Author Archives: Patti


For last Sundays before concert meal in our home, to be served at exactly 1:15 pm, I prepared these whole wheat rolls and my soon to be published recipe for Savory Overnight Soft Dinner Rolls. Both offerings were well received. And the glorious thing, besides the ease of preparation and wonderful taste of both of these rolls, is that I must make and shape the rolls the day before I plan to serve them. And if you have ever made a full dinner for a large number of people, you know that every dish cannot be made the day of the event. So, every part of every dish that can be made ahead, must be made ahead. So, all I had to do Sunday morning was take the 2 9×13-inch pans out of my fridge, let them sit for about 1½ hours on the counter to come to room temperature (and perhaps rise a bit more), and then throw the pans in the oven. Done deal!

It always amazes me that people question whether I indeed made whatever type of bread I am serving. And I feel a bit bad when I have to admit that bread is just so darn easy to make. And also, so bloody forgiving. With cake, for example, you must measure the ingredients to a gnat’s eyelash. But with bread dough, you can fling just about anything into the mix, and it comes out fine.

So, as with this recipe, I added more butter than originally called for, less sugar, a tablespoon of vital wheat gluten*, and used 2 types of whole wheat flour. And the resulting dinner rolls were soft and delicious. Just enough whole wheat taste to be perfect when spread with soft butter. And as a roll to be eaten with breakfast liberally spread with either jam or honey, there is simply no equal.

So, next time you need a dinner roll that is perfect with just about any dish, give this simple recipe a try. You will not be sorry. Except of course when all the rolls have been eaten.

And as always, peace and love to all. 

1 T. active dry yeast

1¼ c. warm water

¼ c. granulated sugar

6 T. melted butter, cooled to lukewarm

1 lg. egg

1½ tsp. kosher salt, plus more for sprinkling

1 T. vital wheat gluten

2 c. whole wheat flour

1¾ – 2 c. whole wheat pastry flour

veggie oil

1 egg white, beaten

In a large stand mixer fitted with a dough hook, dissolve yeast in warm water. Let sit for 5 minutes, then mix in the sugar, melted butter, egg, and salt.

With your mixer running on low, add the vital wheat gluten and the 2 cups of whole wheat flour and about a 1¾ cups of the whole wheat pastry flour. Increase speed to medium and keep mixing until dough pulls away from sides of bowl and is smooth and elastic.  (If dough seems too sticky, add 1 tablespoon of flour at a time until dough pulls away from the sides of the mixing bowl.)

Add a bit of veggie oil to the bowl, and using your hands and a stiff rubber spatula, form the dough into an evenly greased ball. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and let dough rise in a warm place 1½ to 2 hours or until doubled in size.

Once dough is doubled, punch down and divide into 20 pieces. Shape each portion into a ball and place balls in a buttered 9×13-inch baking pan. Cover pan with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.  

Remove dinner rolls from refrigerator, remove the plastic wrap, cover with a clean tea towel, and let sit on your counter for about 1½ hours. Brush with the beaten egg white and lightly sprinkled with kosher salt just before placing in the oven.

Bake rolls in a pre-heated 375-degree oven for 20-23 minutes or until golden brown. The internal temperature of the rolls when taken with an instant read thermometer should be at least 190-degrees. (And yes, with bread of any sort, I always take the internal temperature before declaring it ready to be removed from the oven!)

* Vital wheat gluten is not technically flour. But rather a flour-like powder that contains nearly all gluten and minimal starch. It is produced by hydrating wheat flour, which activates the gluten protein, and then processed to remove everything except the gluten. Afterwards it is dried and ground back into a powder.

Since vital wheat gluten is a concentrated wheat protein, just a tablespoon or two in your bread dough can improve its texture, elasticity, and create a better crumb and chewiness in the final product. Vital wheat gluten is especially helpful for bread recipes using low-protein flour varieties, such as whole wheat or rye flour. It is also good for breads containing mix-ins like nuts or fruits. Vital wheat gluten helps provide more structure and stability to the final product.


The other evening we went to dinner at a new restaurant here on the island. The Blue Heron Kitchen and Bar. The island being Camano Island. And on Mr. Cs’ plate, along with a perfectly cooked rare steak were 2 1-inch-thick rounds of beautifully browned potato. And I of course, being the potato lover that I am, begged for a bite. And OMG! The potato was crispy on the outside and the inside tasted like the wonderful potato wedges you get when you make pot roast. The potatoes tasted braised. But how in the world were these 2 slices of perfection prepared? And how had the chef gotten them crispy?

