 – 1½ tablespoons ice cream scoop), drop balls of dough right next to each other on a waxed paper lined baking sheet. (Make sure the baking sheet you use will fit in your refrigerator.) After you have scooped all the dough, roll each scoop in your hands to form smooth compact balls. (This takes no time at all and is a necessary step.) Place the pan uncovered in your refrigerator for at least 2 hours. 

Meanwhile put a bit of granulated sugar in one shallow mixing bowl, and some powdered sugar in another shallow bowl. (I don’t give specific amounts here because you should start with a small amount of each and add more as required.)

After the two-hour cooling off period, roll each ball in granulated sugar then in powdered sugar. Place 1-inch apart on a parchment paper lined baking sheet.  

Bake in a pre-heated 350-degree oven for 12-14 minutes, or until the top feels set, but you would swear on a bag of Cheetos that the middle was not done! Truly, the cookies will feel a bit squishy in the middle. That’s what you want. Do not over bake.

Remove from the oven and cool on the sheets 2 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in an airtight container at room temperature.

Windy and stormy weather while I was baking these cookies. Notice how the trees in front of our house are bent to the North.
Alpenglow on the upper clouds



Based on a recipe from the site, I offer you this recipe for an extremely moist and fudgy, nutty, and over the top, dark chocolate brownie. But please be warned. If you are not a fan of dark chocolate, this is probably not the recipe for you. Because there is no escaping the fact that these brownies are ultra-chocolaty and super rich. (To my way of thinking, exactly how a brownie should taste. But that’s just me!) And the best part, the dark rich chocolate comes from cocoa. So, no having to melt chocolate! And no having to get out your mixer either. Just a couple of bowls and a short bit of time and you have a pan of brownies fit for a king or queen.

So, really, there’s nothing left to say, except, you simply must prepare a batch of these brownies for yourself. And if you happen to be feeling magnanimous, you might offer a bite to your significant other or a dear friend. But don’t bother offering any to your kids. Children under 12 wouldn’t appreciate them. And a teenager would simply inhale them, not having the sophistication to nibble on them slowly in order to savor every tiny morsel of chocolate goodness. These brownies were simply designed to be eaten by brownie connoisseurs. And not to be wasted on the uninitiated!

So, as always, have fun playing with your food. And sometimes, just for the pure delight factor, have fun baking something that is strictly for yourself!

Peace and love to all.     

½ c.(1 stick) unsalted butter

1 T. vegetable oil

½ c. + 2 T. granulated sugar

½ c. brown sugar, packed

2 lg. eggs

2 tsp. pure vanilla extract

½ c. unbleached all-purpose flour, fluffed

½ c. good unsweetened cocoa powder (I use Valrhono, Scharffen Berger, or Hershey’s Cocoa Natural Unsweetened Cocoa Powder)

½ tsp. espresso powder (I use Medaglia D’Oro)

¼ tsp. kosher salt

½ c. mini semi-sweet chocolate chips

¾ c. chopped walnuts

coarse sea salt

Lightly grease an 8-inch square baking pan (glass preferably) with cooking spray. Set aside.

In a large glass mixing bowl, melt the butter and keep heating it until it is hot. Whisk in the oil, granulated sugar, and brown sugar until well combined. Add the eggs and vanilla; beat for a couple of minutes until the mixture is lighter in color.

In another mixing bowl, whisk the flour, cocoa powder, espresso powder, and kosher salt together. Gently fold the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients just until combined. (Do not over mix.) Then gently fold in the chocolate chips and walnuts.   

Scoop the batter into the prepared pan, smoothing the top out evenly. Lightly sprinkle with coarse sea salt. (Not too much. Just enough to give each bite a tiny hint of salt.)    

Bake on the top rack of your pre-heated 325-degree oven (350-degrees if using a metal pan) for 23-27 minutes, or until the center of the brownies no longer jiggles and the top is just set to the touch. (Forget using a toothpick. It will come out with batter still attached. And you might be tempted to leave the pan in the oven too long! Don’t forget, the brownies will keep baking in the hot pan as they cool). If the top part of your oven tends to capture the heat, bake the brownies on the middle rack.

Remove from oven and allow to completely cool before cutting into squares. Store in an airtight container.


