Category Archives: BEEF RECIPES


Some days I feel like cooking a gourmet dinner. Other days all I want is a big old salad with meat and cheese and a horribly caloric dressing. Oh, and don’t forget the croutons. Then, there are the times like a couple of days ago when all I wanted was a savory and comforting dish that went well with potatoes.  Kind of a modified meat and potatoes day.

So I thought of Swiss steak. And sure enough I have a couple of great recipes for Swiss steak on this site that I always enjoy. (Swiss Steak with Mushrooms and Swiss Steak with Cheddar Cheese Polenta.) But I didn’t happen to have any fresh mushrooms on hand, and I had two lovely Yukon Gold potatoes I really needed to use before the peels turned green and the potatoes started to think about reproducing themselves. (Sprouting.) So cheddar cheese polenta was out. And of course, I’m always game to try new and interesting looking recipes. So to the internet I proceeded.

And I found the bones for this recipe on the site. I changed the ingredients somewhat and the manner in which the meat was cooked, then proceeded from there. I simply turned a stove top recipe into an oven braise. Let me explain.

First of all, I like to braise meat. Braising is a combination cooking method; combining the dry-heat method of searing the meat to begin with and then cooking the meat until tender with the moist heat of a long and gentle simmer in liquid. And frankly, whenever possible, I braise meat in the oven. (Stove top braises make more work for me because then I am always checking the pot, stirring the liquid, and even tasting the sauce.) So using the oven is definitely my preferred braising method.

Really, all you are doing in a braise, is taking a tough cut of meat, adding a few flavorful ingredients, and gently cooking the entire mess in liquid until all of the ingredients are magically transformed into a tender, succulent, delicious masterpiece. (I bet that got your attention! It even got my attention, and I wrote the darn sentence!)

Anyway, if you are in the mood for a savory, meaty, fairly inexpensive, and simple main dish to prepare, this might fit your bill. I know it certainly fit ours the other evening.

As always, keep counting your blessings, keep striving to keep your life and the lives of those around you interesting, and if you have an older neighbor who might be in need of a bit of cheer, be the one that makes it happen. Baking cookies? Take a few over. Making bread? Make a small loaf to share. Even a simple wave or “howdy neighbor” can mean a lot to someone who is unable to see family or friends during this pandemic. Think of ways to make life better for others. If nothing else, it takes your mind off yourself. Peace and love to all.    

1 lb. beef steak, cut into serving sized pieces (tough cuts work well for this recipe, like round steak or boneless chuck) 

kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

2 T. extra virgin olive oil

½ onion, diced

1 stalk celery, thinly sliced

1 carrot, diced

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 T. tomato paste

1 T. unbleached all-purpose flour

2 c. beef stock, or more as needed (I use water and Better Than Bouillon Beef Base)

1 sm. bay leaf

¼ tsp. dried thyme   

½ tsp. paprika

tiny pinch crushed red pepper flakes

1½ tsp. red wine vinegar

2 T. minced fresh Italian parsley

Season the meat generously with salt and pepper.

Heat the olive oil over medium heat in a heavy covered pan. (This is a great time to use your cast iron Dutch oven.)  Add the seasoned beef and cook, flipping halfway through, until browned on both sides, 5-6 minutes. Remove the browned pieces to a container. Set aside.

Add the onion, celery, and carrot to the pan and continue to cook, stirring often, until the onion is softened, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for 30 seconds, then stir in the tomato paste. Add the flour and stir for a couple of minutes.

Slowly whisk in the beef stock. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly and scraping up all of the browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Add the bay leaf, thyme, paprika, crushed red pepper flakes, and red wine vinegar. Return the beef to the skillet, along with any juices that have accumulated. The liquid does not have to cover the meat.

Cover the pan and place in a pre-heated 350 degree oven for 90-120 minutes, or until the beef is fork tender. Check after 45 minutes to see if more liquid is required. (If anything, I err on the side of caution. When in doubt, I add more liquid. Can’t really hurt.) You might also want to taste the liquid at this point and adjust seasoning as required. Return to oven and braise the beef until the sauce has thickened (and is almost gone) and the beef is tender.

Remove from oven, discard the bay leaf, and serve sprinkled with the fresh parsley. 

Great served with mashed or oven roasted potatoes, rice, or buttered egg noodles.  


OK, have I got an exciting new way to cook dried beans for you to try! And BTW, this chili ain’t bad either. (But more about the chili later!) But the beans. OMG! No soaking overnight or boiling for 10 minutes and letting them sit for 2 hours, then draining, starting with fresh water, and boiling them until they’re done. While of course checking them constantly. None of that. Just plop the suckers in a covered pan and add water and salt. Bake (you read that right) BAKE for 2 hours. Voila. Perfectly cooked, creamy delicious beans. No instant pot (although an instant pot does a good job too) required. But Instant Pots cost money. This doesn’t. Assuming of course that you have a pot with a cover and an oven.

