Part 2 – Paradise RV Park, Parksville, Vancouver Island

Thursday, September 12, 2024 – Paradise RV Park, Parksville, Vancouver Island – site 9

After an easy hitch-up, we were on our way to our next destination at 10 minutes after 11:00 am. After being stopped for road construction, we still arrived at the Vesuvius ferry terminal at about 11:30 am. We were directed to the center line and told we would definitely make the next crossing. (Always good news.)  

Andy went for coffee while I rolled down my window and dove into my current book – Eight Perfect Murders by Peter Swanson. And wow, what a story. I’ve decided that from now on, I am going to include in my recipe prefaces and on my travel logs, what book I am currently reading. I love “who done it” books, but I also like to read a smattering of classics. So, I figured everyone needs book recommendations periodically, especially ones that someone else has found entertaining. But back to sitting in line at the ferry dock. There are actually six ways to get off Salt Spring Island. By air, by private boat, swimming (not recommended), and one of three ferry options. We chose the Vesuvius to Crofton option because it got us closer to our destination – Parksville.

Look at that sky as we crossed from Salt Spring Island to Vancouver Island.

The other options that we could have taken – Ganges (Long Harbor) to Swartz Bay on Vancouver Island or Fulford Bay to Swartz Bay. So, after a delightful 20-minute ride, we were driving north on Vancouver Island to Parksville.

Upon arrival we went to check in and found that the reservation I had made months before had not been described to me accurately. Our original reserved site, number 3, was a site that backed into woods, even though it was described as an ocean view site. Although in all fairness, if the trees hadn’t been there, we could have seen the ocean. But being the pain in the ass that I am, I told the nice young man that I wanted a site that bloody well had an OCEAN VIEW! Because that was what I had reserved and what was plainly stated on my confirmation sheet. As it turned out, site number 9 for motor homes was available. We took it!

I tried to explain to the young man at the reservation desk that we would be going into site number 3 for just a few minutes before heading to number 9 because we needed to dump both our grey water and black water holding tanks. But the poor guy had no idea what I was talking about when I mentioned grey and black water. He just kept insisting that we go straight to site number 9. Of course, he was extremely busy the whole time we were talking because this RV park also offers bumper boats and miniature golf to not only the campers but everyone up and down the Discovery Coast. And the place was packed with people needing his attention. He never understood my reasoning. I tried several times to explain that the hook up for motor homes was on the opposite side from trailers. Motor homes just pull straight into a site, so the power etc. in on the left side as seen from the road. But with trailers, we back them into a site so the power etc. is on the right when you look at the site from the road. He is probably still trying to figure it out! For all I know, he may still be wondering what a hook-up is! So, to spell it out for those of you who are unfamiliar with what I am talking about, allow me to explain what we did.  

We first pulled into our new site truck first. We then dumped our black and grey water, then Andy backed out of the site. Then he drove out of the RV area, went into a large parking lot and turned around, and came back to the site from the opposite direction.  He then backed our trailer with its lovely big back window up against the sea. We knew there would not be any problem hooking up the water and electricity because we have plenty of length on both our water hose and electric line. And that there was no problem not being hooked up for 4 nights to the septic system. We would simply dump when we got to our next campground.

Our view from the trailer’s back window.

Once we were parked and I had stripped myself off the ceiling, it was time for me to make us a late lunch. Then it was plunk down in our comfy camp chairs outside and read until it was time to make dinner. Then read some more until it was time for an early-to-bed, at least for me. First day in “Paradise”. And just so you know, 2 other trailers did just the same thing we did. They decided that for at least this trip, they too were driving motor homes.

Friday, September 13, 2024 – Paradise RV Park

Slept long and hard. Woke to clouds and the promise of rain. And through our back window, I quickly perceived that the bay water was gone.

OK, the water wasn’t all gone. But there was enough gone for me to wonder if someone had inadvertently pulled the plug!  I also quickly realized that Andy was also missing. But even without my glasses, I could see someone that walked just like him way out on the sandy flats.

Out on the mud flats looking back at the shore and our parked trailer.

Bonfire out on the flats just waiting to be lit.

Closer in view of the shore with the back of our trailer smack dab in the middle again.

Andy got back to the trailer after a few minutes and eventually the water must have missed the shore, because it eventually came back too.

During breakfast, the heavens opened, and it began to rain in earnest. But never to be denied a bit of fun each day, we decided rain be damned, we needed an adventure.

While we were driving from Crofton (the ferry landing on Vancouver Island) north to Parksville, we quickly realized that we were in vacation country. RV parks, motels, hotels, restaurants, galleries, cute little boutique shops, museums, and every possible type of tourist trap you could imagine, were still in full tourist mode. So, our first few visits today were to the RV parks in the vicinity. We decided they each had some interesting qualities, but we would be content with where we were currently parked.    

Then up the coast as far as Qualicum Beach before we headed back to camp for lunch and for me to write and Andy to read. And yes, it rained the entire time we were driving.

We had decided that we would go out for dinner that night. So, when we returned to camp after our ride, I did some research. What I learned was that the Bayshore Restaurant and Lounge in The Bayside Oceanfront Resort, which just happened to be right next door to our RV park, had a first-class menu and very good reviews. So, I made a reservation, and we were seated within 5 minutes of locking our trailer door.