So, this started out to be my recipe for knockoff Levain Bakery dark chocolate peanut butter chip cookies. But alas, there were no peanut butter chips in my freezer. I had used every single peanut butter chip I owned at Christmas time, and obviously failed to add them to my grocery list. Well, slap my hand for that senior moment! (And yes, peanut butter chips are now on my current shopping list. At least I remembered to do that. And yes, mental acuity comes and goes when you get to be my age!) So, I decided to make the same cookie batter but use mint chips in place of peanut butter chips. After all, how bad could that be? And as it turned out, I may have to write Levain Bakery offering to share my recipe with them. Because frankly, I think they’re making a grave mistake by not offering this cookie in their remarkable line up of cookies. Because these cookies are amazing. And yes, I am tooting my own horn. But when fair is fair, then I go for it!

Now for those of you who have never experienced a real Levain Bakery cookie (and that would probably include most of you since the bakery is in New York City) or even a knockoff Levain Bakery cookie, you are in for a treat. First of all, these are big cookies. They have a crisp outer layer with an extremely chewy, doughy center that melts in your mouth. (Think not quite set cookie dough that doesn’t fall apart!) Levain Bakery cookies are simply the best cookies imaginable. And very different from any cookies I had ever made or eaten before. And for the life of me I can’t remember where I heard or read about this bakery. But I will forever be grateful for whatever it was that turned me on to these cookies. And after you try one, I know you will be too! So, for your gastronomic edification, I offer you two other recipes for knockoff Levain Bakery cookies. Knockoff Levain Bakery Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookies and Almost Knockoff Levain Bakery Oatmeal Raisin Cookies. Both are super yum!

So, as always, keep having fun in your kitchen. Keep thinking positive thoughts. And keep baking cookies. Because I don’t know anyone who doesn’t feel better with a cookie in their hand. Peace and love to all.  

And yes, look for my recipe for Knockoff Levain Bakery Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Cookies in the near future.

1 c. (2 sticks) cold unsalted butter, cut into small cubes

1 c. brown sugar

½ c. granulated sugar

2 lg. eggs 

1 tsp. vanilla extract

½ c. good dark cocoa powder

1 c. cake flour, fluffed 

1½ c. unbleached all-purpose flour, fluffed

1 tsp. cornstarch

¾ tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. coarse sea salt (I use coarse salt because it gives each bite of cookie just a lovely little burst of salt)

1½ c. mint chips

Place the butter, brown sugar, and granulated sugar in the bowl of your stand mixer. Using the paddle attachment, beat the butter and sugars on medium low speed until smooth and completely blended, about 4 minutes. Add the eggs and vanilla. Beat just until the eggs and vanilla are incorporated with the butter/sugar mixture.

In a small mixing bowl, whisk the cocoa powder, cake flour, all-purpose flour, cornstarch, baking soda, and salt together. Add to the wet ingredients and mix only until combined. Add the mint chips, and again, mix only until combined. Chill the dough for 10 minutes.

Divide the dough into 16 equal parts. Or as equally portioned as possible. (I cheat. I gently round the dough in my #16 (1/4 cup) ice cream scoop.)

Drop dough onto parchment paper or silicone mat lined baking pans about 3 inches apart. (I used three half sheet (roughly 18 x 13-inch) baking pans. Six cookies on sheets 1 & 2. Four cookies on sheet number 3.) Refrigerate for about an hour. (To make life easier on myself, and because I don’t have room in my refrigerator for 3 sheet pans, I plop the balls of dough close together on one of the parchment paper lined pans. Then I refrigerate the whole mess. When I’m ready to bake the little darlings, I take 6 from the fridge and place on another of the parchment paper lined baking sheets. The others dough balls I just leave in the fridge until I am ready to bake them off.)  

Bake in a pre-heated 400-degree oven for 9-12 minutes or until the top looks set. The inside will still be a little under-baked. That’s exactly what you want.

Remove from oven and let the cookies rest for at least 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. (They finish baking and set up a bit during their 10-minute time out.)

Store in an airtight container at room temperature.


OK, confession time. I am currently experiencing an insatiable hunger for cake. Why? I have no idea. Granted, I have always loved a really delicious, moist and tender cake. But that still doesn’t explain my overwhelming desire to produce one every few days! The only thing that might partially explain this current phenomenon, is that for the 12 years prior to our last JazzVox home concert in January of 2020, I was building fun desserts to serve our guests every month that we were not traveling. (104 concerts in our home, and at least 30 in other hosts homes. So, you do the math. And yes, some months fixing food to serve guests at other locations.) So, many of the desserts I served included cake, in some form or other. (There are only so many kinds of desserts you can serve 25-44 guests during a 15-minute intermission.) So, apparently my sweet tooth has been feeling a bit neglected lately. Especially since all the Christmas cookies have finally been eaten!