Anyway, this is the easiest way I have ever cooked dry beans. And because I am lazy (I admit it and have no problems doing so), this is such a wonderful new addition to my list of easy preparations that I am experiencing heart palpitations just keeping my excitement under control as I share this information with all of you. But for the life of me, what I can’t quite get a handle on, is why I didn’t think of this first?!?! Heck, I’ve been making baked beans for decades. And I never soak the beans overnight. I just add all kinds of wonderful ingredients (bacon, ketchup, brown sugar, onion, molasses, mustard, herbs, various liquids, etc. etc.) and plop the whole mess in the oven for several hours. So why did it never occur to me that I could do the same thing with any dry beans and get the same amazing results? (Some would say it’s because I’m obviously not very bright. And of course, they would be making a good point. But frankly, it just never entered my mind.) But now that I have been made aware of this secret to perfectly cooked beans, I plan to use this method for preparing all kinds of different dried bean varieties using a wide array of flavoring additives. Which got me to thinking, maybe some of you never thought of cooking beans this way either.    

So that’s what got me so excited about sharing this revelation with all of you. But enough about beans. On to the real subject of this post. Chili. And how it all came about.

Our freezer is dying. It’s a slow demise, but never-the-less, our 17-18 year old upright freezer is on its last legs. But I still have several cuts of beef from our last two organic beef purchases. The meat is wonderful. It’s not too fatty and the flavor is marvelous. But we are not eating as much meat as we did when we were younger. And, like I said, our freezer is in a slow decline. So, in order to use up the beef ASAP, I made pot roast out of a hunkin’ big boneless chuck roast a few nights ago. It was wonderful. Full of flavor and we enjoyed it two nights in a row. But there comes a point when left-overs become a redundancy. So the leftover meat and gravy sat in our refrigerator for a day or two before I said that’s it. This has to be eaten or thrown away. But I was just not up for throwing perfectly good meat and gravy away. And I didn’t want to put it in our dying freezer either. So what to do with leftover lean meat and about a cup of fabulous pot roast gravy.

So yesterday morning, as if hit by a bolt of lightning (we do live on Lightning Way after all), I thought about using the cooked meat and gravy in one of our favorite dishes – chili. So that’s just what I did.

Now this is not a new and exciting recipe for an old standard. It’s basically just the way I usually prepare chili. Except of course for substituting already cooked beef for hamburger and gravy for beef stock. And of course including perfectly cooked kidney beans using my new cooking method.

So I hope you enjoy the recipe. And do try cooking dried beans using your oven rather than your cook top. You will absolutely love how easy it is to produce perfectly cooked beans.

As always, stay safe, stay sane, and keep looking forward. It’s a brave new world we are heading into. Might as well just lay back and not get too stressed by the ride. Nothing any of us can do about most of it anyway. Oh wait, there is one thing we can all do that might help towards a better future. We can all VOTE. Peace and love to all.

2 T. extra virgin olive oil

½ c. diced onion, plus more to serve with the chili

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 green pepper, diced

1 (28-oz. can) diced/chopped tomatoes (preferably Italian tomatoes)

2 T. tomato paste, or more to taste

1 c. leftover pot roast gravy (or as much as you have) or 1 cup of beef stock

½ c. water, or more as needed

1-2 c. cooked kidney, pinto, or black beans (or beans of choice) (see recipe below for No Soak 2 hour “Baked” Dried Beans)

¼ tsp. kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

2-3 T. chili powder

1 T. dried parsley

1 tsp. dried oregano (preferably Mexican)

pinch crushed red pepper flakes

1-2 c. cubed leftover pot roast

Mexican sour cream, garnish, opt.

grated sharp cheddar cheese, opt.

Heat the olive oil in a large covered Dutch oven. Add the onion and cook for about 3 minutes. Add the garlic and bell pepper and cook for about a minute or until you can smell the garlic. Add the canned tomatoes, tomato paste, leftover gravy, water, cooked beans, salt, pepper, chili powder, parsley, oregano, and crushed red pepper flakes. Bring mixture to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover pot, and cook for about 30 minutes to blend flavors. Add the cubed leftover pot roast and cook for another 15 minutes or so. Stir often during the cooking time. Adjust seasoning along the way. Serve dolloped with sour cream and a sprinkling of grated cheddar cheese.