Always being the cook who is up for a challenge, I decided to take my chances and see if I could find out how to prepare potatoes at home like the fabulous ones served at the restaurant. And truthfully, I thought this must have been something unique to this restaurant and that I wouldn’t be able to find anything like what I was looking for. Silly me. I’ve always agreed that there is really nothing new under the sun. But to have it blasted at you, in print, is a bit embarrassing. Because where the heck had I been that I didn’t know about melting potatoes? I’d never even heard or read the term. So, I sure didn’t know that that’s what potatoes fixed this way were called. Then to my further chagrin, it had only taken me about 30 seconds to learn the term “melting potatoes” when I searched under “oven baked potato slices”. And then, to heap on even more humiliation, after I learned what I was searching for, there were 6,630,000 recipes from which to choose! I almost went back to bed, pulled the covers over my head, and spent the rest of the day in a fetal position.

For once again it was proven to me how much I really don’t know about food. Even though I consider myself fairly well educated in its preparation. Hah! Think again Patti Carr!

Anyway, I prepared one large russet potato this way the other evening and we both were delighted with the result.

Now, this is not a low calory potato preparation. But more of a treat or tasty way to serve potatoes to guests. Oh, who am I kidding? I’m going to fix potatoes this way every chance I get. And I’m not going to feel guilty. Well, not too guilty!

So, I hope you give this recipe a try. And taste for yourself what all the hoopla is about. And then, let me know what you think. Unless of course you have been enjoying melting potatoes for years. Then I don’t want to hear even a word from you. I already feel embarrassed enough!    

Peace and love to all.

1 lg. russet* or 2 Yukon gold** potatoes 

½ tsp. kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil

2 T. unsalted butter, divided

chicken or veggie broth (see below for an update on the amount of broth to use)

¼ tsp. finely minced fresh rosemary or thyme

1 garlic clove, finely minced

Preheat the oven to 400-degrees.

Peel the potato or potatoes (your choice). (I peel russet potatoes for this dish but not Yukon golds.) Slice just a bit off the ends. (Just so the potato sits squarely in the frying pan.) Cut into 1-inch slices. Season both sides of the potatoes with the kosher salt and pepper.

Heat a cast-iron skillet (or other heavy-duty, ovenproof skillet) over medium heat. Add the oil and 1 tablespoon of the butter. Sear the potatoes on one side until golden brown, about 4 minutes. Flip the potato slices and cook for another couple of minutes. Add enough broth to cover the bottom of the pan. Or if you prefer, enough broth to come up a fourth to a third of the way up the side of the potato slices. Then add the rosemary and garlic to the pan. Cut the remaining tablespoons of butter into small pieces and scatter on top of the potatoes.

Transfer the skillet to a pre-heated 400-degree oven and cook until the potatoes are fork-tender, about 25 minutes. Serve hot out of the pan.

This recipe can easily be doubled, tripled, etc. etc.

*Russet potatoes semi-braise*** up light and fluffy

**Yukon gold potatoes end up creamy and buttery

***A true braise happens when you fry something lightly then add moisture and stew it slowly in a closed container. So, adding liquid but not adding a lid is semi-braising. (At least in my world it is!)


Unfortunately, I failed to take a picture of this dip. I had a few other dishes that I was simultaneously preparing at the time, and somehow this dip escaped being immortalized on camera or by pressing the “take picture” feature on my cell phone. I truly don’t know how this happened. But search as I may, any picture that I might have taken of the beautiful bowl of dip surrounded by crudité that I had lovingly washed, cut, and placed on the platter, is nowhere to be found. And that’s a darn shame too. Because you would have loved the presentation! So, you will just have to envision the dip and crudité as possibly the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. And thank you for that.

Now, about this dip. Easy to make, no fancy ingredients, and absolutely delicious! A perfect appetizer. Because as glorious and rich as most appetizers tend to be, there comes a time when everyone’s taste buds scream for something a little less precious. Like a carrot stick, for example. But even then, a bit of dip could be considered warranted. (To offset the pedestrian flavor of a piece of carrot, or celery, or red pepper or whatever justification your conscience finds acceptable at the time.) (Believe me, I am well aware of this type of “justification” phenomenon!)