Now that you all know more about my life than you ever wanted or needed to know, I’ll get back to telling you about these delicious cupcakes. But first, you might be wondering why cupcakes rather than a 9×13-inch sheet cake, for example. Well, there’s method to my madness in this regard. Cupcakes are easier to share. (Special delivery to our dear friends and neighbors Mark and Vicki.) And cupcakes come portion controlled. Plus, I think there is more frosting on cupcakes than on regular cut pieces of cake. At least on my cupcakes there’s more frosting! So, until we can once again entertain guests in our home, it’s probably going to be cupcakes rather than a big old honkin’ cake.

Now, about these cupcakes. If you enjoy a moist and fluffy chocolate and coffee flavored cake, you are going to love these cupcakes. And then when topped with an espresso cream cheese frosting, I mean really, what’s not to like? (And yes, if you read my blog regularly, this is the same frosting that’s on the Bailey’s Irish Cream Cupcakes with Espresso Cream Cheese Frosting recipe.)

And I must say, it’s very refreshing not to have to use a mixer for the cake batter. So, ease of preparation is another reason to love this cake. Of course, you will need a mixer for the frosting. But very few recipes come with out some effort involved. But truly, any effort expended on these cupcakes is worth it. They are simply delicious. And worthy of your time.

As always, keep having fun in your kitchen. Keep preparing healthy and delicious food. And every so often, make your family a treat.

It has been one heck of a ride this past year. And unfortunately, the ride isn’t over yet. So, anything we as cooks can do to make life more pleasant for ourselves and our families – I say – let’s just do it. And if it means brownies at bedtime, so what! Or pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream for dinner. Again, who cares! Just a slight shift from normal can keep life exciting. And from becoming unbearably consistent.  

Peace and love to all.    

1½ c. unbleached all-purpose flour, fluffed

1⅓ c. granulated sugar

4½ tsp. good quality cocoa powder

1 tsp. espresso powder

½ tsp. kosher salt

1½ tsp. baking soda

¾ tsp. baking powder

¼ c. sour cream

¼ c. buttermilk

2 lg. eggs

¾ c. water

¼ c. + 2 T. vegetable oil

chocolate covered coffee beans, decoration, opt.

Add 16-18 papers to a cupcake pan.

Whisk the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, espresso powder, salt, soda, and baking powder together in a bowl.

In a separate bowl, whisk the sour cream, buttermilk, eggs, water, and oil together. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and beat by hand for a couple of minutes or until the batter is well combined and kind of glossy.

Fill the cupcake papers ¾ of the way full. (Do not be tempted to add more!) Bake in a pre-heated 350-degree oven for 15-19 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Remove from oven and allow to cool completely before frosting. Top with roughly crushed chocolate covered coffee beans, if desired.  

Espresso Cream Cheese Frosting:

¼ c. (½ stick) unsalted butter, room temperature

4 oz. (½ 8-oz. pkg.) full fat cream cheese, room temperature  

¾ tsp. espresso powder (I use Medaglia d’Oro instant espresso coffee)

tiny pinch kosher salt   

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1½ c. powdered sugar (more or less as needed)

Beat the butter on low speed until softened. Add the cream cheese and beat until the mixture is creamy, smooth, and no lumps. Add the espresso powder, salt, and vanilla. Gradually add the powdered sugar until thoroughly blended. (The frosting should be quite soft. Just enough powdered sugar to hold peaks.)  


OK, this is my humble attempt to replicate Carousel Cakes (a bakery in Nanuet, NY) Bailey’s Espresso Cream Cake. Well, not exactly replicate the cake because their beautiful cake is way too fussy for me. But somewhere at least in the same vicinity as far as flavor goes. And why this cake you might ask? Well, somewhere I either heard or read about Carousel’s fabulous cake, and it sounded so darned delicious I just had to figure out what all the fuss was about. But it being covid-19 season, and no possibility of serving cake to guests, I knew a whole cake for just the two of us was way out of the question. So, I immediately thought about cupcakes. And forget about any kind of filling. Just concentrate on the cake and frosting part.