No Soak – 2 Hour “Baked” Dried Beans  

1 c. dried beans, sorted and rinsed

½ tsp. kosher salt


Place beans in a heavy covered pot. Add salt and whatever other vegetative matter, herbs, or spices you might wish to add. Add enough water to cover the beans by 2 inches. Place cover on pot.

Bake in a pre-heated 375 degree oven for 2 hours. After an hour, check beans to make sure they have enough liquid. Add a bit more liquid if necessary.

If the beans aren’t fully softened to your liking after two hours, add enough water to cover the bean surface, put the lid back on, and return pot to the oven. Bake in 15-30 minute increments until desired tenderness is reached.

Additions I added to the pot when I cooked the kidney beans for this chili:

1 T. dehydrated onion flakes

1 tsp. chili powder

¼ tsp. granulated garlic

freshly ground black pepper

pinch crushed red pepper flakes

Please note: When I cooked my old (I have no idea how many years they have been in my pantry) large dark maroon kidney beans, they were perfectly cooked after 2 hours. There was very little liquid left in the pot, so I threw the whole mess in with the other chili ingredients, and called it good. In fact I called it absolutely wonderful.

I plan to use this recipe from now on every single time I need to cook dried beans. Why the heck not? It’s easy and the result is perfect. Frankly, I will be cooking a lot more beans now that I have this way to ensure perfect beans every time. Thank you to site for this incredible new method.  


OK, sometimes I don’t even have the strength to mess with someone else’s recipe. And you know what, in this case it was absolutely the right thing to do. OK, I did halve the marinade ingredients, because I often find that some cooks are much more liberal with ingredients than I am. And it makes me feel that I am being wasteful if I use more of an ingredient than I think is necessary. Even though the cost might not be that great, I just can’t make myself do it. (And yes, I am over 70!) Some might even go so far as to call me stubborn, but pig headed works just as well. Anyway, I made this recipe a couple of days ago, marinated the meat for about 7 hours, and Mr. C. grilled it to perfection that evening. Absolutely delicious, tender, and just right served with oven roasted new potatoes and steamed fresh green beans.

So I actually don’t have much more to say today. I’m feeling terribly lazy, and with temperatures in the 80s, I’m being drawn outside. The Cascade Mountains including Mt. Baker are out in all their glory, the birds are having a raucous time flitting from tree to bush to fountain. And the water (Port Susan Bay) is calm and absolutely replete with boaters. (Two boats – that’s a lot for Port Susan Bay.) Plus the protagonist in the book I’m reading is in desperate trouble. I feel it only right to get back to him and offer any help this benign observer can offer. (Like I can change the plot line and help him defeat the bad guy! But I’m there beside him none-the-less!) So, I’m going to keep this post short and sweet. (Well as sweet as it’s possible for me to be!)

BTW- this recipe is courtesy of Sara at (Visit her site. She cooks good stuff.)

As always, from our sunny home to yours – peace and love to all.

6 T. low sodium soy sauce

2 T. extra virgin olive oil

2 T. brown sugar, packed

1½ tsp. apple cider vinegar

1½ tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp. Dijon mustard

freshly ground black pepper

2 lg. garlic cloves, finely minced

1½-2 lb. flank steak, trimmed of silver skin and as much fat as possible

Combine the soy sauce, olive oil, brown sugar, cider vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, and pepper in a re-sealable bag; seal and shake to combine. If you prefer, marinate the steak in a shallow pan. Works either way.

Reserve 2 tablespoons of the marinade for later use. Stir the garlic into the marinade. Add the steak and marinate for several hours.

Heat an outdoor grill to medium-high. Place the steak on the grill and cook for 3-6 minutes per side, depending on the thickness of your meat and your desired level of doneness. For medium rare, the internal temperature should read about 130-135 degrees.

Remove the meat from grill and tent with foil. Let stand for 5-10 minutes and then slice diagonally against the grain into thin pieces with a very sharp knife. Drizzle with reserved marinade, then serve.


In the past, Mr. C. and I have gone together with his sister Katie and her husband Rick to share a half beef. And I have absolutely no trouble using up the ground beef, tender steaks, or various other choice bits. But then I am left with chuck steak, rump roasts, arm roasts, chuck roasts, and heel of round. Some of which I have no idea how they should be prepared. Except for one thing that each of these cuts have in common. They are not tender cuts of beef. They are going to need special attention and fussing over to help them achieve greatness. So that equates to a whole lot of braising action that’s going to have to happen at Chez Carr within the next few months. So standby for more recipes of this ilk to come your way.

So armed with the knowledge that I would need to do something noteworthy to the meat to make it palatable, I asked Mr. C. to pull a couple of packages of chuck steak from the freezer, while I went on line to research recipes.

