I’m not known for keeping my opinions to myself. You should be quite aware of this if you are in the habit of reading my blog. There just doesn’t seem to be any way for me to keep my innermost, private, terribly biased, and probably offensive to some, thoughts inside my head where they belong. So, here goes another blast from me that shouldn’t be said, or in this case written down for everyone and their grandmother to read! But I’m going to say it anyway! “In my opinion, those who loudly proclaim that they hate lamb but have never even tasted said critter, should be made to ride the “It’s a small world” Disneyland ride for 10 hours straight!” (And no real offense to whomever is running the show for the Disney corporation now. But whoever you are, I’d be willing to bet you couldn’t stand this ride for 10 hours straight, even if they doubled your yearly salary!) (I rode it once when I went to Disneyland with daughter Paula and kids. Once! And even then, I was almost screaming by the time the poor ride attendant “helped” me to the exit.) So, that’s how strongly I feel about the subject of lamb! And I stand behind my comment!
Now, for those who have tasted lamb, but don’t like the slightly gamey taste, that’s a different story. But just to arbitrarily decide that lamb is icky before even giving it a chance, well that’s just not right! I mean it’s not sea urchin or parsnips for goodness sake!
OK, I feel better now. And I know I am preaching to the choir about the marvels of lamb because you wouldn’t be reading this post if you weren’t interested in preparing a ground lamb dish. Of course, you could be just reading this post to find out what I felt compelled to rant, advise, or sweet talk you into today! Either way, I feel I have adequately fulfilled my responsibility for every type of reader.
But, if it’s a great recipe for ground lamb you are after, this recipe should make you happy. One thing you should know. I compiled this group of ingredients based on ease of preparation. I plan to serve these patties while traveling in our trailer. Because dried seasonings and herbs are much easier to use when I am trying to fix dinner in an area roughly the size of a linen closet. Without the shelves, of course! (Not complaining here, because I love our trailer. But too much of my hacking and slashing can become hazardous to Mr. C. as he tries to navigate his way past me from the dining/reading/game playing area of the trailer to the bathroom or the bedroom area. (And I hope you realize that I am delineating both “bathroom” and “bedroom” very loosely in this context.)
So, for trailering, it’s mostly dried herbs and spices all the way. But you will find that I have also listed fresh equivalents, which I too will be using when I have the luxury of a larger “kitchen” in which to prepare these lamb patties.
As always, keep having fun. Laugh at yourself when it’s appropriate. And find the joy in everything you do. Peace and love to all.
1 lb. ground lamb
2 tsp. Montreal Seasoning
1½ tsp. granulated garlic or 1 large garlic clove, finely minced
½ tsp. dried rosemary, crushed or 1 tsp. finely chopped fresh rosemary
¼ tsp. granulated onion or 2 tablespoons finely minced fresh onion
¼ tsp. dried thyme or ½ teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
Mix all together and form into 3 patties. Grill or pan fry in a bit of extra virgin olive oil. Great served with Hummus or Tzatziki. (Or both!)