Since I had never tasted the real thing, I figured that what I didn’t know wouldn’t hurt me! I did consider ordering a cake, but when I went on the bakery’s site, the cake was unavailable – sold out. (My first clue that this must really be quite the cake! Especially considering the price. $49 for the cake and who knows how much for the shipping!) So, no, even if one had been available, I wouldn’t have placed an order. But I was still intrigued with the idea of Bailey’s Irish Cream in combination with espresso.

So, I decided on a Bailey’s flavored cupcake with a simple espresso flavored cream cheese frosting. And by golly – it worked. What a winning combination. And both the cake part and the frosting had been totally easy to prepare. Better and better! (Or maybe that should read butter and butter!)

I started with a standard yellow cake recipe and substituted Bailey’s for the milk. Easy-peasy. Then for the frosting, my simple cream cheese frosting recipe with the addition of espresso powder. And the result? A delightful cupcake with an unusual, but delicious combination of flavors.

So, next time you get a yen for cupcakes, I would definitely recommend this recipe. And like I said above, both the cake part and the frosting are very easy to build. And the flavors are out of this world. Mr. C. was actually effusive yesterday after his first bite. (I don’t get effusive very often from him!) And, he had one this morning with his morning coffee before I was even out of bed! That too tells me he is now a devoted fan. I hope you become one too.

As always, have a blast in your kitchen. Continue to make fun and delicious dishes for yourself and your family. And try these cupcakes. They really are amazing.

Peace and love to all.    

For the Cupcakes:

¾ c. (1½ sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature 

1½ c. granulated sugar 

3 lg. eggs, room temperature 

1½ tsp. vanilla extract

¾ c. sour cream

2½ c. cake flour 

2¼ tsp. baking powder 

¾ tsp. kosher salt

¾ c. Baileys Irish Cream 

In the bowl of your stand mixer, beat the butter and sugar together until well combined, about 4 minutes. Add the eggs and vanilla and mix thoroughly. Mix in the sour cream until well combined.

In a large bowl whisk the flour, baking powder, and salt together. Gently beat in half of the flour mixture. Mix until just combined. Add the Baileys Irish cream. Mix until just combined. Add the remaining flour and mix just until all the flour is incorporated into the other ingredients. In other words, don’t over-mix at any stage!

Using an ice cream scoop, drop batter into cupcake lined muffin tins 7/8 full. (About 22)

Bake in a pre-heated 350-degree oven for about 16-18 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Don’t over-bake.

Remove from oven and let cupcakes cool in the pan for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely before frosting. 

For the Frosting:

½ c. (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature

1 (8-oz.) pkg. full fat cream cheese, room temperature  

1½ tsp. espresso powder (I use Medaglia d’Oro instant espresso coffee)

tiny pinch kosher salt   

2 tsp. vanilla extract

3 c. powdered sugar (more or less as needed)

Beat the butter on low speed until softened. Add the cream cheese and beat until the mixture is creamy, smooth, and no lumps. Add the espresso powder, salt, and vanilla. Gradually add the powdered sugar until thoroughly blended. (The frosting should be quite soft. Just enough powdered sugar to hold peaks.)  


One of the first pies I ever remember eating was a mincemeat pie. I don’t think I was very impressed, but then I was probably only 4 years old. So, I guess my reaction was only to be expected. Fast forward a few years, and my parents couldn’t keep me out of the mincemeat. And I still love the stuff. I mean really, what’s not to love about dried fruits and apples gently marinated in a slightly sweet, spicy, and boozy syrup?

But for all you purists out there, I must state up front, there are no chunks of beef or shredded beef suet in this recipe. As close as any cow gets to being an ingredient in this mincemeat, is by donating milk to be churned into butter. (And bossy dear, we thank you for that from the bottom of our dark little non vegan hearts.) So, purists, you may be excused. This post is not going to be to your liking.

But for all you mincemeat lovers out there, who willingly and joyfully accept that mincemeat can still be delicious sans meat and suet, and who find paying at least $9 a jar for decent mincemeat egregious, you are going to love this recipe. And no, it’s not inexpensive to make your own mincemeat. But it’s a heck of a lot cheaper and the quality is so much better than anything you can find in a jar. And yes, it does take some pre-planning. But it is not a long and tiring process.