Now I’m a sucker for anything with soy sauce as an ingredient. So I searched under beef and soy sauce and found this recipe on the site. I messed a bit with Chungahs recipe, mainly because her recipe was designed to be cooked in an Instant Pot. I prefer the more intense flavored braise that happens when meats are left to their own devices in a Dutch oven. So I adapted the recipe to my own personal preferences. Plus I really appreciate the way braising meat flavors the air in my kitchen while it’s bubbling and tenderizing away in the oven. (As with soy sauce, I’m also a sucker for good cooking smells wafting through the house.) 

Anyway, I made this recipe and we both enjoyed it very much. And aside from browning the meat, this was a quick and easy main dish to put together. Then serving it with steamed brown rice and Sunomono, well there was very little prep time involved for this dinner. And sometimes I really appreciate the less time the better in my kitchen. I think getting older is having that effect on me. Although there are still days when all I really want to do is play in the kitchen. Perhaps it’s just that some days preparing food seems more like work; other days it seems a lot like play. I think that happens to most of us who spend any time in our kitchen. At least most of the time cooking still feels more like play than work. So I guess for now at least, you can count on new recipes coming your way via my kitchen.

As always, stay safe, and please respect yourself and those around you by wearing a mask when in public. Also, remember to cut people some slack during this rough time. You haven’t walked in anyone else’s shoes, and many people are wearing multiple pairs of shoes right now. As parent, teacher, spouse, cook, wage earner, shopper, gardener, etc. etc.

So please remain stalwart in all your dealings with others. Compassion, understanding, and empathy never go out of style. Neither does good food. So get cooking. If nothing else it will keep you busy. And busy hands are happy hands. Or so the old adage goes. Peace and love to all.

1 c. beef broth

1 c. water

½ c. reduced sodium soy sauce

1/3 c. brown sugar, packed

1 T. sesame oil

1 T. rice vinegar

1 tsp. Sriracha, or more to taste

1 tsp. granulated onion  

1/8 tsp. white pepper or freshly ground black pepper

2 tsp. vegetable oil

2 lb. beef chuck roast or other tough cut of meat (bones, fat, and grizzle removed as much as possible), cut into 1-inch cubes

4 cloves garlic, minced

1 T. freshly grated ginger

2 tsp. corn starch

sesame seeds

2-3 green onions, thinly sliced

In a large bowl, whisk the beef broth, water, soy sauce, brown sugar, sesame oil, rice vinegar, Sriracha, granulated onion, and white pepper together.

Heat oil in a covered Dutch oven. Add the meat cubes and fry until brown. Add the garlic and ginger; cook for one minute.

Pour the sauce over the meat, cover, and place in a pre-heated 350 degree oven for 1½-2 hours, or until the meat is very tender. (Check after an hour to make sure there is enough liquid. If not, add a bit more water or beef broth.) Meanwhile mix the cornstarch with ¼ cup water. Set aside.

When the meat is tender, remove from oven and stir in the cornstarch slurry. Cook over medium heat on your cooktop until the sauce thickens. Adjust seasoning. 

Serve garnished with green onions and sesame seeds. Great with steamed brown rice and Sunomono (Japanese cucumber salad) or a lovely roasted veggie. 


As we are still confined to quarters, I remain steadfast in my desire to not only cook new and interesting dishes for Mr. C., but also to help you to do the same for your family.

Now anyone who knows me is aware of my love for Chinese food, ground beef, and broccoli. (Not always in combination, but you know what I mean!) So, the other evening I was hungry for Chinese food. I knew I had some broccoli that needed to be used and a pound of ground beef thawing on my counter. So before you could count from one thousand backwards, I had glommed together this recipe after perusing various cooking sites. None of the recipes I found were just what I was looking for. But I had cooked enough Chinese dishes over the years to have a pretty good idea of the flavor combination I was looking for. So with a little assistance from some of my favorite recipe writers, I hit upon this combination of ingredients. And lucky for me, I had everything I needed without having to get in our car, drive to our local grocery store, don a mask, gloves, and a standoffish attitude!  

So if you too love a good stir-fry and don’t want to spend bunches of money in the process, give this simple dish a try. It truly is tasty and very simple to prepare.

As always – have fun in your kitchen, be kind to those around you, and take extra special care of yourself. Cooks should always be appreciated (and thanked BTW), but probably never more than during this pandemic. So from this cook to you – thanks for all you do for your family. You do make a difference. Never forget that.