Anyway, what I am trying to say is that this dip is fabulous. And such an easy recipe to prepare.

So, next time you have guests for either a simple dinner or a party, serve this as one of your appetizers. And I say one of your appetizers, because unless you are serving an appetizer salad, large shrimp cocktail, or something as substantial as stuffed mushrooms, it is nice to give your guests at least three nibbly choices. And these do not have to be fancy. A small bowl of nuts, a few small chunks of cheese, cornichons, small chunks of hard salami, or a soft cheese like cambozola to spread on artisanal crackers. These are just a few examples of perfect little bits of food that your guests can enjoy while drink requests are being taken and said drinks prepared.

Even if you are serving chili and cornbread for dinner, little bits of “something” before dinner always feel like a treat. Because if your dinners at home are anything like ours, we don’t have appetizers when it’s just the two of us. Dessert either.

But when there are guests for dinner, well that’s a different story. We want our guests to feel like having dinner with us is a treat. Something different than just having dinner at home. So, a few little munchies before sitting down to dine is an easy way to provide a feeling of celebration to the occasion. And isn’t that what we all should be doing – spreading festivity wherever we can.

Peace and love to all.

¾ c. sour cream

¾ c. mayonnaise

2 tsp. dried minced onions

1½ tsp. dried parsley flakes

½ tsp. seasoned salt, or more to taste

freshly ground black pepper

rounded ¼ tsp. granulated garlic

¼ tsp. dried dill

¼ tsp. paprika

2 tsp. fresh lemon juice

Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well to combine. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, but overnight is better. Serve with any of your favorite cut veggies.



When nothing else will do for dinner but soup, that’s exactly what I make. Soup. And the other evening I decided bean soup would be perfect. But ever the one to change things up a bit, I decided to play mad scientist and add a few ingredients that I had never before used in navy bean soup. But thought might be nice additions. So, a bit of tomato paste, paprika, a small amount of oregano, celery salt, and roughly chopped spinach became part of the mix. And truly, why not? Especially spinach. It’s so darn good for us and as I expected, its flavor became totally innocuous when surrounded by all the other hearty flavors participating in the fun. So, what was the result? Well, I’ll just say that the soup was a success. Great flavor, creamy consistency, and absolutely chock full of healthy ingredients.

And easy to prepare. Which of course is one of the main attributes of this, and many other soups. And who doesn’t love a dish where there is no sautéing of veggies or meat before other ingredients can be thrown in the pot? I for one have always appreciated this aspect of bean soups. But if you simply cannot imagine preparing a soup without gently sautéing the mirepoix and garlic before lovingly adding the remaining ingredients to your soup pot, knock yourself out!

So, that’s all there is to say about this soup. It’s delicious and very easy to prepare. And of course, as with many other soups, even better tasting the next day. And since it’s still winter, what could fit the season better than a big old bowl of savory soup for lunch or dinner? Nada my friends, nada.

And as always, peace and love to all.  

1½ c. small navy beans*, sorted and rinsed  

1 smoked ham hock   

1 onion, finely diced

2 carrots, diced

3 stalks celery, plus leaves, diced

¼ c. chopped fresh parsley  

3 garlic cloves, finely minced

1 T. tomato paste

1 tsp. dried oregano

1 tsp. paprika

1 tsp. celery salt

freshly ground black pepper 

4 c. chicken broth  

3 c. water

1 bay leaf

3-4 c. roughly chopped baby spinach

kosher salt, if needed 

Combine all ingredients (except the spinach) in a heavy covered pot. Cook until beans are very tender, about 2 hours. Remove ham hock, let cool, and separate the meat from the bone and fatty tissue. Chop or shred the meat and add it back to the pot. Remove bay leaf, adjust the seasoning, add the spinach and cook for a couple more minutes. Great served with a good, hearty bread or crusty baguette. (I recommend Fast and Easy Dinner Rolls. Recipe on this site.

*For this recipe, beans do not need to be pre-soaked.