So, next time you get the craving for a mincemeat tart, pie, bars, or galette, make up a batch of this heavenly concoction. And yes, I know, mincemeat is kind of an “old world” delicacy. But that only makes it more interesting as far as I’m concerned. And isn’t it fun to keep a centuries old tradition alive.

As always, keep having fun in your kitchen. Keep celebrating life. And stay positive. It’s much nicer being around someone who gives off positive vibes rather than displaying negativity. And CHEERS to 2021. We are all in need of a HAPPY NEW YEAR. So, let’s be part of making it the best year ever. Peace and love to all.  

Mincemeat: (needs to be prepared at least a week ahead of time)

1½ c. raisins

1½ c. golden raisins (sultanas)  

1½ c. dried currents

2/3 c. bourbon

2 tart apples, peeled, cored, and finely minced

8-oz. container candied orange peel

½ c. (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted

¾ c. brown sugar

½ tsp. ground nutmeg

½ tsp. ground cinnamon

¼ tsp. ground mace

¼ tsp. ground allspice

1/8 tsp. ground cloves

finely grated zest and juice of 1 lemon

finely grated zest and juice of 1 orange

¼ c. cognac

Place the raisins, sultanas, and dried currents in a small saucepan. Add the 2/3 cup bourbon, bring just to a boil, stir to coat all the fruit, remove from heat, and set aside to cool.

Meanwhile, combine the apples, candied orange peel, butter, brown sugar, spices, and the zest and juice of the lemon and orange, in a large ovenproof dish. When the raisins and currents are cool, stir into the apple mixture. Cover the dish and place in a cool place overnight.  

The following day, place the ovenproof dish in a cold oven, bring the temperature to 200 degrees, and bake for three hours, stirring every hour or so. Remove from oven, let cool completely, and stir in the cognac. The mincemeat will look quite runny. But do not be concerned. After it has rested in the refrigerator for a few days it will be perfect.

Store covered in your refrigerator until ready to use. (Best if left to mellow at least 4 weeks, but if you are like me, the mince only gets to age for about a week. It’s still good, so no worries.)

This recipe makes enough mincemeat for 2 10-inch tarts, 2 8-inch pies, or 3 10-inch galettes.

Crust: (makes enough crust for 1 10-inch galette)

1¼ c. unbleached all-purpose flour, fluffed

1 T. granulated sugar

¼ tsp. kosher salt

½ tsp. cinnamon

½ c. (1 stick) unsalted butter

¼ c. + 1 T. ice water

In the bowl of a food processor, pulse the flour, sugar, salt, and cinnamon together. Cut the butter into small pieces, then add to the food processor. Pulse at 1 second intervals until butter is the size of tiny peas. Should take about 10 quick pulses. Add the ice water and pulse again about 10 times until the mixture is crumbly but holds together when pinched. 

Dump the crumbly dough onto a lightly floured work surface. Using your hands, press the dough into a flat, thick disk. Roll the dough out into a 12- or 13-inch round. Use as much flour as needed to prevent the dough from sticking.

Place on a parchment-paper lined baking sheet.

To assemble the Galette:

1 10-inch galette crust

1½ c. mincemeat

3-5 very thin apple slices  

1 egg, plus a few drops of water beaten together, for brushing

finishing sugar for sprinkling (turbinado, demerara, or any large-grained sugar)

ground cinnamon, for sprinkling

whipped cream, for serving

Place the mincemeat in the center of the galette crust, then spread evenly to about 2-inches from the edge. Fold the edge of dough towards the center to make a rustic enclosure. (See picture above.) Lay the apple slices on top of the mincemeat in whatever pattern works for you. Brush the dough with egg and water mixture. Sprinkle the entire galette with finishing sugar and cinnamon.

Bake in a pre-heated 400-degree oven for 30-35 minutes or until the crust is a light golden brown. (Don’t over-bake.) Remove from oven and let rest on a cooling rack for 5 to 10 minutes before carefully lifting the parchment paper and galette off the pan onto a serving or cake plate. To serve, cut into wedges, warm in your microwave, and dollop with whipped cream (see recipe for Vanilla Bean Paste Whipped Cream below) or vanilla ice cream.