1 T. vegetable oil

1 lb. lean ground beef  

¼ tsp. kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

4-6 c. fresh broccoli florets and peeled stems, cut into bite sized pieces

½ med. sized onion, halved then thinly sliced

2-3 garlic cloves, finely minced

2-3 tsp. finely minced fresh ginger  

2 tsp. sesame oil

½ c. water

1 tsp. beef base (I use Better Than Bouillon – Beef flavored)

¼ c. low-sodium soy sauce

2 T. brown sugar

pinch crushed red pepper flakes

2 T. cornstarch

2 green onions, sliced on the diagonal

1-2 T. sesame seeds, opt.

steamed rice, for serving

Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the ground beef and season with salt and pepper. Cook until no longer pink. Remove from pan. (Don’t break the meat up too much as it cooks. You want some nice sized chunks.)

Add the broccoli and onion. Cook over medium heat until the broccoli is crisp tender, about 4-5 minutes. Add the garlic and ginger and cook for 1 minute.

Meanwhile, whisk the sesame oil, water, beef base, soy sauce, brown sugar, crushed red pepper flakes, and cornstarch together.

Once the broccoli is finished cooking, add the meat back to the pan. Stir in the soy sauce mixture and cook until thickened, 1-2 minutes, stirring the entire time. Stir in the green onions. Garnish with sesame seeds. Serve over rice.


As we hunker down to wait and see where the coronavirus crisis eventually leads us, we at Chez Carr are taking every precaution. We are staying home as ordered, we are not going to stores unnecessarily, and above all, we are trying to stay positive. We are also continuing to eat well and stay on course with our habit of enjoying an adult beverage before dinner. And for me that means either a very dry Tanqueray martini or a gin gimlet.

But the other evening I decided to fix this very simple old standby for dinner. And as far as I’m concerned, chili, cornbread, and dark beer are simply meant for each other. So no before dinner drink for this gal. Just a bottle of cold beer on the dinner table to go perfectly with my meal.

Now I only mention the beer because I want to remind everyone to stay committed to good health and to living life to the fullest even during this stressful time. David Brooks in his recent column entitled “Embrace the Uncertainty!” began with these immortal words “Screw this virus”. And ended his column with this sage bit of advice by writing “Airport rules apply. If you want a beer at 9 a.m., go for it.” So dear readers I will keep this recipe preface short. Keep cooking good food for yourself and your family. Keep positive. (Negativity is not going to help you stay healthy, either physically or mentally.) Keep helping those less fortunate than yourselves by donating money to food banks, cultural organizations, etc. if you are able. And stay up to date on how best to ride this storm. Reliable information from informed sources is our best hope. Peace and love to all.

  • 1 T. olive oil
  • 1 med. yellow onion, diced
  • 1 green pepper, diced
  • 3 garlic cloves, finely minced
  • 1 lb. lean ground beef
  • 3 T. chili powder
  • 1 T. dried parsley
  • 1 tsp. cumin
  • 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tsp. kosher salt
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 T. granulated sugar
  • ¼ c. tomato paste
  • 1 c. beef broth
  • 1 (28 oz.) can diced tomatoes (Italian if possible)
  • 1 (16 oz.) can chili beans (I like the black bean chili beans best)

Pour the olive oil into a large covered soup pot and place over medium-high heat. Add the onion. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the green pepper and cook for 2 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute.

Add the ground beef to the pot. Break it apart with a wooden spoon. Cook for 6-7 minutes, or until the beef is browned, stirring occasionally.

Add the chili powder, parsley, cumin, cayenne pepper, bay leaf, salt, pepper, sugar, tomato paste, beef broth, diced tomatoes (with their juice), and canned chili beans. 

Bring to a low boil. Reduce the heat (low to medium-low) to gently simmer the chili, cover, and cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Adjust seasoning before serving piping hot.

Sour cream and grated sharp cheddar cheese are great toppings for this chili. And I like to serve Southern Cornbread (see recipe below) as an accompaniment.


  • 1 c. unbleached all-purpose flour
  • ⅔ c. medium grained yellow cornmeal
  • ¼ c. granulated sugar
  • 2 T. light brown sugar, packed
  • 1 T. baking powder
  • ½ tsp. kosher salt
  • pinch cayenne pepper
  • ¼ c. vegetable oil
  • 1 c. sour cream
  • 1 (14.75 oz.) can creamed corn
  • 3 lg. eggs
  • fleur de sel or other flaky salt

In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the flour, cornmeal, granulated sugar, brown sugar, baking powder, kosher salt, and pinch of cayenne.   

In a large bowl, stir together the oil, sour cream, creamed corn, and eggs until well combined. Stir the dry ingredients into the wet, just until combined.

Pour the mixture into a lightly greased 11×7-inch Pyrex pan or 10-inch cast iron skillet. Lightly sprinkle with fleur de sel.

Bake in a pre-heated 425 degree oven for 35-40 minutes or until tester comes out clean. Remove from oven and let cool at least 10 minutes before serving.