Early yesterday afternoon while deciding what to cook for dinner, I decided Savory Navy Bean Soup would be perfect. (Recipe to be published in the near future.) But ever the bread lover, I wanted a quick and easy roll to slather with butter, then dip into my soup. (Decadent and hardly healthy, but none the less, that’s what I wanted.) (And yes, I was stamping my foot at the time. Just like any other spoiled brat.) So, off I went in search of a recipe for a fast and easy roll to complete our meal. And with the most luck I’ve experienced in a long time, I found this recipe on the site.

But frankly, I hesitated before making these rolls because they looked just too darn simple. But because I was in a bit of a time constraint, I decided to dive right in. And I shall forever be grateful that I prepared this recipe. Because these rolls are the bomb.

And for all you bread baking challenged folks out there, this recipe is absolutely perfect for you. No mixer required. No guess work as to exactly how much flour to use. Simple, simple, simple. And absolutely delicious.

So, do not pass GO. Do not collect $200. Just make these rolls and be done with it. And a huge thank you to Jenny Jones for this fantastic recipe. You are a treasure!

Well, that’s it for today. But I want to leave you with this quote from Henri Nouwen. “If there’s any concept worth restoring to its original depth and evocative potential, it is the concept of hospitality.” So, to all you cooks out there who provide your family and guests with good food and good drink, please know that you are making a difference. Because when it comes to feeding your family and friends, nothing should be too good for them. There is simply no better way that I know of to prove in how high a regard you hold your family and friends, than by serving well prepared food in an attractive manner.

Peace and love to all.

2½ c. bread flour, fluffed* (plus more flour for shaping the dough)

1½ tsp. instant or RapidRise yeast

1 tsp. kosher salt

1¼ c. very hot tap water (116 to 125-degrees)  

Combine flour, yeast, and salt in a large bowl. Stir in the water until well combined. (This produces a very loose dough.)

Cover with plastic wrap and let stand at room temperature for 1¼ hour.

Transfer dough to a floured surface and sprinkle with a little flour. Using a dough/bench scraper, fold dough over 10-12 times, adding flour as needed and shape the whole mess into a rough ball.

Using the scraper, cut dough into 8 pieces. With floured hands, shape each into a ball by folding and tucking the dough under itself to produce a smooth surfaced top to the ball. (You may need to dip a bit of the dough into more flour while creating this smooth surfaced ball of dough.)

Place smooth side up on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet and cover with a clean tea towel. Let stand at room temperature for as long as it takes to pre-heat your oven to 450-degrees. (The dough balls will not double in size. Not to worry.)

Bake for 22-23 minutes for a softer roll, or a bit longer for a crispier exterior. Either amount of time will result in a lovely, puffy golden-brown roll.

Remove from oven and let cool a bit before eating. To re-heat, pre-heat the oven to 325-degrees and place the rolls directly on the oven rack for 10-15 minutes.

*Fluffing the flour for this recipe is unusual. When baking most yeast breads, you are given an amount of flour in the recipe, but how much you actually use is at the discretion of the baker. And of course, the look of the dough provided in the instructions. (Soft and elastic, a bit of the dough clinging to the bottom of the mixing bowl, etc.)  

So, if you are not familiar with ”fluffed” flour, this commentary should help you understand the concept. And BTW, for any baked goods (besides most breads), cake, cookies, pie crust, etc., I ALWAYS fluff the flour. ALWAYS!

Flour settles easily, becoming tightly packed inside a bag or jar. In order to make sure you’re not scooping up packed flour (too much flour), you should stir it with a spoon before lifting it with the spoon (kind of shaking it) as you place it into your measuring cup or cups. Then level off the top of the flour even with the rim of the measuring cup.  


I’m sure I have mentioned several times before that I truly love the humble and unassuming zucchini. Because this is, after all, the beginning of my 11th year of terrorizing the internet with my rambling, stream of consciousness style of writing, plus of course my very opinionated thoughts on subjects that have no business being discussed on a cooking site! Anyway, redundant as it may be, I am once again going to unequivocally state that I love zucchini. Fried, baked, spiralized, in bread, you name it. And although I already have a perfectly delightful recipe for Zucchini Pancakes on this site, I can’t help trying other people’s recipes for a dish that is just slightly different.

I found this recipe on the site. (I love this site BTW. You should pay it a visit at your earlies convenience.) Of course, I had to mess with Jenn’s recipe just a tiny bit, because I’m simply contrary by nature. (If my parents were still alive, they would concur wholeheartedly, I’m sure.)