Vanilla Bean Paste Whipped Cream

1 c. heavy whipping cream

2 tsp. vanilla bean paste or vanilla extract

2 T. powdered sugar

Whip the cream in a mixing bowl using an electric mixer on medium-high until hard peaks form. Add the vanilla bean paste and powdered sugar. Whip until blended.


Ok, ok! I know. Everyone is totally done with baking cookies, making candy, and building sweet treats of every sort for the year! I get that. Believe me, I get that! My kitchen counter is still piled with Christmas tins containing all sorts of edible delicacies. But I just had to share this recipe with you for next Christmas.

I know, by then you will have forgotten about this recipe and will be sunning yourself somewhere in the Caribbean rather than baking 500 cookies to send and give to friends and family. And I plan to be right there with you. Using plenty of sunscreen of course. (Had to write that so my dermatologist wouldn’t get on my case.) But I have myself to think about too. I need to get this recipe off my desk because every time I look at it, I’m reminded of the tin, just a few steps away, wherein the last few of these cookies reside. So, like I said, I need to file this recipe away. Kind of a “get thee behind me Satan” reflex on my part.  

Of course, part of me simply wants to share this recipe with you because it turned out pretty darn good. And the cookies are stinkin’ easy to build. The flavor is fabulous, the shortbread is crunchy, and who can resist soft peppermint candy? No one I know. In fact, our good friend Jim would never forgive me if I didn’t build him some kind of chocolate peppermint cookie every year for Christmas. We all have our sacred seasonal treats, and for Jim its chocolate cookies decorated with peppermint. Of course, Mr. C. is also a great fan of peppermint. So, on all counts, baking chocolate peppermint cookies at Christmas time is a no brainer.

So, I hope you give this recipe a try. And for the sake of variety, I also have 3 other chocolate and soft peppermint cookie recipes on this site. Chocolate Chip Peppermint Shortbread Cookies, Chocolate Peppermint Sandwich Cookies, and Peppermint Candy and Chocolate Chip Biscotti. All are delicious and sure to make someone’s Christmas even brighter.

So as always, here’s to happy times in your kitchen. Stay safe. We still have a long way to go in our fight against covid-19. Please don’t let your guard down. I know how hard it is not to hug your grandchild or have your nearest and dearest over for dinner. Or go visit your grown kids. Or travel to foreign lands. Or go to a play or concert. Believe me, I know. But we simply can’t put ourselves or our loved ones at risk. The consequences are just too great.   

There’s an old saying that I have lived by my entire adult life. “This too shall pass.” Apparently, it’s an old Persian adage. And where I first heard it, I have no idea. Probably from my dad. I know it’s the kind of phrase he would have flung my way when I was being my usual obstreperous teenage self all those many years ago. (How he survived those years I will never understand.) Anyway, regardless of where and when I first heard the saying, it has helped me through several life altering incidents. And it still applies today. So dear friends, what we are living through right now shall eventually pass. So, stay strong. Peace and love to all.     

1 c. (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature

1 c. powdered sugar

½ tsp. kosher salt

1 tsp. good peppermint extract

1½ c. unbleached all-purpose flour, fluffed

½ c. good quality cocoa powder

2/3 c. milk or semi-sweet chocolate chips, or more as needed

soft peppermint candy*, crushed  

Beat the butter until pale and creamy in the bowl of your stand mixer. Add the powdered sugar, salt, and peppermint extract; beat until well combined. Whisk the flour and cocoa powder together in a small bowl. Add to the butter mixture and mix until a soft dough is formed.  

Place the dough on a long piece of plastic wrap. Using your hands, wrap the dough into the plastic wrap gently shaping it into a round log 1-1½-inches wide. (Your choice.) Refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Preheat oven to 350-degrees.  

Un-wrap logs and using a serrated or thin knife, slice dough between ¼-⅓-inch thick. (If dough feels too hard, leave at room temperature for 10 to 15 minutes before slicing).

Arrange slices, about 1-inch apart on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Bake until set, 15-18 minutes. (Do not under-bake.) Cool on baking sheets 1 to 2 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.  

Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave. Spread the top of each cookie with the melted chocolate.  Sprinkle the warm chocolate with crushed soft peppermint candy.  Allow the chocolate to set completely before storing in an airtight container.

*I use King Leo Soft Peppermint Sticks or See’s Peppermint Twists. I don’t use regular candy canes because they are not of the same quality. Soft peppermint is the way to go.   