If you too have those days when all you want to do is get a decent dinner on the table with a minimum of effort and especially without a drive to your local grocery store, this dish is for you.

On a recent morning I took a package of ground beef out of the freezer without any real idea of what I was going to prepare that evening. It sat on my drain board for hours while I went about my daily routine, never giving it a second thought. So when it came time to actually do something with the meat, I decided to make a Salisbury steak. But what should go into a Salisbury steak? So I went on line and took ideas from several recipes and came up with this combination.

Now I really wanted to include mushrooms in this dish. But there was no way either Mr. C. or I were going to make a trip to the grocery store for fresh mushrooms. Plus I love dried mushrooms, so I decided to go that route. (And yes, I always have at least three types of dried mushrooms in my pantry.) They are just so delicious and always add just that gourmet touch to all kinds of savory dishes. Plus when you consider how often I don’t have fresh mushrooms around and would have to make a special trip to the store for them, I figure the savings on gas alone is justification for the money spent on the dried fungi. (Given enough provocation, I could probably justify spending money on almost any ingredient or tool in my kitchen. But I won’t bore you with any more of my personal idiosyncrasies.)

Suffice it to say, this dish was a hit at the Carr table. We both loved the tender and juicy beef patties and look forward to enjoying them again in the near future. And I’m sure that will happen soon. We always have ground beef in the freezer, and my interest in spending hours preparing dinner is waning. Could be my age, but I suspect it’s more my discovery of yet another great mystery writer. (I think my admitting to being an avid reader doesn’t fit the definition of a personal idiosyncrasy, so therefore acceptable to disclose.) Should you be interested, I just started reading Peter Robinson’s novels featuring Inspector Banks. (Thank you Stephany C. and Laurie Z. for the introduction.) And just like the books featuring Chief Inspector Armand Gamache by mystery writer Louise Penny, start with the first book in the series and enjoy both the individual stories and the character development throughout the series. But while you’re at it, stop long enough to whip up this dish and sit down to a down home dinner. Nothing is better than a warm, savory meat dish on a cold, rainy winter evening. Plus with your fellow diners happy and well fed you can get back to your book without a hint of contrition. And doesn’t that always feel wonderful! Peace and love (and good reading) to all.

  • ¼ c. small pieces of dried mushrooms (your choice)
  • ½ c. very hot water
  • 1 T. Montreal Steak Seasoning
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tsp. Worcestershire sauce, divided
  • 1 lb. lean ground beef
  • 1 T. extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 T. unsalted butter
  • ½ med. onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 T. flour
  • 2 c. beef broth
  • 1 tsp. Dijon mustard
  • ½ tsp. Kitchen Bouquet*, opt.  

Place the dried mushroom pieces in a bowl with the hot water. Set aside. Drain off the water before using in the gravy. Retain the water however. It can be used if required to thin out the gravy. Whisk the Montreal Seasoning, egg, and 1 teaspoon of the Worcestershire sauce together in a bowl. Gentle stir in the ground beef until just combined. Don’t over mix.

Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan. Divide the meat mixture into 4 patties. Don’t press the meat together. Just shape it gently. Place the patties in the frying pan and cook the first side until nicely browned. Flip and brown the second side. Remove patties from pan and place on a plate. (The inside will still be raw.)

Add the chopped onion to the fry pan and cook until soft, about 4 minutes. Add the butter and garlic to the pan; cook for one minute. Whisk in the flour and cook for a minute before carefully adding the beef broth. When the gravy is smooth, stir in the Dijon mustard, Kitchen Bouquet, remaining 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce, drained mushrooms, and a good bit of black pepper.

Add the beef patties and any remaining juice from the plate. Cook for about 5 minutes or until the gravy has thickened. If the gravy becomes too thick, add the mushroom water or a bit of plain water until desired thickness is achieved. Adjust seasoning. (Your gravy may need a bit of salt.)

Serve the Salisbury steaks topped with gravy. (The gravy is also wonderful on mashed potatoes.) Add a nice salad and/or a steamed veggie, and life is good!

*Kitchen Bouquet is a browning and seasoning sauce primarily composed of caramel with vegetable flavorings. It has been in use as a flavoring addition for gravies and other foods since approximately 1873. Though it’s typically used in meat dishes, it is entirely vegetarian, made from a base of carrots, cabbage, turnips, parsnips, celery, and onion. It’s also MSG-free. It is simply a bottled condiment sauce used as an ingredient in cooking, rather than as a table condiment. It is mostly used for its ability to add a dark brown color. It’s generically referred to as a “browning agent.”