Anyway, I made these fritters the other night for dinner, and boy oh boy were these babies yum. I mean really, who doesn’t like a bit of dill and feta cheese in a dish? And then topped with sour cream? Who in their right mind could resist? Not me, that’s for darn sure!

So, if you too are looking for a simple veggie side dish that packs a lot of flavor, this is the recipe for you. I’d provide you with the name of the dish I served with these fritters, but frankly I can’t remember anything about the meal except these tasty treats. The fritters were just that amazing.

Well, it’s Sunday. It’s gloomy outside, but warm and cozy inside. Mr. C. has a rehearsal this afternoon, so I might actually get around to posting 2 recipes today. Because I am so excited to share my latest treasure with you all – Fast and Easy Dinner Rolls. And when I say fast (about 2 hours) and easy (no stand mixer or kneading required), I mean it. Plus, only 4 ingredients required to produce these delectable rolls.

But I must warn you, starting tomorrow I will be up to my eyeballs in getting a meal prepped and prepared for our next JazzVox home concert. This will be the 105th home concert we have hosted, and including Andy and me, there will be 39 people to feed. So, each day I will be stirring, blending, whisking, baking, hacking and slashing veggies, etc. etc. So, if no new posts appear for a week, not to worry. I am fine. Or as fine as any 78-year-old home cook can be when faced with feeding a small army at precisely 1:15 pm on a Sunday afternoon!

(For grins and giggles if you would like to see the menu for next Sunday, proceed to the bottom of this post. Keep in mind, not everyone will be sitting at a table, so no food can be served that requires a knife. And there will be people who are vegetarian to consider. So, in other words, something for everyone!)

And as always, to each and every one of you, peace and love.  

10-12 oz. zucchini (after you cut off the ends)

½ tsp. salt

1 lg. egg

1 green onion, minced

1 scant tsp. dried dill

¼ c. crumbled feta cheese

1 sm. garlic clove, finely minced 

freshly ground black pepper

2 T. all-purpose flour (or cornstarch)

¼ tsp. baking powder

2 T. extra virgin olive oil, plus more if necessary

sour cream, for serving

Grate the zucchini using the large holes on your box grater or the shredding disk with your food processor. Transfer the zucchini to a fine mesh strainer and set it over a bowl. Stir the salt into the zucchini and let it sit for 10 minutes. (Don’t rinse the zucchini.) Wring as much of the excess liquid out of the zucchini as you can with your hands. Then squeeze between paper towels to extract as much residual water as possible. (You should end up with about 1 cup of fairly dry shredded zucchini.)      

Beat the egg in a mixing bowl. Mix in the zucchini, green onion, dill, feta, garlic, and black pepper. Sprinkle the flour (or corn starch) and baking powder over mixture and stir until well blended.

Heat the olive oil in a very large non-stick skillet over medium heat. Using a #30 (2-tablespoon, teal blue handle) ice cream scoop, drop portions into the pan. Then gently press the batter into 2-inch-wide fritters with a spoon or small spatula.

Pan-fry until golden brown on both sides, 2-3 minutes per side. Transfer the fritters to a paper towel-lined plate. Add a bit more oil to the skillet if necessary, then repeat with any remaining batter.

Serve warm or at room temperature. Pass the sour cream.

The menu for our next JazzVox home concert:

Cheddar Pecan Crackers (to munch on while searching for a glass of wine)

Old Fashioned Meatloaf

Veggie Macaroni Salad

Salade de Carottes Râpées (French Grated Carrot Salad)

Romaine Salad Dressed in Asian Vinaigrette

Bread and Butter Pickles

Overnight Soft Herb Rolls

Overnight Whole Wheat Dinner Rolls

Apple Cake with Spiced and Spiked Cream Cheese Frosting

For more information about these amazing in-home concerts, visit


As I indicated in one of my previous posts, I am on a mission to serve seafood at least once a week. And having already made a dish with the frozen shrimp that I almost always have on hand, I was left with only one option. Canned tuna fish. Which BTW, we both love. We try not to eat it too often although it is rich in protein and contains many vitamins and minerals such as B-Complex vitamins, Vitamins A and D as well as iron, selenium and phosphorus. Tuna also contains healthy omega 3 essential fatty acids DHA and EPA. But tuna, even though it is very nutritious, is also high in mercury compared to most other fish. So, we confine ourselves to only eating tuna once in a while.  