Ok, you know I am always up for a cooking adventure. But today my good karma must have been hiding in a closet, or my stars were not in alignment, or I simply drew the short straw. Whatever!! Because in trying my hand at decorating the delicious gingerbread men and women I made with this recipe, I not only made a ginormous mess, my decorated gingerbread “people” came out looking demented. I’m not kidding. (The picture below will attest to the fact. And these were the best of the lot!) But then, I was trying out a new icing recipe.

The frosting recipe I use for decorating cookies like “Pink Cookies” (delicious BTW), has cream cheese in it. I just didn’t know how that frosting would hold up being stuffed into a container and mailed across the states. So, I wanted an icing that would set up really well. Well, it set alright. So much so, that I could barely entice it out of the brand new, super duper, guaranteed to make decorating easy enough for any normal 6 year-old, squeeze bottle. Now granted, my hand strength isn’t what it used to be. But I’m not a weakling either. And apparently, from the looks on the faces of the cookies I did manage to “decorate”, they were as glad I was finished massacring them as I was! Not a good working relationship when the cookies themselves are begging for mercy!

Good grief! Who left me alone with these poor babies. I have humbly apologized to these cookies, if that makes you feel any better. But rightly so, they are still not speaking to me.

So, before I could totally mess up the entire population of perfectly wonderful gingerbread men and women I created, I threw the whole mess of icing down the drain. And even that wasn’t easy! The icing resisted every attempt I made to dislodge it from the squeeze bottles. I finally just blasted them with hot water and set them in the sink to think about the error of their ways. They are still there. I am simply too tired to go another round with them until after I’ve had my before dinner martini! And perhaps if I wait long enough, Mr. C. will get tired of looking at them and try his hand at dislodging the edible (I think) plaster of Paris like icing I inadvertently concocted. But enough about my trials and tribulations. Sigh…. And more about these cookies.

This is basically my favorite spice cookie recipe. I’ve been making these cookies – Speculaas (Dutch Spice Cookies) since I was introduced to them in 2004 by our dear friends Nile and Sarah at a cookie exchange party we hosted at our Bellevue home. And yes, I make them every year. I’m actually fearful that if I don’t send these cookies in my kids Christmas goodies packages, things might turn ugly. So, I’ve never taken the chance.

So dear readers, if you want to make a fantastic cookie to share with your friends and family that travels well and stays fresh for weeks, this is the cookie to build. And no, you don’t need to cut the cookies into gingerbread men and women. You can choose any shape you wish, or just cut into squares. That works too.

As always, stay happy and healthy. Keep remembering that for many of us, the true meaning of Christmas is in Christ’s own message of peace and goodwill towards man.

There’s a wonderful old gospel song, “This Little Light of Mine” that I feel is very relevant for our world today.  It became an anthem of the civil rights movement in the 1950’s and 60’s. People sang it and other spirituals during the Civil Rights Movement as a way of expressing unity as they fought for equal rights and freedom for everyone. So, dear readers, let your own little light shine. Bring the joy of the holidays to as many people as you can. Peace and love to all.

1 c. unsalted butter, room temperature

1½ c. brown sugar, packed

3 T. brandy or rum (I use brandy)

3 c. unbleached all-purpose flour

4 tsp. baking powder

1 T. ground cinnamon

1 tsp. ground cloves

1 tsp. ground nutmeg

½ tsp. ground ginger

½ tsp. salt

Beat butter and brown sugar together until light and fluffy, about 4 minutes. Add the brandy. Whisk the flour, baking powder, spices, and salt together and add to the butter mixture. Beat until completely combined. 

Form dough into a ball. Knead the ball on a surface sprinkled with a bit of flour. Roll the dough between ¼ – ⅓ inch thick. (I go more towards the ¼-inch thickness). Using your gingerbread men and women cookie cutters, cut as many cookies as possible and place on an ungreased cookie sheet one inch apart. With the dough that is left, form it into another ball and roll out as before. Keep going until all the dough is used. (The last bit can always just be rolled into a flat circle and enjoyed by the cook.)

Bake in a preheated 375-degree oven for 12-15 minutes or until brown and firm. Do not under-bake. Cool on baking sheets 1 to 2 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Decorate when completely cool if so inclined. Just don’t ask me for an icing recipe. I am ill equipped for that task.

 Store the cooled cookies in an airtight container. And then, nibble away.