OK, I made this spread as a quick and easy appetizer during the holidays. And because I was super busy, I forgot to take a picture. But I found a picture of my Neufchâtel Cheese and Olive Spread which is just one of the recipes you will find on my post entitled Neufchâtel – Spread the Word! So, I cheated and used the picture from that post on this post because the two spreads really do look alike. And yes, the two recipes are very similar, but just enough different to give you a choice. (And aren’t choices always welcome!) Anyway, if you want a fast and easy spread that will be a wonderful addition to any appetizer spread, this is the recipe for you. It’s creamy, full of olive flavor, and just amazingly yummy.
Well, I’m going to keep this post as short and savory as I can today. But before I leave you to your own devices, let me tell you about the latest book I just finished. First of all, it was a very well-written book, and I advise you to read it. But be warned, it’s a hard read. At least it was for me, because I was a young woman during the Vietnam War years. Men, or should I say boys, I knew were killed in that war. No women that I knew of, but several brothers of my friends lost their lives. And men I have known later in my life who to all appearances lived a good life after they returned from service, still prematurely lost their lives because of the horrific and devastating effects of Agent Orange. Agent Orange was a chemical herbicide and defoliant used by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. It was part of the military’s herbicidal warfare program. The U.S. military used Agent Orange from 1961 to 1971. Agent Orange can be directly linked to at least 14 different diseases that greatly affected the lives of the men and women who were in the service during those years and therefore exposed to this toxic chemical compound.
The Women, the title of this amazing book written by Kristin Hannah, mainly tells the story of one of three nurses who decided after nursing school that she wanted to serve the war effort in Vietnam. And as I was reading and learning about the naivety of this main character, I saw myself clearly at that age. Most of us were just so innocent and naive. But I think we were all, both male and female, blessedly naive in a very good way. Compared to what young men and women face today, I wouldn’t trade places for the world.
So, please continue to be kind to the younger generation. It is simply a different world from what many of us were lucky enough to experience. And it’s not going to get any better until we all make an effort to make life better for everyone. No matter what color or flavor they come in!
Peace and love to all.
1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese, room temp. (You can use Neufchâtel cream cheese if you prefer a lighter and easier to spread spread)
½ c. very finely chopped pitted black olives
½ c. very finely chopped pimento-stuffed Spanish olives
1 T. extra virgin olive oil
¼ tsp. granulated garlic
pinch seasoned salt
Mix all the ingredients together and chill for a minimum of 2 hours (overnight is best).
Serve at room temperature with crackers and/or crudité.