But since we are currently confined to quarters because of illness, going to the grocery store is out of the question. So, canned tuna it is! But then, what to make with a can of tuna that will be delicious, different, and of course a culinary challenge. (Because after all, I’ve got to experience some stimulation while I’m being sequestered. And coming up with new recipes has always lifted my spirits.)

So, why not one of the all-time comfort foods – pot pie? But of course! Tuna pot pie. (Why hadn’t I thought to make one before?) So, modifying Diana Ratray’s Tuna Potpie recipe for the filling as a starting point, I came up with this recipe.

And of course, I wouldn’t be passing this recipe on to you if we both hadn’t very much enjoyed our individual pot pies last evening. As often happens, we discussed the pot pies this morning over breakfast. I made a few tweaks to the recipe based on our conversation, but nothing of real significance.    

So, I hope you enjoy this recipe. The pot pies were fun to make, and really didn’t take nearly as much time as I thought they would. Not even the crust. I’ve said it before but will gladly repeat myself. Good tools in the kitchen are a must. And food processors are unequivocally one of best tools to help weary cooks. (And those of us who are getting a little older and need a bit of extra help when it comes to shredding, hacking, slashing, kneading, dicing, grinding, and blending.) So, making the pie crust in my food processor was a snap. Along with my KitchenAid stand mixer and my small (.75 qt.) Waring Pro Prep commercial chopper grinder, I can still accomplish almost any required task.

But, for how much longer I can continue to lift my Le Creuset pots? That’s another story!

Peace and love to all.  

For the Filling:

¼ c. (½ stick) unsalted butter

½ c. chopped onion

1 med. carrot, finely diced

½ c. diced celery (including the leaves)

2 garlic cloves, finely minced

2 tsp. chopped fresh parsley

⅓ c. unbleached all-purpose flour

1 tsp. seasoned salt

freshly ground black pepper

¼ tsp. paprika

pinch dried thyme

2 c. whole milk

1 (6 to 7-oz.) can water packed Albacore tuna, drained and flaked

1½ c. frozen uncooked petite peas (or other veggies of choice)  

1½ c. grated sharp cheddar cheese

pie pastry (see recipe below)

Part 1 – Filling  

Melt the butter in a large saucepan. Add the onion, carrot, and celery. Sauté over medium-low heat until the onion is tender. Add the garlic and parsley; cook for 1 minute.

Stir in the flour, seasoned salt, pepper, paprika, and thyme.  

Gradually add the milk, stirring constantly. Cook until the mixture starts to bubble and gets thick. Remove from heat and stir in the tuna, peas, and cheese. Taste, and add more salt and seasoning if necessary.

Fill 3 (5-inch wide and 2½-inch deep) Corning Ware French White casserole dishes with the tuna mixture. Or use whatever oven proof containers you have.

Part 2 – Crust

Make the crust as directed below.

Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Divide dough into thirds. Roll out each piece of dough into about a 6½ -inch circle or circles about 1½-inches wider than the top of the baking dishes you will be using. (This will allow dough to hang over the sides of the baking dish).

Place the pie crusts on top of the filled dishes and cut at least 4 slits in the pastry. (Make sure the slits go completely through the pastry allowing steam to escape.) Crimp the edges of the crusts to make the pies pretty. Place the baking dishes on a baking sheet. (In case any of the filling manages to escape!)  

Bake the potpies in a preheated 425-degree oven for 35 to 40 minutes or until the filling bubbles and the crust edges turn golden. (If you take a look at the pot pies about 20 minutes into the baking time and find that the crimped edges are getting too dark, cover them with thin strips of aluminum foil for the last part of the baking.) (I didn’t check when I baked mine, but I certainly will next time!)

For the Crust:

1¼ c. unbleached all-purpose flour, fluffed

½ tsp. kosher salt

½ c. (1 stick) cold unsalted butter, diced

2-4 tablespoons ice water (I used 3 tablespoons)

Combine the flour and salt in your food processor. Pulse once to mix. Add the butter and process until it resembles coarse crumbs. Add 2 tablespoons of water and pulse the mixture for a few seconds. If you find your mixture is too dry, you can add more water, one teaspoon at a time. Proceed to Part 2 – Crust above. 


