It’s hard for me to understand when I read about people opening their front door to find several fresh zucchinis on their porch and find fault. Or making jokes about offloading zucchini in the comics. If this bounty sharing ever happened to me, I’d be so very happy even one time, and darn right ecstatic if it happened several times. Why? Because I love zucchini. And for whatever reason, even though I have tried repeatedly, zucchini does not like our yard. Or me. Or “whatever” I am doing that results in “no zucchini again this year”. And frankly, I am tired of hearing – “anyone can grow zucchini” from well-intentioned people who have no idea how much they are hurting my delicate sensibility.
So, basically what I am saying is this. If you happen to be a neighbor or friend with an overabundance of zucchini, feel free to leave the darlings, large or small, on our front porch any time, night or day. But on to the real reason for this post. How to bake zucchini so that everyone in your family will be pleased to see it on the dinner table for the 5th straight day in a row.
And believe me, I am not unaware that some people find zucchini a bit lame in the flavor department. I get that. I too fell into that category until I discovered how the simple combination of butter, corn meal, seasoned salt, and pepper could turn zucchini into a terrific veggie side dish – Fried Zucchini. (Recipe on this site along with several other zucchini recipes.)
So, this is just one more simple way to turn zucchini (Cucurbita pepo), a summer squash that’s part of the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, into a tasty veggie addition to any dinner. BTW, it’s also known by other names, including courgette, a French word that means squash, and baby marrow, a term used in Great Britain. (Your botany lesson for today.)
Along with being easy to prepare, this recipe calls for baking the squash. And isn’t that nice. Less calories and more time to put the finishing touches on whatever else you happen to be serving. (I love it when I can just stick a dish in the oven and let this fantastic piece of engineering do the hard work.)
We are actually home today. I was wrong in a previous post and the ballet is not today but next Sunday. Hallelujah! It gives me time to write up this post and finish telling you about my latest book – Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt.
Well actually, I am not going to tell you anything more about this brilliantly written book. Except of course to say – read it! It is an endearing and inspiring story. And I must agree with the premise. I have found many critters who are characterized as mentally inferior to humans who show compassion, understanding, empathy, sincerity, and wisdom ever so much better than some members of the human species who appear to have no brain or charitable characteristics at all. Enough said!
But as always, peace and love to all. (Except mosquitos and horse flies!) (I must draw the line somewhere!)
1 med. zucchini, sliced into ¼-inch thick rounds
¼ c. Italian breadcrumbs
¼ c. finely grated Parmesan cheese
¼ c. yellow cornmeal
½ tsp. granulated garlic
pinch seasoned salt
freshly ground black pepper
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a shallow dish (I use an 8-inch cake pan), whisk the breadcrumbs, grated Parmesan cheese, cornmeal, granulated garlic, salt, and pepper together.
Pour a bit of milk into another shallow dish (cake pan).
Place the cut zucchini rounds into the milk, making sure to coat both sides.
Transfer the slices to the crumb mixture and coat both sides.
Place on the prepared pan and bake in a pre-heated 400-degree oven for about 30 minutes or until the zucchini chips are very lightly golden. Serve immediately.
Note: No, baked zucchini is never going to be as crisp as fried zucchini. But it’s still delicious and better for us. Sigh…….