The food was marvelous, and our table was right next to the window looking out on the water. So, we had a lovely evening.

Then back to our home away from home for me to finish my book and start a new one. More to come about my new read. But that can wait until what seemed like a long overdue assignation with my pillow.

Saturday, September 14, 2024 – Paradise RV Park

After a good night’s sleep, I awoke to clouds with a bit of sunshine peeking through. The sun really wanted to present itself more, but the clouds would have nothing to do with sharing the sky. But eventually around 11:00 am, the sun took over for a few hours. There were still clouds here and there, but it was warm enough to shed some layers and go for a ride.

Andy thought he remembered going to a Provincial Park in this area when he was a boy. So, we decided to take a ride and see if going through the camping area of the park he had in mind brought back any memories. The park, Englishman River Falls, is right next to the Englishman River (duh), and he thought those sites looked familiar. So, that was fun.

Then we just followed a few roads that looked interesting until we decided to stop at a BC Liquor store for a bit of provisioning and then up to Qualicum Beach for fish and chips.

Earlier in our trailer trips, the only time we would eat out was for lunch if we were on our way to a new destination. But since I’ve gotten older, I appreciate not cooking three meals a day. So, every two days or so, we have one of our daily meals out. And that suits me just fine. Sometimes it’s not possible to dine out because we are so far from civilization with decent cafés or restaurants, that it seems silly to eat mediocre food when I can jolly well cook something tastier in the trailer. And of course, that’s just what I do. But, when the opportunity presents itself, I enjoy the heck out of someone cooking for me.

After our mid-afternoon lunch, we came back to camp to sit in the sun and read. Well, that didn’t last long. There was a cold breeze coming off the water and we soon sequestered ourselves in our cozy trailer.

But sure enough, the wind died down and the sun came out, so off to the 36-hole mini golf course we proceeded. I came in two strokes ahead on the first 18. On the second 18, I completely lost it, and Andy stopped taking score. (He knows where his bread is buttered!) Anyway, we had a great time and made it back to our trailer just in time for the rain to start. You would think we were still in the Pacific Northwest. But I suppose the Canadians refer to this as the Pacific Southwest. But basically, it’s all the same regardless of what it might call itself! Note to self: Ask a local if we are currently in the Pacific Southwest. That only makes sense. But then, when does anything that makes sense happen?

Since it was almost 6:00 pm, and I had no idea where I was, cocktails were in order.

With martini in hand, I wrote up todays adventures and now must stop writing and cook dinner. Meatloaf (made at home before we left) and corn on the cob we purchased on Salt Spring Island.

After dinner it was a rousing few games of Bend Dominoes. Then we read our books until all the letters started to blur. And finally, we took those 8 arduous steps to find ourselves nestled in our snug queen-sized bed, while visions of adventures danced in our heads. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024 – Paradise RV Park

Just another day in Paradise. After a late breakfast, we decided to head back to Nanaimo and take a short ferry ride to Gabriola Island. (“Gabe” to the residents and locals.)

Our mighty Toyota Tundra out for another ferry ride.

BTW, Gabriola Island is the furthest northern island in the Gulf Islands which is part of the Gulf Islands/San Juan Islands archipelago. (Called the Gulf Archipelago.)

The tip of Lopez Island being at the southernmost point. But back to Gabriola Island.   

Had a bit of difficulty finding the ferry dock in Nanaimo, but once there and ticket purchased, we were soon on our way on yet another BC ferry. And I must say, (sorry Suzie), that BC ferries have got the whole “ferry thing” down pat. From the ticket booth person to the crew that gets us on the boat, to the people that direct us off the boat, we were in very respectful, capable hands. The signage however, to direct us to the boat and what to do when we actually found the terminal, sucked! Big time! You practically had to have been born in the area to understand just exactly what they wanted you to do, and when they wanted you to do it! (And yes, BC folks, riding a ferry is not our first rodeo (so to speak). But a little signage would have been ever so helpful. So, ferry folks – thanks for being so wonderful. Ferry officials who sit in glass towers and feel no directions are necessary because “everyone” already knows how to find these hidden terminals, may the bird of paradise fly up your corporate noses!) (OK, I feel better now. Thanks for listening.)

But once on the island, we were enchanted. Very rural feel, with lots of beautiful homes and wooded areas. Just a few cleared fields. But on those cleared areas cows, horses, sheep, and at least one lama.

Then to the only shopping area we found on the island for a quick sandwich purchase, and back to line up for the next ferry back to Vancouver Island.

BTW – This ferry did not run on a schedule. When the boat gets full (or almost full), they head for the opposite shore. There are two boats which can each accommodate approximately 47 cars. The crossing takes about 20 minutes. So, at either end we didn’t have to wait at all.

Then a bit of grocery shopping in Parksville before returning to camp. The sun was shining, so before dinner we sat in our comfy camping chairs and read until it was time for me to start dinner. A beautiful way to spend a lazy late summer day.

I love it here. The people are friendly and between the water and the mountains it feels just like home. And what can be finer than that!

End of part two. Three more to come.    

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