OK, I usually provide you with new and brilliant recipes with which to tantalize your own taste buds or those of your family and friends. This is not one of those recipes. This is a pedestrian recipe for those of you who need a side dish that is quick and easy to prepare. But don’t get me wrong. Brown basmati rice prepared this way is very tasty. It’s just not destined to be the star of the show. That dubious honor should go (for example) to a perfectly cooked piece of chicken or slices of pork tenderloin served with a lovely creamy sauce, or a firm but flaky piece of halibut served with a delightful aioli.

In theatrical and literary terms, this recipe represents the deuteragonist (secondary character) who still plays a big part in the story but supports the protagonist (main character). But then, we still need a supporting character, because half of your dinner plate should be filled with a non-starchy veggie, such as leafy greens, broccoli, or green beans. Of course, nutritionists would have us throw a bit of fruit onto our dinner plates too. But frankly, that just doesn’t happen at Chez Carr. We eat fruit with breakfast almost every day. But almost never at dinner. But I digress…

Anyway, by now you’ve surely gotten the gist of what needs to be said about this recipe. Rice prepared this way makes for a lovely side dish. But a side dish it shall ever remain.

Well, that’s it for now. We have been sequestered at home now for a week due to illness. But we are both beginning to see that the end of our confinement is in sight. But I have to say, it hasn’t been too bad. We got kind of used to staying home during the pandemic. And it has given Mr. C. plenty of time to play the piano and read. And for me to spend a good deal of my day with a book. When I could force myself to break away from researching new recipes, that is! So, all in all, not something I wish to experience again. But as prisons go, our home is perfectly set up for required captivity.

So, stay healthy everyone. And as always, peace and love to all.

1 c. brown basmati rice, washed and drained

2 c. chicken, beef, or veggie stock

½ tsp. granulated garlic

½ tsp. granulated onion

½ tsp. paprika

¼ tsp. dried thyme

2 tsp. fresh or dried parsley

½ tsp. kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

2 T. unsalted butter

Place all the ingredients except the butter in your rice cooker using the brown rice option. When the rice is done, stir in the butter.


This is a lighter version of my previously posted recipes for Pasta with Arrabiata Sauce and Spaghetti in a Spicy Arrabbiata (Angry) Sauce. Both recipes are wonderful and vegetarian, if that is a necessity in your world. But both include a bit of brown sugar. This recipe, although very similar, is just enough different to be interesting. No use of sugar, but with the addition of 4 anchovy fillets. Which of course, disqualifies todays recipe from being a vegetarian dish.

Now, if you happen to be the kind of person who simply must have meat with every meal, or are married to one, then I’ve also got you covered. Take a gander at my recipe for Italian Meatballs in Arrabiata Sauce.       

Whichever recipe you choose, you absolutely cannot go wrong fixing this delicious and easy to prepare pasta dish. It packs just a world of flavor in a short amount of preparation time. (No simmering the sauce for hours, for example.)

So, if you are a pasta lover like Mr. C. and me, you should jump on the “Arrabbiata bandwagon”. Quick and easy to prepare, containing ingredients that are available at most grocery stores, and absolutely delicious. What’s not to like?

And for all you English majors or folks who speak fluent Italian, I’m sure the age-old question “two Bs or not two Bs” came to mind. So, to set your mind at rest, arrabbiata can be spelled two different ways. Thus, you will find my recipes for this dish spelled both ways. The spelling on the menu in the cafe in Bernalda, Italy where we first discovered this culinary delight contained only one “B”. But after further research into the making of this amazing dish, I learned that it is more common for there to be two “Bs”. (Must be a regional thing.)

But believe me, either way you spell the name of this classic Italian pasta dish, it will make no difference to how much enjoyment you will experience with your very first bite. And every bite thereafter.

Well, that’s it for today. The sun is shining, or at least it is for the moment. Mr. C. is practicing a Bach classic. Miles is asleep in the cat bed on Andy’s desk. Max is holding down the mattress on our bed. And since it’s lunch time, I’m going to go hot up some of the yummy chili that our dear friends Jim and Margo gifted to us. We are both still feeling under the weather. So, a lovely hot bowl of chili is exactly what the doctor ordered. Or at least any doctor worth his or her salt would I’m sure highly recommend.

