Now I realize you all know how to roast potatoes. But the other evening I wanted a simple veggie side dish to go with roasted chicken. (I really would have preferred serving the chicken with dressing, mashed potatoes, and gravy. But I am endeavoring to refrain from routinely serving our treasured favorites, like dressing and gravy, in favor of healthier substitutes.)  

So armed with good intentions and 2 Yukon gold potatoes that really needed to be used, and two small sweet potatoes that had arrived in our last farm basket, I prepared this dish.

I found the recipe on the epicurious site. And since I have a culinary sage bush in my yard about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle, I decided using a few of the leaves was inconsequential to the well-being of the plant. (Actually the plant is practically indestructible and bees absolutely love the purple flowers. So it’s a great addition to our herb garden.) But back to this recipe.

What a delightful way to feature potatoes. And healthy to boot! And the sage leaves, although they really don’t flavor the potatoes, are never-the-less a nice little crunch in contrast to the creaminess of the potatoes. And no the sage leaves do not taste burned, even though they appear dark and desiccated. Actually, yum is all I can say to describe this dish. And it is ever so easy to prepare. And absolutely perfect with roast chicken. I added a crunchy English cucumber salad to the menu, and dinner was proclaimed a success.

So if you too are trying to feature healthier versions of your favorite potato dishes, I invite you to try this recipe. Mixing sweet potatoes which are highly nutritious, in with regular potatoes, just makes good sense from every standpoint.

As always – happy trails to you, until we meet again……  

2 T. extra virgin olive oil

2 sweet potatoes (the darker the flesh the better), peeled and cut into ¾-inch cubes

2 med. sized Yukon gold potatoes, skins on or off, and cut into ¾-inch cubes  

25-30 fresh sage leaves

1 tsp. kosher salt, or more as seems appropriate

freshly ground black pepper

Combine the olive oil, potatoes, and sage leaves on a large rimmed baking sheet. Sprinkle with the salt and plenty of black pepper.

Roast in a pre-heated 425 degree oven for 30-40 minutes or until potatoes are tender and browned around edges. Stir once during the baking time. Serve warm or at room temperature.

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