I like dinners that I can prep ahead and require my oven to do the lions’ share of the work. And this is one of those delightful dishes that also happens to be delicious. And oh so reminiscent of my childhood. OK, maybe not the overall flavor of the dish. (My mom was not known for her culinary prowess.) But an inexpensive cut of beef braising in the oven for a couple of hours sure takes me back to the 50s.

Even though we often raised our own beef, there were no fancy steaks prepared in my mother’s kitchen. The entire butchered critter was either cut into roasts, stew meat, or ground into hamburger. And when I think back at what we could have been dining on, I just shake my head. After all, this was grass fed beef, with various grains and hay thrown in for good measure. And of course no growth hormones or anything like that. Just plain old well fed cows giving up their lives for our dining pleasure. (And yes I would be a vegetarian if I really stopped to think about it. But I’m too much of a carnivore to allow my conscience a say in the matter. Plus we still have organic beef in our freezer.) So back to this recipe.

I’ve been making a version of this dish for decades. But for whatever reason, I had yet to post this recipe on my blog. I’m feeling very badly about this major culinary faux pas because this is such a perfect recipe for even a beginner in the kitchen. No fancy ingredients, unless you consider cognac a non-essential la-di-da ingredient, which I absolutely do not! No fancy instructions. Just a bit of common sense and a willingness to allow your oven to work its magic while you kick back and read a good book while sipping on a lovely libation. And doesn’t that sound great!?!?

So grab some inexpensive beef, take that essential bottle of cognac or brandy off your pantry shelf, and fix yourself and your family an old standard. Serve the Swiss steak with some form of potato/rice/grain and a green salad or veggie on the side, and ring the dinner gong. Dinner is ready.

  • 3 T. extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 lb. round or boneless chuck steak, excess fat removed as much as possible – then cut into serving sized pieces 
  • kosher salt
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • ½ med. onion, chopped
  • 6-8 mushrooms, thickly sliced
  • 2 lg. garlic cloves, finely minced
  • ¼ tsp. dried thyme
  • ¼ c. cognac or brandy
  • ½ c. beef broth  
  • 4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 tsp. Dijon mustard
  • 2 tsp. tomato paste
  • 1 (14-oz.) can diced tomatoes, (Italian if possible)
  • 2 T. chopped fresh parsley

Heat the olive oil in a large covered Dutch oven or heavy pan. Liberally salt and pepper the steaks and fry them on each side until nicely browned. Remove from pan and set aside.

Add the onion and cook until softened. Add the mushrooms and cook for about 3 minutes. Add the garlic and dried thyme and cook for 1 minute. Remove from heat.

Pour in the cognac, place the pan over heat, and stir until no liquid remains. (This usually takes less than a minute.) Then stir in the beef broth, Worcestershire sauce, Dijon mustard, tomato paste, and diced tomatoes. Add the browned steak pieces and any juices back to the pan. Bring sauce to a boil, remove from heat, cover, and place in a pre-heated 350 degree oven for 1½ to 2 hours, or until the meat is very tender. (Check after an hour to make sure there is enough liquid. If liquid is required, add about a half cup of water.) Continue braising until the beef is tender.

When the beef is tender, remove the pan from oven. Garnish with chopped parsley.

Serve with mashed potatoes or our personal favorite, baked Yukon Gold potatoes. (The tomato gravy is amazing on either mashed potatoes or dolloped on a baked potato.)  A side of steamed green beans or a lovely salad is also wonderful with this dish.


In 2006 we visited Argentina. And I must say, the food in Buenos Aires was phenomenal! And the beef! OMG. Argentinian beef has deservedly earned a reputation for being some of the world’s best. It is incomparably tender and richly flavored, even though it’s rarely seasoned with anything but salt.

That’s all well and good if you happen to be grilling on your lanai in La Boca (a very picturesque Buenos Aires neighborhood) or Palermo (home to the arts, the city’s largest park, and magnificent mansions). But if you live on Camano Island and often buy your meat from the local IGA, your best bet is to add flavor by marinating the heck out of the meat before throwing it on the grill! Thus this recipe.

Now I don’t mean to say that you haven’t a snowballs chance in hell of coming close to what you would experience if you were sitting on the sidewalk of a Buenos Aires restaurant at 11:30 at night waiting for the tango orchestra to begin playing at say…12:30 am. (Not making this up folks, this is the reality of eating and listening in Buenos Aires.) Because this marinated flank steak is really, really tasty. And when topped with chimichurri sauce, well you are going to experience a lot of the taste you would be enjoying if you were dining in Argentina. As far as the tango orchestra part goes, well God gave us CDs for a reason! Love and happy grilling to all.