Peace and love to all.  

1 T. extra virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling

1½ c. chopped yellow onion

3 garlic cloves, finely minced 

¼ – ½ tsp. crushed red pepper flakes

pinch sea salt

freshly ground black pepper  

4 anchovy fillets

2 T. tomato paste

½ c. vegetable broth

1 (14.5-oz.) can crushed tomatoes (preferably Italian)

1 T. chopped fresh basil, plus more for garnish

1 T. chopped fresh parsley

6 oz. spaghetti, cooked al dente (save some of the cooking water)

freshly grated pecorino-Romano cheese (Parmesan in a pinch)

Heat the olive oil in a medium-sized saucepan. Add the onion and sauté until the onion pieces are translucent. Add the garlic, crushed red pepper flakes, salt, black pepper, and anchovies to the saucepan. Stir everything together and let it all simmer for another minute or until the garlic is fragrant.

Add the tomato paste and vegetable broth; stir and bring to a simmer. Add the crushed tomatoes, fresh basil, and fresh parsley.

Bring the sauce to a simmer and let it burble on low for about 10 minutes. Taste the sauce and adjust seasoning.

Stir in the al dente spaghetti. If the sauce is too thick, add a bit of the pasta cooking water.  

Serve immediately with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a garnish of fresh basil. Pass the pecorino-Romano at the table.


OK, I already have several recipes for oatmeal cookies on my blog including gluten free and a healthier version using monk fruit sweetener. Plus, a number of recipes that feature everything from chocolate chips, dried apples, to toasted coconut. But I had yet to make a simple, chewy oatmeal raisin walnut cookie including 3 of my favorite aromatic spices, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger.

So, when our good friend Todd explained to Andy that oatmeal cookies had healing qualities, I jumped at the chance to build Mr. C. a batch of these cookies along with a big old pot of chicken soup with dumplings when a few days ago he tested positive for Covid. (It had to happen sooner or later since we don’t live in a bubble.) (And yes, we are both fully vaccinated and take reasonable precautions against contracting the disease. But still it can happen and did. To both of us.)

Now, some might argue that oatmeal cookies do not actually help in restoring a person to good health. But surely no one can reason that eating a truly great oatmeal cookie doesn’t contribute to a person’s sense of well-being. At least anyone who has had the distinct pleasure of munching on a homemade oatmeal cookie straight out of the oven. And Mr. C. never got terribly sick. So, I will always believe that these cookies helped considerably in his speedy return to robust good health.

But please don’t think that you must wait for an illness to bake these cookies for yourself or your loved ones. You can simply think of them as preventive medicine!

But regardless of how you categorize these delectable treats, I suggest you make them at your earlies opportunity. They are truly lovely cookies and very easy to make.

Peace, love, and good health to all.   

1 c. (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temp.

1 c. brown sugar, packed

⅓ c. granulated sugar

2 lg. eggs

1 T. vanilla extract

1½ c. unbleached all-purpose flour, fluffed

¾ tsp. fine grain sea salt

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

¼ tsp. ground nutmeg

¼ tsp. ground ginger

3 c. rolled oats (not instant)

2/3 c. golden raisins (if large, cut into smaller pieces)

2/3 c. chopped walnuts

Beat the butter in the bowl of your stand mixer until creamy. Add the brown and granulated sugars, then beat until fluffy, about 2 minutes. Beat in eggs until fully incorporated. Then, beat in the vanilla extract.

In a separate bowl, whisk the flour, salt, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger together. Then stir in the oats. Add the flour mixture into the butter mixture until well combined. Then stir in the raisins and walnuts.

Using a #40 (1½ tablespoons, orchid tipped handle) ice cream scoop, drop balls of dough close together on a parchment paper lined baking sheet that can fir in your refrigerator. Refrigerate the dough balls for at least 2 hours. (But overnight is even better.)

When ready to bake, place the cold dough balls on parchment paper lined baking sheets 2-inches apart.

Bake in a pre-heated 350-degree oven until cookie edges turn a light golden brown, about 13-15 minutes. Centers will still be a bit soft, but they will firm up as the cookies cool. Leave on baking pan for about 3 minutes before transferring to finish cooling completely on a wire rack before storing in an airtight container at room temperature.