OK, listen up! You’re in a hurry. Company’s coming. Your menu is set except for dessert. And time is of the essence. FIX THIS DESSERT! So very easy to prepare and absolutely delicious.
I found this recipe on the Kroger.com site. I thought a bourbon caramel bar-cookie would be the perfect way to say thanks to the board of our homeowner’s association, who were meeting at our home. A simple way to acknowledge all their generous time devoted to keeping our community in good working order. (If you have ever served on a homeowner’s board, then you know what a thankless job it is. So, although cookies can’t solve all the hassle HOA board members experience, they can’t hurt either.)
I shan’t bore you with the details of the meeting since I am no longer on the board, and therefore not privy to the subjects being discussed. I just know from experience that there is always a problem or two that causes dissent among community members. And the poor volunteer board members, of which Mr. C is the treasurer of ours, often take the brunt of other community member’s thoughtless rebukes. But whoever said it first must have had HOA’s in mind when he or she coined the phrase – “no good deed goes unpunished”. Because it is absolutely a truism when it comes to HOA boards and their dedicated members. But back to these blondies. (I do get so carried away sometimes! All I can say is thanks for your patience.)
The only change I made to the original recipe was to add more pecans. (I mean really. Can there ever be too many pecans in a dish?)
So, next time you need a quick, easy to prepare, and delicious bar cookie, I suggest you give this recipe a try. However, if you’re contemplating building the cookies for a group of children, you might want to refrain. The taste of bourbon is much too sophisticated for children. Save the bourbon for those who will truly appreciate it’s vanilla, oak, and caramel goodness. Oh, and don’t wait for a special occasion. You simply must taste these little darlings ASAP!
Peace and love to all.
¾ c. (1½ sticks) unsalted butter
1 c. brown sugar
3 T. bourbon
1 T. vanilla
2 lg. eggs
1½ c. unbleached all-purpose flour, fluffed
1 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. fine sea salt
1½ c. toasted pecan pieces
Lightly butter a 9×13-inch pan; set aside.
Melt the butter over medium-low heat in a small pan. Simmer the butter until lightly browned. Remove from heat, pour into a large mixing bowl, and place in your refrigerate for 15 minutes to cool.
When the butter has cooled, whisk in the brown sugar, bourbon, vanilla, and eggs. In a separate bowl, whisk the flour, baking powder, and salt together. Add to the brown butter mixture. Then stir in the toasted pecans. Spread the dough out evenly in the prepared pan. (Or as evenly as possible.) And do not taste the dough. If you do, there won’t be any dough left to bake. Just sayin’!
But if per chance there is dough left, bake the blondies in a pre-heated 375-degree oven for about 16 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Do not overbake! (And no, I didn’t think 16 minutes sounded right either. But it was the perfect amount of time in my oven.)
Remove from oven and allow to cool completely before cutting into squares. Store in an airtight container in your fridge.