  • ¼ c. extra virgin olive oil
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 1 tsp. chili powder
  • 1 tsp. onion powder
  • 1 tsp. granulated garlic
  • pinch crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1 tsp. kosher salt, plus more added just before grilling
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 1-1½ lb. flank steak, trimmed of all fat

Combine the olive oil, lime juice, chili powder, onion powder, granulated garlic, crushed red pepper flakes, salt, and black pepper in a container or large zip lock bag. Add the flank steak and chill for at least 30 minutes and up to 24 hours. (The longer the better.)

Remove from refrigerator 1 hour before grilling the steak. Set the grill to high heat. Carefully grease the grill with some oil. Once the grill is hot, add the steak. (Don’t forget that last bit of salt added just before placing the steak on the grill.) Cover and cook the steak until well browned, about 3 to 4 minutes, then flip and cook until desired doneness, about 3 to 4 minutes. Use a thermometer to make certain the temperature doesn’t surpass 125 degrees for a perfect medium rare steak. (If you cook flank steak until no pink is showing, it will be tough.) Remove the steak from the grill. Tent with aluminum foil for about 10 minutes before slicing very thinly against the grain and on a diagonal. Serve with the chimichurri sauce.

Chimichurri Sauce:

  • ¾ c. finely chopped fresh parsley
  • 4 cloves garlic, finely minced
  • ¼ c. red wine vinegar
  • ¼ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes, or more to taste
  • ¼ tsp. dried oregano
  • ¾ tsp. kosher salt
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • ½ c. extra virgin olive oil

Combine all ingredients well in a bowl or jar. Store in your refrigerator, but best served the same day as prepared. Bring to room temperature before serving.  



This is another one of those recipes that takes very little time to prepare and tastes like you have been slaving in the kitchen all day. (My favorite kind of recipe.) When in reality, combined with a baked russet or sweet potato and a simple steamed veggie, you are in and out of the kitchen before you can remember why you didn’t feel like cooking in the first place! (This is happening to me more and more as I grow older.)

Don’t get me wrong, I still love to cook. But sometimes a quick and easy dinner is the solution to making life a little easier for me. And as it turns out, possibly easier for you as well.

First thing you should know. This is not a weeknight meal for working people. This dish takes time to bake in a slow oven. But as a weekend dish, it would be perfect. Put it in the oven while you tend to all the other chores you have to accomplish before Monday morning rolls around. (Believe me, I remember those days only too well!) And why does it go together so easily? Well first of all, there are no veggies to cut for the sauce. (I must admit that I was a little skeptical when I first read this recipe from Jenn Segal’s Once Upon a Chef site. (I did mess a bit with her recipe, but basically it’s another wonderful recipe from this gifted chef.) But then I considered the source, and went for it! And I’m so glad I did.

The meat was perfectly seasoned. The sauce was great. And I spent less time on this dish than I usually do just preparing salad dressing!

So if you too want to serve a quick and easy dish that your entire family will love, this is the recipe for you. I served it last evening with a baked sweet potato and steamed green beans. If I had been serving the ribs to children, I would have whipped up some mashed potatoes, because I never met a kid that didn’t like mashed potatoes. And for the veggie, I would probably have steamed some broccoli to crisp tender, then served it with “Secret Sauce” (recipe below). My kids would eat just about anything if it could be dolloped with a bit of this sauce. Works for Mr. C. too!

So next time you are too tired to cook, give this simple recipe a try. Put the ribs in to bake, prep whatever else you plan to serve, then sit down with a good book while your oven does its magic. Permission to relax and take it easy has just been granted.   

2 lbs. boneless beef country style short ribs

1 tsp. kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

¾ c. ketchup

½ c. dark brown sugar

1 T. apple cider vinegar

1 T. Worcestershire sauce

1 T. Dijon mustard

1 tsp. chili powder

½ tsp. granulated garlic

½ tsp. onion powder

pinch cayenne pepper

Season the ribs all over with salt and pepper, then arrange closely together in an 8-inch baking dish.

Combine all of the ingredients for the BBQ sauce in a small sauce pan and stir until smooth.

Pour 1/3 of the sauce over the ribs. Using tongs, flip the ribs over and spoon another 1/3 of the sauce over top. Reserve the remaining BBQ sauce to spoon over the cooked ribs. Heat the remaining sauce just before serving.

Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil and bake in a pre-heated 300 degree oven for 2½ hours. Remove the foil and remove about 2/3rds of the cooking liquid. Discard the liquid. Bake the ribs uncovered for 30 minutes more, or until the meat is tender and browned. Serve the ribs with remaining warm sauce.

Secret Sauce

3 parts low fat mayonnaise

1 part low sodium soy sauce, or more to taste

Stir together and serve with any veggie that your kids (or spouse) won’t eat all by itself.